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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 5 - Sundays on HBO

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Yeah... Still don't like where they've taken Sansa and putting her in Jeyne's place. Get away from Joffrey just to get stuck with Joffrey 2.0. Don't mind Tyrion already being with Dany, a lot of bullshit cut out isn't a bad thing. Eye rolled hard on Gilly being assaulted, but hey there's Ghost. I don't like Mellisandre, Shireen and Selyse being with Stannis, especially the latter two because that's just nonsense but nice for him to tell Mel to fuck off finally. The King's Landing stuff was good. Can't believe we're already down to three episodes.

Oh and yeah, the aging up thing starting with Tommen last season has gotten kinda sorta dumb, like I get why but at the same time, it's soap opera level foolishness... I still find it funny that they aged up Myrcella yet at the same time recast her with an actress younger than her original one.

This episode was fucking great.

Also, I feel really bad that I googled the Tyene actress and all I got were pics of her as a kid. How old is she?!
Damn Tyene.

She was 18 when they filmed... And yeah... Umm, wow.


In fairness, when we return to Bran he can have a deeper voice. He's an Ent now.

They're clearly saving that for Ghost x Nymeria.

Oh god, Jon and Arya are going to have sex by proxy aren't they?

"I dreamed I was in Ghost making love to a she-wolf".
"I dreamed I was Nymeria and a handsome white wolf was mounting me".



Bitches love smiley faces
Just caught the last episode. Eh... it was okay. (At this point, I guess I have to face the fact that the novelty of having a Game of Thrones show has worn off as I've been pretty ambivalent about most of it for a season and a half.)

Aging Tommen up was a mistake. Things would make more sense and move smoother if he was just a kid.

Having Ghost show up to save Sam's ass, eh... I thought they were going to do a twist and have Alliser save him because without Aemon AND Sam they'd be up shit's creek. I guess having Ghost with Jon would be too much.

On the up side, I liked the scene between Littlefinger and Olenna.


While I enjoyed Tyene's scene for two obvious reasons... What the hell was the point?

Hey we fought and I purposefully cut you and poisoned you.

But if you tell me I'm beautiful I'll give you this convenient antidote...?

Is it supposed to show a character flaw with her where affirmation from strangers is her 'thing'? Her sisters were rolling their eyes like 'here we go again'.

If they die this season or next I assume this vanity will be her downfall, it's the only reason this scene could possibly exist (except for gratuitous boobage)


While I enjoyed Tyene's scene for two obvious reasons... What the hell was the point?

Hey we fought and I purposefully cut you and poisoned you.

But if you tell me I'm beautiful I'll give you this convenient antidote...?

Is it supposed to show a character flaw with her where affirmation from strangers is her 'thing'? Her sisters were rolling their eyes like 'here we go again'.

If they die this season or next I assume this vanity will be her downfall, it's the only reason this scene could possibly exist (except for gratuitous boobage)

It was supposed to show that the sand snakes are the good guys, despite the fact that they fought with Jaime and Bronn.

Unfortunately the ship of likeability has long sailed.


That beating on Sam was brutal, I got a headache just watching that.

Was a little disappointed with the wolf scene, but that was expected I guess... I don't suppose that's an animal you can train to "pretend kill" someone. Still, the dogs were better.

Not what I heard.

someone has already said that they meet up about 3/4 of the way through Winds. Not sure who.

Ah, yeah... I remember that now. I think it was from GRRM himself.


I'm reading through this :


And it seems most of the adaptations are good. They had to streamline.
To the book readers, do you have a scene you regret not appearing in the TV show?

I'm guessing you're a pure show watcher?

I just browsed through that list and it's kind of pointless, you can't really do an episode by episode counting of what's different as whole plotlines have changed. For instance, Jaimie and Bronn adventuring in Dorne that's a completely new plot that could drastically change things. Jon going to Hardhome is also something very interesting. Melisandre being with Stannis is another drastic change. And so on and on.

I think the plotline that we are all missing and hoping my still reappear is the Greyjoy plot. Oh and Loras not being a gay caricature.


They could pull a LOTR and give the dialogue to Jorah or Tyrion.

GRRM hasn't pulled out of Season 6 has he? I think he has, but then again I've heard otherwise. If so, he'll want this piece of self-flogging to be there.

No she's not. Tyene and Sansa don't exist. It's not real!

Somewhere in the other world Sansa, Myrcella, Tyene, Margaery and Shireen are all hanging out in the Red Keep giving each other makeovers, listening to Marillion's new album, and hanging up their Loras posters. He's sooooo dreamy.


I forget where Shireen is in the books. They didn't bring her, Patchface, and Selyse to the North, did they?

Are they still in Dragonstone?


There's no rule that says they can't insert things from the books out of the books' timeline.

The last scene of the series will be Balon being pushed into the ocean by Bronn and Yara's son.

I forget where Shireen is in the books. They didn't bring her, Patchface, and Selyse to the North, did they?

Are they still in Dragonstone?

Yep, Val is freaking out because Stannis left Shireen in Castle Black and it's a wildling belief that once you get Grey Scale it can come back. Patchface isn't there..I don't know where he is...?


I forget where Shireen is in the books. They didn't bring her, Patchface, and Selyse to the North, did they?

Are they still in Dragonstone?

Yes they did, but Stannis was gone when they arrived if I remember correctly.

Val said that they should kill Shireen at the moment they saw her because the greyscale can come back.

Edit: Beaten like a Sam.


The final scene of the series... yes... I can see it now. Balon Greyjoy sits the Iron Throne. Alone. King's Landing scorched to the ground. The winter frost sticks to his hair and bread. He slowly rises, and starts walking towards a balcony and overlook the desolation the war has cost the realm. Then from the shadows Daario appears.

"Hello brother."

"Euron? You live?!"

*pushes him off the balcony*



Just Wikied Patchface and yeah, it's as Kain said. Melisandre is afraid of him, saying he's dangerous. He's currently at Castle Black with Shireen and Selyse and the Queen's men.

His origin may mean there's more to him than meets the eye.

Lord Steffon Baratheon's ship, Windproud, broke up in Shipbreaker Bay within sight of Storm's End while his sons Stannis Baratheon and Robert Baratheon watched. Everyone aboard ship was killed including the lord, his lady, and over 100 soldiers and sailors. Patchface washed up three days later, his naked skin white, wrinkled, and, the man that found him, Jommy, swears to his dying day that the fool's skin was clammy cold. They had taken him for dead, but then he coughed up water, albeit broken in mind and body; the ordeal had taken his memories, and half his wit. Now he is subject to twitches and trembles and mostly incoherent. What happened to him during the two days is unknown, but the fisher folk like to say "a mermaid had taught him to breathe water in return for his seed."

A prophet of the Drowned God?

Yes they did, but Stannis was gone when they arrived if I remember correctly.

Val said that they should kill Shireen at the moment they saw her because the greyscale can come back.

Edit: Beaten like a Sam.


The final scene of the series... yes... I can see it now. Balon Greyjoy sits the Iron Throne. Alone. King's Landing scorched to the ground. The winter frost sticks to his hair and bread. He slowly rises, and starts walking towards a balcony and overlook the desolation the war has cost the realm. Then from the shadows Daario appears.

"Hello brother."

"Euron? You live?!"

*pushes him off the balcony*


Perfect, except instead of saying "hello brother", he should materialize out of thin air and say:



While its nice to see things blow up in Circe's face, I feel like the sequence of events leading up to this point don't really make a lot of sense, at least in the order that they happened:

So in the bit at the end, they let us know that Lancel spilled the beans on all the nasty shit Circe was up to, so the Faith Militant take her captive. The High Sparrow implies that he gave this information up when he converted to the cause, which let's say was around when he got the brand on his forehead, even though he was clearly rolling with these dudes before that point. Does that mean that Lancel told the High Sparrow about Circe being behind Robert's death and the whole incest thing, and then he just sat on it? Lancel's been with these guys for like half the season. Is the High Sparrow a big fan of dramatic tension and wanted to wait a month for the situation to be more ironic?

Then earlier in the episode Littlefinger's talk with the Queen of Thorns implies that he is giving her the info on Lancel to set up the part at the end with Circe. Except she doesn't need to know about Lancel, since he already told the High Sparrow everything he knew! Unless the super devout and fanatical Lancel just plum forgot to tell the High Sparrow about these heinous acts he was involved with when he joined up and needed a reminder from Olenna to jog his memory.


While its nice to see things blow up in Circe's face, I feel like the sequence of events leading up to this point don't really make a lot of sense, at least in the order that they happened:

So in the bit at the end, they let us know that Lancel spilled the beans on all the nasty shit Circe was up to, so the Faith Militant take her captive. The High Sparrow implies that he gave this information up when he converted to the cause, which let's say was around when he got the brand on his forehead, even though he was clearly rolling with these dudes before that point. Does that mean that Lancel told the High Sparrow about Circe being behind Robert's death and the whole incest thing, and then he just sat on it? Lancel's been with these guys for like half the season. Is the High Sparrow a big fan of dramatic tension and wanted to wait a month for the situation to be more ironic?

Then earlier in the episode Littlefinger's talk with the Queen of Thorns implies that he is giving her the info on Lancel to set up the part at the end with Circe. Except she doesn't need to know about Lancel, since he already told the High Sparrow everything he knew! Unless the super devout and fanatical Lancel just plum forgot to tell the High Sparrow about these heinous acts he was involved with when he joined up and needed a reminder from Olenna to jog his memory.

The High Sparrow was playing the long game. He knew he could bring down Cersei, but he wanted to use her to get whomever else he could in high places first.


It is implied in the show that Littlefinger coerced Lancel into coming clean to the High Sparrows, thus revealing Cersei's part in his sins.


While its nice to see things blow up in Circe's face, I feel like the sequence of events leading up to this point don't really make a lot of sense, at least in the order that they happened:

So in the bit at the end, they let us know that Lancel spilled the beans on all the nasty shit Circe was up to, so the Faith Militant take her captive. The High Sparrow implies that he gave this information up when he converted to the cause, which let's say was around when he got the brand on his forehead, even though he was clearly rolling with these dudes before that point. Does that mean that Lancel told the High Sparrow about Circe being behind Robert's death and the whole incest thing, and then he just sat on it? Lancel's been with these guys for like half the season. Is the High Sparrow a big fan of dramatic tension and wanted to wait a month for the situation to be more ironic?

Then earlier in the episode Littlefinger's talk with the Queen of Thorns implies that he is giving her the info on Lancel to set up the part at the end with Circe. Except she doesn't need to know about Lancel, since he already told the High Sparrow everything he knew! Unless the super devout and fanatical Lancel just plum forgot to tell the High Sparrow about these heinous acts he was involved with when he joined up and needed a reminder from Olenna to jog his memory.

I agree, Lancel surely confessed to the HS, it makes no sense that LF gave Olenna the information and her to the HS, he clearly knew. In the books I would say the gift would have been another guy, but this is the show and Pedro (LF) is stupid.

Also Patchface is creepy, he is killing someone someday for sure.


It is implied in the show that Littlefinger coerced Lancel into coming clean to the High Sparrows, thus revealing Cersei's part in his sins.

and it would like to know how exactly that worked because I had the impression the high sparrow knew all along when he confronted cersei


Does Littlefinger tell Olenna that Cersei already knew about Sansa?

I didn't get that impression at all.
That was a lie. I didn't get the impression, though, that Lancel was who he was referring to. He doesn't have reach inside the militants.

Also, the mercs that abandoned Stannis' group are Daario's company. I wonder if they're headed northwest....


and it would like to know how exactly that worked because I had the impression the high sparrow knew all along when he confronted cersei

Maybe he did, but it's being presented to show-watchers as both a power play by the High Sparrow and a back-and-forth war between the Lannisters and Tyrells.

It's like they couldn't decide so they put both in the episode.


I'm guessing you're a pure show watcher?

I just browsed through that list and it's kind of pointless, you can't really do an episode by episode counting of what's different as whole plotlines have changed. For instance, Jaimie and Bronn adventuring in Dorne that's a completely new plot that could drastically change things. Jon going to Hardhome is also something very interesting. Melisandre being with Stannis is another drastic change. And so on and on.

I think the plotline that we are all missing and hoping my still reappear is the Greyjoy plot.

It might still happen no? What Melisandre is doing in the book? Dies it change something fundamentally?

Yeah, the scene with Sansa safe in the Eyrie far away from Ramsay.

What is it about? As a reader, you're just relieved she's safe again?

I really don't like that we won't get this scene in the show and they're not doing the siege of Meereen.

The siege of Meereen? Sounds cool! Who is attacking who? What's the end result?


LF had nothing to do with the High Sparrow's plans for Cersei. This was his plan all along. Whatever LF is planning, I bet it's shitty, just like all his other plans this season.
It's surprising how different the show handled nudity over the years.

I rewatched season 1 recently and it was all over the place, topped by the notorious sexposition with Littlefinger, Ros and that other whore. Now they are much more restrained. Does Emilia Clarke really have something in her contract about not having to do nude scenes anymore? Scenes like the one with her and Daario always make me laugh at how accurately they try to hide her nipples. Come on, Emilia. We've all seen them anyways.

Speaking of nudity: How much will we really see in Cersei's upcoming Walk of Shame? I bet they cut it in a way that leaves everything to imagination. Which would be a shame, as everybody who has seen 300 will agree.
Just Wikied Patchface and yeah, it's as Kain said. Melisandre is afraid of him, saying he's dangerous. He's currently at Castle Black with Shireen and Selyse and the Queen's men.

His origin may mean there's more to him than meets the eye.

Lord Steffon Baratheon's ship, Windproud, broke up in Shipbreaker Bay within sight of Storm's End while his sons Stannis Baratheon and Robert Baratheon watched. Everyone aboard ship was killed including the lord, his lady, and over 100 soldiers and sailors. Patchface washed up three days later, his naked skin white, wrinkled, and, the man that found him, Jommy, swears to his dying day that the fool's skin was clammy cold. They had taken him for dead, but then he coughed up water, albeit broken in mind and body; the ordeal had taken his memories, and half his wit. Now he is subject to twitches and trembles and mostly incoherent. What happened to him during the two days is unknown, but the fisher folk like to say "a mermaid had taught him to breathe water in return for his seed."

A prophet of the Drowned God?


Perfect, except instead of saying "hello brother", he should materialize out of thin air and say:

Patchface is the most mysterious character in the books for me. Really a shame they didn't cast him.


The final scene of the series... yes... I can see it now. Balon Greyjoy sits the Iron Throne. Alone. King's Landing scorched to the ground. The winter frost sticks to his hair and bread. He slowly rises, and starts walking towards a balcony and overlook the desolation the war has cost the realm. Then from the shadows Daario appears.

"Hello brother."

"Euron? You live?!"

*pushes him off the balcony*



I would be fine with this.


It might still happen no? What Melisandre is doing in the book? Dies it change something fundamentally?

What is it about? As a reader, you're just relieved she's safe again?

The siege of Meereen? Sounds cool! Who is attacking who? What's the end result?

Heh, like I said there is SO much different at this point. Just think of it like this instead of contracting and converging storylines in books 4 and 5, GRRM actually expands the story introducing a sleuth of new characters and plots. Obviously, the show has neither the time nor budget to adapt such a grand scale and have sought instead to do the opposite, converging many plotlines and combining many characters together. For instance, Sansa is probably like four different characters in the show (Lady Dustin, Wyman Manderly, Jeyne Poole, and Sansa herself). She's also never been back to Winterfell in the books and is safe in the Eyrie learning to play the game with LF.

As to your questions, Melisandre stays with Jon at the Wall as she believes this is where her place is right now since the true battle for mankind will begin here and if the Wall falls then so does the realm. Mance Rayder is not killed, although that is a twist revealed later, the Wildings do not oppose following Stannis rather Jon Snow makes a deal with Stannis to keep all the Wildings he captured since he would just use them as cannon fodder anyway in exchange for very useful advice on how to defeat the Boltons. Jon contacts Tormund, who was never captured in the books, and strikes a deal so that all Wildings can pass beneath the Wall. I'll stop there since I don't know if you want everything spoiled. As far as Hardhome goes, there are a group of Wildings that follow some prophet called Mother Mole there and Jon orders Cotter Pyke, Commander of Eastwatch by the Sea, to take his ships and recuse them.

The Siege of Mereen is basically all the slave cities Dany conquered or bypassed rising up against her since she ended the Slave trade, even Qarth joins in and Volantis seems very likely to join the fun as well.


I would be fine with this.

Ugh, you Euarrio people need to stop. Do you really want that to be true especially since this new Daario has like no swagger? How could be possibly play Euron correctly?
Also what the fuck are they doing with Kevan and Varys?

What is Kevan going to automatically teleport back to Kings Landing after finding out Cersei is jailed? I guess we are waiting til next season to see him be a good ruler for Varys to take him out?
I originally thought Qyburn was going to take Varys' role at the end, but now think it will be Littlefinger. And that's if they even bother. Kevan was killed because he was ruling in Tommen's stead, but Show Tommen is old enough to rule poorly on his own.

Remind me why Olily would care enough about some watch vows and aiding Stannis enough to kill Jon?
I'm sure it's going to happen, but I'm not sure if there's enough incentive. Unless he already wants to after the hard home stuff.
Wasn't the Thenn shown in the preview also the one who told Olly he was going to eat his parents? I bet there's a moment of recognition when he gets to Castle Black.

There probably won't be a pink letter. The story line has changed substantially. Sansa is out in the open and married to Ramsay.
I don't think there's going to be a letter, and it's certainly not going to be pink. They've completely dropped the conceit that nobody but the Watch wears black, and there's no way they're going to have Ramsay write what looks like a mash note on pretty pink paper.

Maybe they go to OldTown to give the baby a safer place to grow up.
Maester Aemon explicitly told Gilly to go south.


It is implied in the show that Littlefinger coerced Lancel into coming clean to the High Sparrows, thus revealing Cersei's part in his sins.

You could very well be right. Another reason to show LF and Lancel's confrontation in the "previously on GOT" segment.

Patchface is the most mysterious character in the books for me. Really a shame they didn't cast him.

I can't wait to see what characters are going to have great twists that aren't on the show. One great thing about being a book reader is that no matter how the show ends the story, we still have a lot to look forward to in the books. Tons and tons of stuff.

He plans to wed Loras to Walder Frey.

Walder would probably consider it to get High Garden.


I originally thought Qyburn was going to take Varys' role at the end, but now think it will be Littlefinger. And that's if they even bother. Kevan was killed because he was ruling in Tommen's stead, but Show Tommen is old enough to rule poorly on his own.

Well, Kevan wasn't killed because he ruled poorly it was because of the exact opposite.
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