Lets wait until MS shows some next gen demo or gameplay then instead of making fast sounding marketing terms and not showing anything yet.
Also, does it hurt you that your XSX is not the best at something, its fun watching your meltdown.
Oh and less of the perssonal stuff honking or whatever. the loading was so slow I got bored waiting ....no I did not wait for it to load, looked poor.
JESUS you are such a toxic little fanboy

Hate to break it to you, but I'm exciting for both consoles. I'm a genuine fan of gaming, which means I appreciate multiple systems for what they are, brand name and hoo-rah cheerleading doesn't mean shit to me.
You act like a clown, you get treated like a clown. Deal with it.
Or it is because they will struggle. How can we be sure atm ?
Yes, the marketing here is with Sony so all Sony pr words and ideas were said.
But absence of infos doesn't prove anything in one way or another.
Well unlike certain other people on the forum, I don't take a pessimistic outlook on a given platform's potential performance in a given area just to keep a popular (but extremely complicated) narrative floating around on ground as stable as bubble wrap.
This is kind of what I mentioned a while ago when it comes to double-standards: when it comes to any features not confirmed or explicitly detailed regards PS5, we're expected to take the best-assumptions approach and postulate that the feature is there and the capability is there. However, when it comes to XSX, the worst-case assumptions are usually meant to be taken. That is to say, we're supposed to assume lack of info or confirmation is a sign of weakness or it not being there.
Well for sure, they definitely gotta show that too, but given how hot yesterday’s reveal was wouldn’t it be a good move to show it can run the same demo as well (assuming it can)?
I thought about this, and honestly, I don't think it'd be a good idea for MS to show off the same demo. There's a multitude of reasons for this but the main ones break down to:
1: It won't be as impressive the 2nd time around (since it would be the exact same thing as the first demonstration)
2: It opens up the door for bad-faith nitpicking and double-standard comparisons
3: It'd be a case of them getting "sloppy seconds"
4: The demo is already associated with Sony and PS5 in terms of brand, and very strongly so. It would be a case of MS being stuck under Sony's shadow and following a narrative set by Sony instead of leading a narrative set on their own terms, something earlier reveals and info drops for XSX were very good at.
Even came up with a term for it, the "SEGA Saturn Effect"

. Remember when the Saturn tried showing it could do good 3D by getting shittier ports of PS1 games that were almost always unoptimized for the Saturn hardware, thus hurting Saturn's perception as a next-gen system among gamers and the press? Even though SEGA's own 1st-party efforts were technically as solid (in some cases better) than the most impressive PS1 games at the time?
Honestly think there would be parallels with MS demo'ing the exact same UE5 demo again; they need to do a different demo (preferably for a game that'll be at the July showcase), designed to show off some of XSX's strengths....
...oh, and actual gameplay not mixed in with slick CG cutscenes this time