Standard Edition sold out within 2 minutes and the countdown clock messed up on the Phone yet again...
I managed to get a Collectors Edition which took longer to sell out.
With the final year of the Vita approaching, would anyone like to predict what games will stay exclusively physical for the Vita an what will be sought after in the next 5 Years?
From what I have heard both on OldGAF, ResetEra, The Vita Lounge and Reddit here is a summary of what I have found to the best of my knowledge:
If Xenon Valkyrie + and Riddled Corpse Ex stay on Vita as a Physical exclusive, then I can see those two go up in price pretty quickly in spite of a Switch digital release.
Va11-Halla I believe will get a Switch physical release but the Collectors Edition that locks onto the 2084 Read only Memories game could make it a Vita Holy Grail in afew years time.
Soul Sacrifice Delta I am unsure whether will get a PS4/5 port in future but I would say that for now the Asian English release will go up in value if it hasn't already.
Oreshika Tainted Bloodlines will definitely go for hundreds in a few years...especially the first print run with the typo of "Tanited".
Unsure whether the Sayonara games will as there are now two versions of them with the ++ version on Strictly Limited Games. If it is different to Fresh on the Switch then it could although Fresh has Cotton in it so....yeah. (Anything Cotton related goes for Mega Money)
Ar no Surge and the Limited Edition of Neptuna 1 and 3 have gone up. The latter due to a cart pressing error for the Standard Editions that I don't believe was fixed.
Ys Origins has two varients which i feel that the Play Asia release will be more sought after as it has the complete patch on the Cart whereas the LRG version doesn't.
Breach and Clear has gone up being the first LRG game despite the game's quality. I don't think it will keep the value up with the re-release on PS4 that came after it. I could be wrong of course.
Some LRG games haven't gone up as much as hoped but sought after games such as Munch's Oddysey are starting to raise in price as they sold out fast on the website (I couldn't get one and I was on the second trying to pay before the minute finished)
Play Asia's Limited Editions don't seem yo be selling out quite as fast as I expected although some releases are not great, but even known games such as Severed can be still obtained at a decent price but I do suspect when all is said and done it will raise in price if a Switch physical release doesn't materialise.
DanganRonpa V3 in Europe is rare as NISA Europe had a small print run whereas any PQube game in America is rarer than in Europe where the games drop in price regularly on their sister site Rice Digital and in general retailers that stock them. I think PQube only distributed it in Gamestop in America? The Limited Editions with the ESRB were on Rice Digital but the Shipping Rates were not great which may explain why the US Copies for these are rarer.
There was a Price Error by GAME once where you could buy one of the BlazBlue Limited editions for 0.01p. I believe a few scalpers jumped on this opportunity so if you see a BlazBlue lE for more than usual, then it could be due to this particular pricing error that was jumped on.
Any and all Koei Games with a Limited Edition will be costly in the future, including the mentioned Ar no Surge and the Atelier Games.
NISAs smaller games such as Rose in the Twilight seem to be rising although in Europe you can still be bought at a decent price.
Any Indie Game with a Physical Release on the Vita but not on anything else is very likely to go up in price, however I don't suspect it will be out of reach for most people.
Because of how much memory cards cost and the failure rate of the 64GB cards in particular, I would recommend the smaller cards before the demand for these increase and for future proofing I would suggest buying a Vita Slim moreso over the original model because of the 1GB internal storage (best solution fotr physical buyers) as well as for a universal output in USB over Sony's own cables (these will soon be limited as they do tend to fray after a few years of use).
As Vita's are Region Free you can buy a cheaper Japanese model if you want them in a different colour over the Bezelled US Model but be aware of Customs Charges if you are from Europe. (I got lucky)
As mentioned before, NISA (Americas) are listing 3 final Vita games, and these games are considered pretty good on the Switch. They may or may not increase in Pricing depending on whether people take to these games on Vita over Switch, however it wouldn't hurt to check out their cheaper Price Points as the Switch can be less ideal to carry around over the Vita.
Sorry for the long post. I hope this helps anyone who wishes to collect for the Vita now before it gets out of hand with pricing. Not everything is set in stone and this is to the best of my knowledge regarding following the Vita scene in particular as I am passionate about this console and the library!
If anyone has any questions or would like to add anything then please let me know and I will be happy to assist!