I thought of this when reading the recent post where he described how hard it is for video game 'journalists' in the current industry. He attributed it to everything but this attitude of dunking on the
chuds audience.
Thats video game people for ya.
In other media like newscasters, TV show/movie critics, music reviewers, even book reviewers I bet, you rarely get such animosity from industry people back at the viewer. I'm sure there's some, but not like so many video game writers or bonafide industry people like Jason S working at Bloomberg.
But there's always something odd about video game industry workers where they always seem so much more childish, emotional, or political itching to smack back at consumers.
My company has had it's share of crap products that sell bad or got rated junk stars on Amazon. I dont get a sense any of the marketing directors go haywire talking back to customers who gave it a bad review or preaches to the mases on Twitter any naysayers are wrong. But there's always chance a video game worker will. And almost always they make themselves and the company look like (hilarious) jackasses.
If you look at mainstream news channels.... some are left, some are right..... these channels and people get ragged on and laughed at by everyone. How many times have you ever seen any of those news personalities go on Twitter and rag back at viewers? And those channels can have millions of viewers criticizing the company or biased person in the seat. Not too often.
But a video game worker often will. Jason S, video game desk jobbers, directors, even the game studio CEO. It would actually be kind of interesting to see and work alongside game workers to see how wacky they are.