the change in art style sucks major balls.
the change in art style sucks major balls.
also I don't see myself buying it again if it's the same game with new graphics ,they should've made it crazy 60fps 3D shump game or made it as a sequel with all new levels.
the change in art style sucks major balls.
also I don't see myself buying it again if it's the same game with new graphics ,they should've made it crazy 60fps 3D shump game or made it as a sequel with all new levels.
I thought the original could be played on Vita?
I realise this is good news for the dev but it seems kind of confusing and a bit of a slight to those who bought the Mini version. I don't really understand Sony's strategy when it comes to Minis. Actually, it seems like they have no strategy whatsoever. I remember the Velocity devs complaining about the lack of trophies and leaderboards for Minis so Sony's solution seems to be, instead of allowing those things to be patched in, remake the game.
It does work on Vita.
Read PSNStores Q/A and it'll make more sense. FuturLab originally wanted to make the game for Vita, but it didn't work out so they did Minis version. Now they have Sony funding, they can do the Vita version they wanted to do in the first place![]()
Why would they allow those things to be patched in? In fact, those things couldn't be patched in anyway as there is no patching system for Minis. But the whole idea of Minis is that they have no PSN integration or anything (whether that's a good idea is not the point).
If trophies, online and demos were included in minis, it would make sales rocket, as there are some gems on minis, and perfect for the PlayStation Vita.
This is by the people who made Coconut Dodge, right?
Then why are they wasting their time with this trash!?! I need Coconut Dodge vita right now!!! Hook it directly into my veins, I want to be high on coconut dodging all the time
Well to quote James from Futurlab:
I guess that's why they would allow those things to be patched in. Yeah, no patching system for Minis, no PSN integration. It's stupid.
Hello there!
We'd love to get more members of our team on here to talk with you guys.
Who do we need to speak to for approvals?
Since Velocity ended up 2nd in my GOTY 2012 list, this is a sure buy though i had hoped for a new game or new levels. I played the mini version so much that i fear it's not going to feel fresh anymore (especially in the more puzzle alike levels with the portals). But it makes sense te rerelease the first one while getting to grips with the development environment.
Also, i feel that the new "cartoon" style matches the cutscenes better than the pixel graphics did. I quite like it. I think it will look great in motion with the lightning effects.
Looking forward to it and bring on that sequel![]()
Make sure to do the questionnaire![]()
I did but i'm not sure if it was helpful since i couldn't suggest anything that they should get rid of.
Looks great. Day 1
Why would they allow those things to be patched in? In fact, those things couldn't be patched in anyway as there is no patching system for Minis. But the whole idea of Minis is that they have no PSN integration or anything (whether that's a good idea is not the point).
I want it now![]()
Wrong. There's nothing wrong with something different. If you prefer the former aesthetic, then that should make you appreciate the original for what it is. This is not the original game, so naturally I would expect something different.the change in art style sucks major balls.
I wouldn't have thought so.will this have a platinum trophy?![]()
5/10 Totos
the PS Vita dev kit seems to be compressing screenshots
Day One!!
I hope FuturLab put the vita's rear touchpad and right analog stick to good use![]()