It seems the VGA World Premiere details are coming tomorrow. Maybe this year Busta Rhymes can show off a gameplay trailer for Trico.
Any guesses? I'm thinking Medal of Honor will be one of them. Perhaps Agent as well.
The VGAs take place on December 12th I believe.
Premiere List So Far:
He really seems to be pushing the fact that these games are totally unseen and/or not announced at all.
From Keighley himself on page 4:
The trailers will apparently be of a longer length this year. This is a huge improvement:
Take-Two's game seems to be a Spec Ops reboot. You'll remember this series as a group of budget line games for the PlayStation 1 that averaged Metacritic ratings between 30 and 50.
And the next game is...
There will also be a new Star Wars game. Apparently there are no more updates until after Thanksgiving.
It seems our next two games are Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands and what seems to be Black Lotus.
Our next games are Medal of Honor and Crackdown 2. It seems with Crackdown 2 we're breaking the trend of only showing games where we haven't seen gameplay footage already, as we saw around 30 minutes of gameplay footage at TGS.
Okay, it seems UFC Undisputed 2010and most likely Dead Space 2 are coming to the show. Also, the Halo Reach trailer will be 2.5 minutes long.
It also seems the show will have more than 11 games.
It seems there's no Dead Space 2, Natal, or Gem content at the show. However, they did have 40 games offered to be shown at the Spike VGAs.
They also promise some huge reveal as well.
I kind of cut and pasted this quote together if you notice the quote's order is really random compared to the article.
Source: Keighley's Twitter said:Tomorrow we also start sharing details on VGA world premieres! I hope you guys like our lineup.
Source: Twitter said:@geoffkeighley Will new games be announced? More than two?
@SalRomano Definitely, almost everything in the show is unannounced as of now.
Any guesses? I'm thinking Medal of Honor will be one of them. Perhaps Agent as well.
The VGAs take place on December 12th I believe.
Premiere List So Far:
Keighley said:The world premiere of HALO: REACH happens only at the 2009 Video Game Awards, Live 12/12 on Spike.
PRNewswire said:The 2009 "Video Game Awards" will reveal blockbuster global premieres of never-before-seen titles and break international news with announcements of new games from the industry's leading publishers. Game companies contributing exclusive new content to the VGAs include 2K, Activision, Disney Interactive Studios, Electronic Arts, LucasArts Entertainment, Microsoft Game Studios, THQ, Ubisoft, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, with more to be announced in the coming weeks..
Source: said:@geoffkeighley Epic Mickey? How about Enslaved? Perhaps EA Sports MMA? Why not Marvel vs Capcom 3? <_< >_>
@BigManFanelli those games have been seen. I think we have around 10 games still unannounced
He really seems to be pushing the fact that these games are totally unseen and/or not announced at all.
From Keighley himself on page 4:
geoffmk said:Love all the speculation and guesses. We take never-before-seen pretty seriously around here. Lots of cool surprises in store.
We should be able to share more news soon - maybe even end of week.
The trailers will apparently be of a longer length this year. This is a huge improvement:
geoffmk said:I think you'll like the length of the trailers/footage. I'll let Bungie share more when they want on that topic.
Take-Two's game seems to be a Spec Ops reboot. You'll remember this series as a group of budget line games for the PlayStation 1 that averaged Metacritic ratings between 30 and 50.
lybertyboy said:
And the next game is...
There will also be a new Star Wars game. Apparently there are no more updates until after Thanksgiving.
Source: said: Next Star Wars game to be announced at the VGAs on December 12th on Spike.
Source: said:We're just getting started with VGA premieres. A Thanksgiving rest now, but a bunch more announcements next week.
It seems our next two games are Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands and what seems to be Black Lotus.
Source: said:Another VGA world premiere coming on 12/12 is Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands from Ubisoft.
Source: said: Watch this awesome CG teaser for an unannounced game coming to VGAs. Gameplay at the show.
Our next games are Medal of Honor and Crackdown 2. It seems with Crackdown 2 we're breaking the trend of only showing games where we haven't seen gameplay footage already, as we saw around 30 minutes of gameplay footage at TGS.
Source: said: EA reboots MEDAL OF HONOR. See the teaser now at GT, and the world premiere on the VGAs, 12/12!
Source: said: Also at VGAs: First gameplay trailer for Crackdown 2. See a few seconds of in-game footage up on
Okay, it seems UFC Undisputed 2010
SolidSnakex said:The Ultimate Fighter Finale just confirmed that one of the premieres will be UFC Undisputed 2010. Not exactly a surprising one though.
Source: said:Looks like @deadspace is starting to come to life.
Source: said:VGA heads-up: The HALO REACH VGA trailer will run 2 and a half minutes.
It also seems the show will have more than 11 games.
geoffmk said:You guys are fast. Definitely more than 11 games to show.
It seems there's no Dead Space 2, Natal, or Gem content at the show. However, they did have 40 games offered to be shown at the Spike VGAs.
They also promise some huge reveal as well.
I kind of cut and pasted this quote together if you notice the quote's order is really random compared to the article.
Source: said:When it comes to gamers, the coolest content will be the game exclusives. While Spike chose over a little over a dozen, there were plenty of exclusives -- pitched by the publishers themselves -- it had to choose from.
In fact, Keighley said they had "north of about about 40 games" offered for the show, but had to make the difficult decision to pick and choose the best fits for the VGA audience. It's balancing act, he says, between offering up content for the hardcore gamers, while still appealing to Spike's more mainstream demographic.
But what of other quiet Internet chatter that perhaps Epic would be revealed Gears of War 3?
"What I can say on that," he says after some hesitation. "There are some I can't confirm or deny. What I can say is that I think some people saw our original publisher list and were speculating what games could be a part of that."
One reveal you won't be seeing, as some have guessed, is the recently announced Dead Space 2. Keighley quickly put his foot down on that one saying "it's not at the show and wasn't planned to be at the show." Don't expect to see anything from Microsoft on Project Natal, or even Sony's motion controller, codenamed "Gem," either.
"We definitely have some pretty major surprises still to come," he tells me. "Essentially, the biggest thing in the show hasn't even been announced yet."