SX is also cheap. Some people also omit that fact for some reason while defending this console.
Now cue the "give the 200 dollar difference yourself" argument.

Rinse and repeat.
You're getting a 3050Ti (most likely) PC at 300 dollar price target
You're getting a 3070 (will be, once console optimizations start to settle) PC at 500 dollar price target
It's a huge leap no one can deny.
I don't stop people from buying Series S if they really do not have the budget. I simply can't.
I just want people with a little bit extra budget to make right choices. Even if they still game on their 1080p tv/monitor, they should go with SX IF they have the budget. No one should feel obliged to have a shiny new 4K tv for SX that some people would like you believe. You still get 1200-1440p with a SX that should superb on a 1080p screen due to extra quality coming from SSAA, instead of downscaling that you get with Series S in games.
Some people are adamant for suggesting Series S in every circumstance where a 1080p screen is present. That's what I'm fighting against.
Say the person A has a 1080p TV and do not want to upgrade their TV but wants to get a new gen console. They say they can afford 500 dollar console.
These people pop up and will say SX is waste of money and drive those people into buying 720p-810p gaming machine because for them Series S is a perfectly capable 1080p console that is perfect fit for 1080p screens.
It's only a fit if you're really, really, really tight on budget.
If it was priced at 150-200 dollars, I would have no quarrels. But that's I guess is extreme.
You don't get what you pay for with Series S. You pay 300 dollar but you get 4 TFLOPS, you pay 500 dollars and you get a whopping 12 TFLOPS that will make sure to put you in 1080p+ resolutions for the entirety of a 6-7 year span of generation while the other will bail out at 720p 3-4 years later.
Yes, SSD and CPU is there. Crazy value. 300 dollar alone is a crazy value you get from Series S. No ONE can deny that or argument about that.
But. Series X is UNPARALLED value compared to Series S.
Nowhere in the hardware world you can get THRICE the performance for just a 200 dollar bump. 500 GB more disk space. Disc drive. More memory, guaranteed ray tracing for future next-gen titles.