When you don't play your game, do you overthink to what to do in the game prior playing it?Not sure what you mean exactly.
Tell me if those images triggers the same emotion?

112 Photos That Will Annoy The Perfectionist In You
Our brains like order, which is why this collection of imperfections is so infuriating. Things which are ordered seem natural and are are easy for the brain to make sense of; imperfect or flawed things cause us to pause and do a double-take. Are those new tiles you put in really off-center or...

It can be a coping mechanism that you developped following something important in your life; did you change job, boy/girlfriend recently? Or it can be something from your past that starting to getting out. In any case, I think it would be great if you can talk to an health professional just to clear some stuff out of the way. For all it worth, it might be midlife crisis and the way you cope that is being OCD in your games. Just being aware of it, it's great, no worries, there are fix for that.