
Financial Expert Insists WWE Is Making Moves To Sell The Company
Financial expert, Laura Martin insists the recent moves WWE has made all point to a future sale of the company by Vince McMahon.

Talk about WWE potentially being sold has come and gone in waves. At one point, it was believed there was real potential Vince McMahon was gearing up to sell the company, emphasized by the fact big contracts were cut from the talent payroll. In other weeks, the talk has quieted. What's really going on?
For those that don't understand what that means, the fact WWE got out of the business of running the business of streaming it's product to consumers, then let another company have the rights to do so was a smart financial move -- if the objective is to be sold. US OTT refers to over-the-top media service. (WWE Network). "ROICs", refers to Return on Invested Capital. Essentially, WWE has cut out the costs of running the network and made a huge chunk of money by selling the rights to the content. The decision looks good to outside potential buyers.

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