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WaPo: Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault


Every time he tweets something, I can just see Mueller writing in a little note pad.
Shaking his head in amazement that someone he's investigating is so openly willing to tell him EVERYTHING

No doubt Trump's twitter feed is under surveillance by Mueller. Wouldn't surprise me if he hired someone just to archive his tweets.


The election of Donald Trump or someone like him became inevitable when American conservatives realized that they could delegitimize the news media in the eyes of their followers and replace it with their own propaganda network.

I feel like the writing was on the wall in the first debate of the 2012 campaign. Republicans/Fox News/the Karl Roves of the world have been spreading their own brand of bullshit for decades, but never before had I seen such a public-facing display of brazen deception as Romney in that debate. It seems like the GOP saw how well that seemed to work and decided to make constructing an alternate reality their top priority in the 4 years that followed.
There was some political pundit a bit ago who stated that all political pundits should get into another line of work, as some russian dictator runs rings around their understanding of the American government and its politics.

Dude ain't wrong.

I feel like the writing was on the wall in the first debate of the 2012 campaign. Republicans/Fox News/the Karl Roves of the world have been spreading their own brand of bullshit for decades, but never before had I seen such a public-facing display of brazen deception as Romney in that debate. It seems like the GOP saw how well that seemed to work and decided to make constructing an alternate reality their top priority in the 4 years that followed.

I've likened the election of the Creamsicle in Chief to that point in the monster movie where the mad scientist has been thrashed by the monster and is cursing "I created you! You cant do this to me!!!!" as the beast destroys the laboratory as the torches and pitchfork crowd arrive too late.
This is what's starting to annoy me. Yes, Russia meddled in the election, but they did not get Trump elected. As a Democrat, it's starting to get tiring hearing everyone scapegoat the Russians. Just because Putin said "Hurt Hillary and help Trump," that doesn't mean you can attribute the results to him. That is just completely short-sighted thinking (unless there's data to support this, of course). Putin certainly didn't help Trump defy all odds and steamroll the Republican candidates. Whatever got him over those hurdles clearly got him over the last one. In hindsight, that is what everyone should have been worried about.

Hillary was never that well-liked to begin with. Just look at the 2008 election season. You either like her or you don't, and I'm not sure how much influence a Russian could have on the identity of a widely and historically known political figure. Also, I don't know how much the Russians could possibly "help" Trump given that every single day there was a reason for why he was the worst candidate in the history of mankind.

Giving the Russians credit for this election is just a little too over the top for me, all things considered. There were wayyyyyy to may other relevant factors in play.

Right. I haven't followed every nitty gritty detail but my impression is the known Russian hacking was mainly the DNC emails. I think there have been stories where they were trying to get to voter information and so on, but it was mostly the DNC emails that were out there that maybe affected people's votes.

But like you said, I don't really think any of that information from those DNC emails had much of a bearing on influencing the election, other than probably making people that already disliked Hillary to dislike her even more. If anything, the last minute Comey announcement regarding the whole Hillary Email investigation probably had far more of an impact in terms of maybe swaying voters one way or another than anything Russia did with the DNC emails to WikiLeaks.

Just seems like with so many of these stories, they throw around the word "hacking" as some big catch all but the actual specifics are kind of flimsy in terms of what Russia actually did and/or what they actually achieved. The possibility of Trump's campaign colluding with Russia is kind of a different matter entirely in that that's bad no matter whether any hacking was successful or not. But the tone of so many people I've heard acting like the election was rigged by "Russian hacking!" is kind of ludicrous.
You way underestimate the impact of emails.

It was a steady drumbeat in the press for months anf filled social media on the right and much of The NY Times etc too and then BANG Comey was cornered just before the election over ... emails again.

Nobody knows the extent of the hacking. But what is known now is much worse than before. What will it be like in 6 months time? You just can't conclude anything when the story isn't done with.


It's not just "hacking", but the counter ops campaign the Russians carried out in the election overall. The targeted fake news/propaganda, flooding messagebaords and social media with bots, releasing said hacked information via wikileaks at the most damaging times.
That's the stuff we know. There's also talk of servers in Trump towers synchronizing with Alfa bank servers. And the allegation in the Steele dossier that some of the pro quo was to provide the Russians on intelligence of americans and Russian oligarchs living in the us.
There's a LOT more than just the DNC thing here...
Also this narrative that Obama was a pussy for not attacking Russia pre-election I don't really get. He was voted in on a hope and change platform not a chicken-hawk warmonger "ends justifiy the means" guy.

He believed rightly or not that screwing with the election to help HRC would screw up her victory if she got one. Certainly the GOP would see it as that and may turn her term into a lame duck 4 years. It was a gamble he made to take mostly the high road and hope, but going low would have been out of character and delivered it's own set of problems.

Maybe at some point he can explain his thinking. Perhaps he would not have made the same decision with current knowledge but things are a lot clearer now than they were 12 months ago.
This was a failure on Obama's part, but there was still a clearly worse candidate in the November election. Trump supporters don't give a damn.
What the flipping hell is this? Does he accept it's not a hoax now? Trump must be suffering from some hardcore dementia because he is pushing real hard up against the limits of sheer stupidity. I'm starting to accept the theory that our universe really is a simulation and the person with power just decided to fuck with a primitive civilization for shits and giggles.


Trump is such a fucking idiot. He'd propably admit being a rapist and a murderer if he could attack Obama with it in some form.


I love how Trump picks and chooses when WaPo is and isn't fake news.

He's the perfect example of the Republican base - anything that confirms their own sexism/racism/bias is true, anything that disputes it is false. In this case, the WaPo article is being used to confirm his long-held racism against Obama.
What the flipping hell is this? Does he accept it's not a hoax now? Trump must be suffering from some hardcore dementia because he is pushing real hard up against the limits of sheer stupidity. I'm starting to accept the theory that our universe really is a simulation and the person with power just decided to fuck with a primitive civilization for shits and giggles.

I've seen some good theory that this stupid shortsightedness comes from the fact he's only of average intelligence plus he's got Narcissistic Personality Disorder (to risk the Goldwater Rule). It feels good then, he'll do it. Things are, he's EXCEEDINGLY good at in the heat of the moment social tactics (hence why this hasn't ended up with him living in a trailer park), but this also makes him really really bad at long-term planning on the same axis (cuz he's not reacting to others' moods and thoughts now, he's having to think critically about the same subjects; not the same thing).

Take it for what you will.

He's the perfect example of the Republican base - anything that confirms their own sexism/racism/bias is true, anything that disputes it is false. In this case, the WaPo article is being used to confirm his long-held racism against Obama.

...and this is why. His hard-HARDCORE base literally only listen to him and him alone. Even his spokespeople and aides being refuted an hour later by a tweet does not register with them. Therefore, they are his Security Blanket Of Last Redoubt and he's talking DIRECTLY to them due to the narcissism.


He did? Who put more sanctions on Russia? Who forced closed embassies and made Russian diplomats go home? Obama.

What has Trump done about this so far? NOT A DAMN THING! He is a Russian puppet, period.


A response isn't about getting voters to reject one candidate and favor another. Come on.

America's response is about not fucking standing for a historical enemy committing covert acts of war against us.

That's why Obama's response was weak and why the current administration is so terrifying in allowing this to pass.

This is what frustrates me.

As someone who supported Hillary Clinton and watched the meddling occurred in real-time, yeah I wish Obama would have been louder about this and I hope it would have changed the result. But that's not why I'm pissed.

As Americans we should all be concerned about this, regardless of his benefited from Russian meddling. This was, in every way, an open act of aggression by Russia. By worrying about the politics of interfering in an election season, Obama failed to do his j-o-b as Commander-in-Chief, and protect this country and the integrity of this Democracy. That responsibility supersedes politics, or at least it should..

But more important than that, 2016 was just the beta. Russia will be back in 2020 only this time with a better understanding of the American political system, the absolute gullibility of the majority of our voters, the willingness of our media to be disgustingly partisan and/or useful idiots and help spread their efforts, and the weakness of our decentralized voting systems that still reside technologically somewhere in the 80s.

Only next time, instead of having an administration softly telling them to "stop it guize! stoppit! this isn't funny anymore!" behind the scenes, we'll be dealing with an administration actually enabling them because they'll benefit. And the left will be just as unprepared, because instead of learning the real lessons of 2016, we're too busy trying to kick out Nancy Pelosi and blaming Hillary Clinton for everything from her campaign, to how quick fruity pebbles gets soggy (seriously, WHY didn't she address this!?).


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
He did? Who put more sanctions on Russia? Who forced closed embassies and made Russian diplomats go home? Obama.

What has Trump done about this so far? NOT A DAMN THING! He is a Russian puppet, period.

From the article:

But in the end, in late December, Obama approved a modest package combining measures that had been drawn up to punish Russia for other issues — expulsions of 35 diplomats and the closure of two Russian compounds — with economic sanctions so narrowly targeted that even those who helped design them describe their impact as largely symbolic.
He did? Who put more sanctions on Russia? Who forced closed embassies and made Russian diplomats go home? Obama.

What has Trump done about this so far? NOT A DAMN THING! He is a Russian puppet, period.
He's allowing Obama's covert order to proceed unabated without issuing a countermanding order per the article. Moreover, he's rescinding the symbolic gestures that don't really matter.
Wouldn't he know what and when Obama knew? Also what Obama did or didn't do in response to Russian actions? Being president and all.

Tweet is just bait for his base and to push more divide.

Tell me about it. On Whisper, Trump supporters are all "SEE THIS IS OBAMA'S FAULT, THERE'S PROOF SINCE TRUMP TWEETED IT!"


you know what, I just realized it is a fake/"parody" account.

The worst part is? I doubt the circlejerk in the replies is from parody accounts. These people actually get their information from an account mocking how careless they are. I've went past the point of finding it sad, then past the point where it's funny. I'm both mad at and for them, knowing they're so easily manipulated by the actual politicians that they'll follow an account like this & not question it.

The account's bio even states it's not him!


I don't think Trump can see beyond Obama so anything possibly negative, he jumps on it regardless of what it actually means to what he has said before.


If the Dems asked for the FBI's help, they would have seen the election rigging that occurred in the primary. Bernie Sanders was right.


Obama is a dipshit when it comes to foreign policy, not as bad as Bush Jr or Trump but holy shit thanks for nothing

With regards to Russia, he made a bad call. But his attitude to Israel, Myanmar, China, Cuba, Iran and Europe (Germany specifically) was fantastic. Effectively neutering Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions and opening up Cuba alone proves what an exaggeration your statement is.


With regards to Russia, he made a bad call. But his attitude to Israel, Myanmar, China, Cuba, Iran and Europe (Germany specifically) was fantastic. Effectively neutering Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions and opening up Cuba alone proves what an exaggeration your statement is.

He was also part of the world's worst refugee crisis since WW2 & let Trump/Russia influence the election to the point where the Dems are the weakest they've been in forever. But thanks for Cuba (perhaps not for long though) and this era of American global warming denial

“I think 15-20 years ago, the very fact that this intrusion had taken place would have generated significant political blowback,” Drezner said.

“But conservatives and Trump supporters viewed Russia as an ally, rather than an actor intruding on American sovereignty. And that’s on us, that’s not on Russia.”

Haven't really seen anyone outright say this in the media like this before.


He was also part of the world's worst refugee crisis since WW2 & let Trump/Russia influence the election to the point where the Dems are the weakest they've been in forever. But thanks for Cuba (perhaps not for long though) and this era of American global warming denial

As I say, with regards to Russia he made a bad call. Also, that's not entirely down to foreign policy - the Dem infrastructure slid a lot during Obama's terms, and not all of that was due to Russian influence. The current lack of a real bench is pretty embarrassing, and that's got nothing to do with anyone outside the US.
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