WaPo: St Petersburg, Florida Mayoral Candidate tells audience to "Go back to Africa"


“The reparations that you talk about, Mr. Nevel, your people already got your reparations. Your reparations came in the form of a man named Barack Obama.”

Well that's something.
”Mr. Nevel, you and your people talk about reparations," he said, mentioning Jesse Nevel, a white campaign opponent who heads a group calling for reparations for African Americans. ”The reparations that you talk about, Mr. Nevel, your people already got your reparations. Your reparations came in the form of a man named Barack Obama."

Holy shit. I mean ... what?


Is he saying the only reason Obama was elected is because that was the repayment for slavery? As in there shouldn't be any more black presidents because there was already one? How racist is this guy?


I believe that the racists in the States are truly salty that they can get rid of African Americans so easily right? they can get rid of Muslims with travel bans and build a wall and deport Mexicans and latinos. But the black community is truly american , and no matter what they do or what they say, you can't tell them to "go back" anywhere , they are Americans you racist piece of shit.

Watching these frequent showings of open racism truly makes me think that the American society is slowing reaching a boiling point.
"He added: “My advice to you, if you don’t like it here in America, planes leave every hour from Tampa airport. Go back to Africa. Go back to Africa. Go back!”

I mean, I just did a quick search but Tampa doesn't appear to have hourly flights to Africa.

This guy is stupid!


That's just Trump paying lip service. It doesn't take much to hold a flag if you think dumbasses will support you for it.


Congemi told The Post he was a lifelong Democrat who switched allegiances after then-President Barack Obama came out in favor of same-sex marriage.

A black president (who was also pro gay marriage) really did a number on alot of Americans. Even the supposed allies.


Aftershock LA
You hear that, Obama is our reparations!

It's a shame he was obstructed for 8 years by bitter, resentful old whites dudes like this guy, who made it impossible for Obama to do anything that would even remotely help Americans, let alone black Americans.

Fuck this guy. But I'm not surprised. I also think I may be the only person who instantly thought it was St. Petersburg, Florida. When I think of "Go back to Africa," I immediately imagine an angry butthurt American saying it. Russian didn't even pop into my mind.


Congemi told The Post he was a lifelong Democrat who switched allegiances after then-President Barack Obama came out in favor of same-sex marriage.

Now, he’s a Republican and a Trump supporter.

Oh, so they do exist.... Racists who voted for Obama back then...


Congemi told The Post he was a lifelong Democrat who switched allegiances after then-President Barack Obama came out in favor of same-sex marriage.

Now, he’s a Republican and a Trump supporter.

He said he believes homosexuality is immoral and criticized incumbent mayor Rick Kriseman, a Democrat, for taking part in St. Petersburg’s gay pride parade and flying the pride flag over city hall.

“I’m not politically correct,” Congemi said.
Wow, what a winner. Such a principled man.
I'm on the fence about reparations.

I mean as a white male I don't know if I really have any say in it but they have sometimes felt a bit like a hollow gesture or pursuit to avoid addressing the larger issues still at hand in this country.

That's not to say that African-Americans aren't owed reparations, cause I think we can all agree that they are, but I speculate that it would be far more beneficial, and go a longer way towards healing any racial divide, if we did something to address the systemic and ingrained racism on an institutional level.

Then put some serious $$ into lifting the poorer black communities (and why not the poorer of us all while we're at it because the 1% don't care as much about race as they do keeping the poor, poor) out of their stagnation by investing in education, job training, and more.

Anyway maybe I don't know shit.

OT This guy is a mega piece of shit. I shouldn't continue to be surprised in this "new" Trump's America but jesus I am. To spew that kind of garbage out loud should see you vilified and never allowed anywhere near a mic again and I'm not opposed to neutering ones like this. You have to put the bad ones down lol


Then put some serious $$ into lifting the poorer black communities (and why not the poorer of us all while we're at it because the 1% don't care as much about race as they do keeping the poor, poor) out of their stagnation by investing in education, job training, and more.

This is what a lot of individuals believe constitutes reparations.

It's difficult to imagine purely monetary reparations, so we can instead establish serious affirmative action and community intervention programs as a long term plan of alleviating decades of structural racism, with a focus on black communities.

So I don't think you're really "on the fence" about reparations.
This is what a lot of individuals believe constitutes reparations.

It's difficult to imagine purely monetary reparations, so we can instead establish serious affirmative action and community intervention programs as a long term plan of alleviating decades of structural racism, with a focus on black communities.

So I don't think you're really "on the fence" about reparations.

Well shit then....I only remember the details of some of the plans put forth in the 90's which were straight checks which just seemed ludicrous to me not to mention in poor taste.

If this is what constitutes reparations now then there's no fucking reason for anyone to be on the fence unless they're a crotchety old racist running for mayor in some podunk Fla town or the president of the united states

L Thammy

You know, even putting the racism aside, "if you don't like it, get out" is the least ambitious policy ever. I want that to be my campaign promise if I ever become a politician. No one can complain if I sleep on the job, because I didn't actually promise to do anything.

I do believe that he's a lifelong Democrat, though, in that it seems like he was a teenager in 1828.
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