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WAPO: Trump to 'Decertify' Iran deal


I remember hearing on NPR a month or so ago, when news that he might renege on the deal first broke, and someone from the administration said something along the lines of, "they're honoring the letter of the deal, but not the spirit of it." Like, what the hell does that even mean? Are we going to base our policy on the "spirit" of our various stances?


What has given people this idea that Kelly or McMasters would somehow fundamentally change what kind person Trump is and be able to over rule decisions made by President of USA?

People have no idea what a General can and cannot do in their position, regardless if they agree or disagree.
Iran then has no reason to remain nuke free. This is also a clear message to adversarial countries, “ Don’t make deals with the US.”

Trump is single handily setting back world diplomacy back decades


Bad for America's standing, bad for nuclear proliferation, bad for people who want progress in Iran.

Good for warmongers and hardliners who don't care about the consequences.

A stark reminder to never vote for or enable Republicans.


That's been known since Gadaffi and Hussein died in the name of "regime change". Hence NK's pursuit of a deterrent long before Trump was on the scene. In the cases of both Iraq and now Iran, what good is compliance when the US constantly reneges on its word?

Iran's best hope is that the international community will rally behind them on this, but from what I've heard the sanctions regime that can be applied to Iran by the US alone is very punitive.
Well before this Gadaffi and Hussein actually. There is a long history of the West kicking this can down the road...and here we are.

We have been woefully inconsistent regarding this (most noteably, not using military options in NK before they could hold Seoul hostage and allowing their program to continue).


You now belong to FMT.
Guys... every day is a new day to hate this man more and more. Let's just bring more joy to each other's lives and save our anger. No need to let his existence impede on your happiness. If there is any power in this world, he will get what he deserves in time and we can all look back at this dark spot in history and remember how bad it really was.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Morons. If you keep scrapping your predecessor's deals it means that no one will make deals with you, arguing that it's going to be scrapped if a Democrat is elected.


It's stupid that this is even a thing. Congress passed this mechanism because they didn't want to vote on the Iran deal in the first place but they wanted to embarass Obama by making him certify compliance every 90 days. Now, because Democrats went along with that dumb plan (because said Democrats also opposed any deal with Iran) Trump is going to make congress vote on it and they will only need 51 votes in the Senate. The thing is, there are probably 75+ votes in congress for this so that isn't really why they haven't done it anyway but I will bet they take this opportunity to do so

Fortunately, you can't really put the genie back in the bottle. It was a multi-party agreement and the rest of the parties don't care what the US does. It is only going to hurt American relations and business with Iran. The minor amount of leverage held by the US itself was given up when Obama transferred frozen funds to Iran in accordance with the deal

Nothing has changed as far as the reasons for why congress begrudgingly accepted the deal in the first place so we'll see what they do but the pressure from the right will be immense.
US: "Here is the stick: sustained international sanctions that cripple your country. We have the EU, Russia and China on-board with this. Here is the carrot: UN-backed rapprochement and full access to the global market, particularly for energy exports. Either way, you're going to stop your nuclear weapons program... so what will it be, the stick or the carrot?"
Iran: "Stop waving the stick, we'll take the carrot."
US: "We need complete transparency and a regular auditing system to prove you're in compliance."
Iran: "Our hardliners are grumbling but the carrot is too good to pass up and has emboldened the moderate majority in our country."
US: "Well, it seems you're in compliance according to international agencies and our own intelligence community so have some more carrot."
Iran: "Why, thanks. Could you please tell Israel to stop moping about us having carrot?"
US: "We're under new management. YOU'RE GETTING THE STICK NOW!"


It's ironic that his obsession with destroying Obama's legacy will probably just further enshrine it.

Shitty in the short term, but we all know what Trump will be remembered for.


aka andydumi
This was so obvious a few weeks ago when he said he was going to find them in non compliance even though all signs pointed to the opposite.


Sucks at poetry
Eventually at some point a nuke is probably getting dropped somewhere. Whether it's an act of terror, a declaration of war, a preemptive strike, or otherwise... One of the worst things that Trump has shown the world is that the US can't be trusted to help denuclearize threats around the globe or to maintain any sense of stability. Why bother making any sort of deal with us if at any point we can just elect another madman and walk away from our previous commitments? I think this is going to be a lesson not soon forgotten. I fully expect more countries to stock up and race towards nuclear armament. It's such a fucking morbid thought, but sometimes I feel like I'm half expecting to see one of these things blow up in my lifetime kicking off the end of the world or something. Goddamn it's depressing.


So basically another thing telling countries not to bother agreeing to or following anti-nuclear deals. Full steam ahead on developing nukes as you'll get attacked even if you don't.

Massive idiot.
Saudi and Israel, our two biggest allies and probably the two biggest piles of oppressive shit in the middle-east, will love this. I'm sure they're taking advantage of this administration to finally get the war with Iran that they've always wanted.


So basically another thing telling countries not to bother agreeing to or following anti-nuclear deals. Full steam ahead on developing nukes as you'll get attacked even if you don't.

Massive idiot.

Yeah, basically.

At this point an irrational North Korea would stop their nuclear program. A rational actor realizes that the US can't make deals and if you're an 'enemy' nation without nukes, you're probably getting invaded. Fuck that.


Good luck with getting cooperation with nations on anything form here on this goes for all administrations going forward. How does he not understand that he's undermined the entire country?

I highly doubt that he cares or can even think that far out. This is a man who constantly undermines his staff over and over again in statements and on twitter. He just doesn't care and long he gets what he wants even if it hurts the country.
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