Well, I hope some of you guys are happy, because you just turned this thread that could have been something special into another WoW whinefest. ;(
Anyways, I never got to play the Warcraft series. And frankly, I don't see myself why I should play it. RTS aren't my thing. I kinda fell out from Blizzard after feeling burned out from playing Starcraft games since I find myself not enjoying myself playing RTS games. Then when Diablo 3 came out on PS4/XB1, I gave it a try. And man, what a fun ride it was. The game felt so satisfying that I wanted to get back into Blizzard's games.
And that's where WoW came in. 3 months ago (Say like late August), I saw the battlechest edition for WoW that came with the first three expansions and a free month of game time. I said to myself ''Why not? I'll give it a try''.
After starting my Blood Elf Paladin, I was awed by the sense of scale and amount of content that the game has. I've met with some new friends and joined an awesome guild that are really amazing and treated me like one of them. The experience of leveling from 1-60 is something I will never forget in my life.
Since I wanted to be at the top of the game ASAP, I boosted my 60 Blood Elf character to 90 (Not to mention I bought MoP at 10 euros

). It was a bit confusing at first, but I managed it and got the opportunity to try out the last Raid of MoP (SoO, obviously) before WoD releases. Yes, there were a lot of wipes and a lot of frustrations (Hell, I couldn't try SoO at the highest difficulty). But at the end, the experience of doing a Raid that's not LFR was worth it and really made me motivated to become better and push myself to do Raids at non-LFR difficulties.
And now, here I am with my 100 Blood Elf Paladin who stepped foot into the savage world of Draenor. The leveling experience was even more better and Garrisons has to be an awesome addition. It feels good to have a fortress where you can send your own followers to missions and being a commander leading the charge against the Iron Horde. At this moment, I'm at ilvl 627, doing lots of Heroic dungeons to get to ilvl 630 so I can join my fellow guildies once the Raids opens on early December. Yeah... Raiding is not for everyone, but there's something good about doing end-game content and facing obstacles and overcoming challenges with your friends.
Yeah, that's a lot of talk for someone who played WoW for 2 months (I started on September), but the game holds a special place in my book and I can't wait to play it for many years to come.