Hey I was wondering if I could get into the clan, name is Proccor in-game.
Hello, new page.
Hey I was wondering if I could get into the clan, name is Proccor in-game.
What are people using for controller setup? Keyboard controls cramp my hands doing the slide to flip jump.
Holy shit. Prime parts can now be traded :O
Holy shit. Prime parts can now be traded :O
Also, could someone invite me to the GAF clan? I need to work towards the Nova frame.
I finally got my 2 legendary cores. Thanks Saav !
By the way I heard the tax trade for them is like 1 million credits lol.
Been out of the loop for a while, whats a legendary core?
I was wondering if I could get an invite to the clan? My warframe name is the same as my gaf name
Could I get an invite? BogartandMinerva in game. I also have a buddy General_Born in game, who's waiting for NeoGAF membership who would like to join.
Thanks if you can swing it.
I'm a newbie and have blueprints for Nova but need materials for crafting. Anyone wanna help me get to certain planets? Need neural sensors and other common mats.
I'm planning to get one of the throwing weapons, and looking at the stats of the kunai and hikou, it seems that they're pretty much equal, with kunai having ammo efficiency and hikou having fire rate. Is there something that pushes the balance towards one or the other that I'm not seeing?
Sorry Saavy, this looks and sounds like a Rhino more than a Loki to me :
Rhino Prime... Prhino ?
I don't mind Rhino Prime. Best frame in the game. Come at me bros![]()
Well, I thought I would be happy when this day came......turns out I am disappointed, I actually think Loki Prime will be far cooler.
(Take note, the actual source of my being glum is that I cant afford the Rhino Prime access.)
Vem Tabook, Shik Tal and Leekter. Remember their names, Tenno. They may be coming for you!
Vay Hek has warned that any Tenno supporting the Corpus during invasions will face consequences; we now know what those consequences are. Riddled with mutation, violent tendencies and the urge to kill, these Grineer defects - otherwise known as The Grustrag Three - pose a high level threat. They have been detected in the Solar System and have been taking notice of Tenno support for Corpus during invasions. If it is the Brakk you seek, the Grustrag Three you must defeat.
Tenno Reinforcement:
Marelok! Grineer Lever Action Secondary weapon! Find it in Clan Tech or the Market today.
Forest Level expansion!
Cosmetic Additions:
4x Immortal Skins: Nekros, Valkyr, Oberon, and Ember!
Twilight Colour Picker!
Other Additions:
New Hyena information hooked up in Codex.
New ambient sounds added to the Forest Levels!
Level up effect now uses energy colour!
Adjusted Timing to show Castanas in hand sooner after reload is complete.
Show The Void, The Derelicts and Dojo in the Star Chart if players have the required keys.
Tweaked the depth cue on energy projectile's flares so they aren't so large in the distance (Detron Projectile feedback changes).
Weapon and Mod conclave tweaks - increased the ratings on the Synapse, Heavy Caliber, and Toxin Damage mods.
Revised name of Zoren Dagger Axe skin, so that we don't have duplicate names (Dagger Axe).
Changed Frosts Ability Sounds to align with new casting times.
Fixed Burston Prime Blueprint not being tradeable.
Fixed problem where players could get stuck in a state where they cant roll or melee if they were not completely knocked down by an enemy.
Fixed another instance of permanent end of mission black screen .
Fixed remaining issues with Zephyrs Turbulence letting most shots through.
Fixed issue where Players can trade in progress Prime Blueprints which caused loss of resources.
Fixed missing Japanese Characters (font) in game.
Fixed issue where player attempts to fuse certain mods result in errors.
Fixed issues with day/night fog on Earth.
Fixed music not restarting after Stalker/Harvester appears.
Fixed issues where Warframes that were Harvested while wearing Immortal skins werent showing proper FX in Aresenal.
Fixed issue 9 from here, issues with mesh cuts in Forest: https://forums.warfr...-glitch-report/
Fixed issue where Sniper Rifle enemies would rapid-fire when blind-firing.
Fixed Ignis not using energy colour.
Fixed Supra/Boltor not using energy colour.
Fixed Amphis not using energy colour.
Fixed issue where Capture target would get stuck on Earth missions.
Fixed enemies throwing grenades while/after running instead of in proper Grenade throwing ways sequence.
Fixed progression stopping issue if playing Earths Sabotage mission with Nightmare mode timer permutation.
I am so incredibly burned out on WF.
I can barely stomach one run of anything anymore.
· Grineer Shipyards tile set revealed with new “Hijack” game mode & Tethra’s Doom event!
· New Prime items in the Void!
Rhino Prime
Ankyros Prime
Boltor Prime
AkBronco Prime
· 2x new Alternate helmets (Valkyr, Oberon)
· New Corpus Crewmen voices are here! They now have their own language and a whole new style as voted by the Design Council!
· Added Tutorial buttons to various sections of the game (Foundry, Mod screen, etc).