So are defense missions the best way to farm fusions?
Also I need formas how? where?
Well, no, because each faction has different units made up of different "materials", so there is no catch-all.
But I usually just remember what electricity + xxxxxxx element is good against what, since I love my quanta.
So corrosive and radiation against Grineer.
Magnetic against Corpus.
Corrosive against Infected
Corrosive against Void
And that is just me copying stuff from that page.
Some one please explain what a forma does the wiki isn't clear to me on its function outside of that it adds a symbol to a mod slot.
That's it. Putting those symbols in reduces the amount of mod energy taken up by a mod with a matching symbol. Cuts the cost in half.
So what would an effective use of forms be?
So what would an effective use of forms be?
Frankly, I would save them for clan weapons (if you're going to join one). All of the blueprints you get from clans require a Forma to build, so if you want to try those out, you should probably save your Forma for now.
looking for a clan invite
Tonight I was looking to run a dick load of tower missions t1-3 on lots of different mission types if anyone wants to join me around 5pm pacific my user name on steam is MatthewX5000.
what's your ID ?
lol my bad: LootenPlunder
Sent !
We can play some right now if you're still around
No problem~~~sorry i was in an out of work mode and missed your other messages. i'll be on again soon. Thanks!
Nyx Prime BP finally drops, people I'm with are saying they want to keep going, all switch to leave at the last second literally while I was neutral. Of course I try to click leave and the unresponsive UI makes me go ahead to the next part alone.
Really don't understand why majority rule does not kick in for that kind of situation to leave like it does to stay.
Either way crap like this puts a bad taste in my mouth. Think I'm done with WF for a good while cause this is not the first time.
edit: of course I try one more time and the game bugs again, this time vor does not spawn and ends up holding the match at 15, eventually the game simply kicks us and we get none of our wave complete rewards... yeah im done.
When it rains I guess.
Still the amount of time and bugs gone through to get this burned me out. @.@
When it rains I guess.
Still the amount of time and bugs gone through to get this burned me out. @.@
Take a break, the grind to get prime gear is a tedious one but I think worth it. Warframe ain't going anywhere for a while with all these new updates from PAX East. Grats on the get.
Can I get an invite to clan please.
ID: Clearos
Looking for an invite to the clan. In-game name DarkDonaId <-- "L" is a capital 'i'
I was gone for the game for ~ a year, but got back into it pretty heavily over the last few weeks. How is the clan doing? Still active? Or has it died off a ton.
Let me say, I think the archwing additions are pretty amazing, even just from a graphical perspective if not so much from the gameplay perspective. It's also nice to see way more variety in tilesets compared to a year ago. Every single mission doesn't take place on a spaceship anymore!
So the Latron prime is going away and its parts will no longer drop starting next week does anyone want to trade some stuff for the receiver, barrel and stock? It's the only gun I feel compelled to get. Please help.
I think I have the whole set/extras of it. I can hook you up today if I do.
I don't have much but ask me of it and it's yours. I get home around 5pm pacific steam user name is MatthewX5000. Thanks a bunch.
I'll give it for free, no prob. Can make like 4 of the things and am selling the others off lol.
So the Latron prime is going away and its parts will no longer drop starting next week does anyone want to trade some stuff for the receiver, barrel and stock? It's the only gun I feel compelled to get. Please help.
Just read this and WTF?
what are they doing?
Yeah I'd like to know what the reasoning behind it is as well. I mean it's cool that it will change the meta economy a little but for those who don't invest a lot of time in the game or that have been fucked over by the RNGs it seems weird. Maybe some the vendor will start selling it sometimes?
Played this after an agonizing 4 months of not having a PC capable of running anything beyond Plants vs Zombies.
Felt good, man.
I need to try out this archwing business.
Frost Prime, Latron Prime and Reaper Prime parts will still be tradable after they've been put into the Prime Vault.