Infinite Justice
One day I'll get a 75% off coupon...
You have never gotten one?
Or has it been a while
One day I'll get a 75% off coupon...
Never, and I've been playing since alpha...
Seriously? and you had been logging in in regularly?
that's mind blowning :O
I'm trying to understand this game really hard, i'm lvl 11 but I have no idea what im doing.
I have mag and I just learned how to put mods on my weapons and stuff.
Basically the quests are easy as hell.
I can pretty much press ctrl + jump and skip all content, do the mission and go to the extraction point.
I almost never find people to play with in my quests, its incredible.
Sometimes there is I believe special missions (Not on the quest tab) and I just level up 2 or 3 times in the same mission, and its the only place where I find alot of people playing, yet we all skip content too and clear the missions easy.
So I was wondering what am I doing wrong and maybe the game is just like this.
I feel like i'm playing solo most of the times.
I even have a clan but yeah.
skip content and solo mode, finish the mission, put mods, do sometimes the special mission and thats it?
I went to foundry and there is like a new sword there and stuff, but there are not stats on it, so how do I know its better or worst? and how do I know what are those items for?
Seems like it's a bit confusing for new players too.
I'm trying to understand this game really hard, i'm lvl 11 but I have no idea what im doing.
Is the dread supposed to be a rare drop from the stalker? My friends just got it dropped 3 times in a row and I got it twice.
According to the codex, it's his only common drop, everything else is either uncommon or rare. Really strange considering it's one of the best weapons in general.
Have 26 spare Dread bp's, but only 4 of Hate and Despair.
Failed the Level 8 test and was pretty pissed. I'll do better tomorrow
That a stealth test? I'm pretty sure it can be cheesed with a glaive.
I tried a Melee Sortie. I was doing almost no damage and was taking lots. :|
The GAF Clan have any allies? We are a small guild of under ten people who are real life friends. Not sure how alliances work or what advantages they have.
*glares through the internet*And i got a 75% off yesterday...
With the new system, I've gotten nothing but useless materials after 30 days of logins... I thought every so often, like every 10 or so, you were supposed to get some good stuff...
We'd love to have an Alliance! Right now they're just an extra chat tab, but when Dark Sectors get reworked they'll be useful again, I'm sure.
*glares through the internet*
And i got a 75% off yesterday...
Those enemies are level 50+ (the third sortie can see them going up to level 110+) so it checks out unfortunately. :/
Worse if your frame usually has paper health (like a Loki or Nova)
are there decent weapon builds out there to look at? I'm garbage at sifting through all my mods and finding "ideal builds" for my stuff. I'm trying to do a mobile defense mission to progress through Phobos, but the enemies just rip me up. I know I need to level my frame a bit more, but it's also taking way too long to kill things.
Never, and I've been playing since alpha...
I always got 75% off whenever I login after not playing for a long period of time (1-2 weeks).
Also Ash Prime parts price is ridiculous. Farming Survival III then.
The most annoying Ash Prime part imo is the BP since its T3 defense rotation C (aka every 20 mins).
While channeling.
And I just get a 75% discount as a my daily tribute lol
Defense mission depends on how fast you clear the mobs. It could longer or it could shorter depends on the team and how fucked the AI pathing on each waves. It's Ash Prime system that annoyed me the most since with survival there's no way you could do it faster since survival mission is time based. If I got Bo Prime BP one more time.....
Plus I got Ash Prime BP on my first try
Can I get invited back into the clan? The name is Saften.
Prime access trailers are usually more minimal, why is this one so different?
Also, Nikana Prime hype.
Mainly because of the lore teasing that's going on in it, especially after the second dream stuff.
Also agreed on the Nikana prime and i will try to get that thing as quickly as i can
The only way teasing lore in a prime trailer makes sense to me is by Saryn Prime being a quest reward.
Would be awesome, but they want to sell Prime Access, so I don't see it happening.
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Also, the drop rate for these piercing mods from this event is BS. 100% toxic mods so far.
I hear Rhino is getting vaulted next, so they'll just replace his prime parts with Saryn's won't they?
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Also, the drop rate for these piercing mods from this event is BS. 100% toxic mods so far.
Not quite. When Frost went away, Trin's parts didn't replace his IIRC. They might just shuffle things up. Hell maybe they'll actually give the Derelict something worth farming.
Hey fresh Tenno herecan I get an invite to the clan please? Name's Gruxy on EU (I think)
Can I get an invite to the Gaf clan? Name is the same ingame as here : ZenVolta.
I need friends to play with
DPS frame? Nova comes immediately to mind. M-primed targets plus anti-matter drops = 200k+ explosions for me, lol.