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Warframe |OT| Tekno-ninjas in space play free!

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Defeated Jackal. Finished the Archwing quest and completed Earth, Mercury and Venus. Did some more plains but it was Ghoul Night so it was very hard. Too low level for that.

My main objective now is to farm Jackal and build the Rhino. Gonna get the doggo too since that quest opened up now. Need to build the Archwing Launcher too. I've bought a fishing rod. Did some mining too, it was the first time I tried out the Nosum cutter. Didn't really get what it was for at first, the game is not very good at explaining things. But I like that. It builds a sort of mystery to it and when you figure stuff out it feels good.

Warframe is very addictive. It's a completely different experience on PS5. It's so smooth and plays so well, that I just can't stop. There is always something to do, a mission, a quest, free roaming etc. I usually hate f2p but Warframe nails it. The mtx never gets obtrusive, instead you get so much value out of the game that you actually want to pay for stuff. Very good community too. Been having lots of fun in co-op.

The huge thing about playing it on ps5 is not only that it looks and plays super smooth but that it vastly reduces the loading downtime. You have a super fun shooty shoot ninjas in space game with shortyish missions and then you get hit with 2 minutes downtime watching your ship fly while it loads.

On ps5 is just zooooooom and bam you’re again making minced grineer meatballs with your sword.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Defeated Jackal. Finished the Archwing quest and completed Earth, Mercury and Venus. Did some more plains but it was Ghoul Night so it was very hard. Too low level for that.

My main objective now is to farm Jackal and build the Rhino. Gonna get the doggo too since that quest opened up now. Need to build the Archwing Launcher too. I've bought a fishing rod. Did some mining too, it was the first time I tried out the Nosum cutter. Didn't really get what it was for at first, the game is not very good at explaining things. But I like that. It builds a sort of mystery to it and when you figure stuff out it feels good.

Warframe is very addictive. It's a completely different experience on PS5. It's so smooth and plays so well, that I just can't stop. There is always something to do, a mission, a quest, free roaming etc. I usually hate f2p but Warframe nails it. The mtx never gets obtrusive, instead you get so much value out of the game that you actually want to pay for stuff. Very good community too. Been having lots of fun in co-op.

Btw I forgot to tell you, in Cetus/Plains you can farm a warframe called Gara.

Now, I don’t know how easy/hard is to farm Gara for a newbie nor if a newbie has the mods to make it shine, but Gara is BONKERS. Is a bit formulaic as in there’s a specific order in which to use her powers to build up and so on and more free form players dislike Gara playstyle but it’s super powerful.

Mr Hyde

The huge thing about playing it on ps5 is not only that it looks and plays super smooth but that it vastly reduces the loading downtime. You have a super fun shooty shoot ninjas in space game with shortyish missions and then you get hit with 2 minutes downtime watching your ship fly while it loads.

Yeah the load times are the biggest game changer for me so far, it's a huge quality of life boost. As you say, it fits perfectly with Warframe and its formula, jumping in and out of mission. It adds so much to the overall gaming experience, and that goes for all the games I've tried on the PS5 so far.

Btw I forgot to tell you, in Cetus/Plains you can farm a warframe called Gara.

I have the blueprint for Gara and I have her chassi, so I will hunt down the rest of the parts too. Currently in the works with Rhino, but Gara is a priority too, as well as Lanrutcon Lanrutcon favorite stealth waifu Ivara.

Appreciate all the tips you are giving me guys.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community

Ah, seems they're finally brining in the corpus side of railjack.

I think they promised the'd seize the opportunity to replace the corpus ship tileset with a more modern feeling one. The corpus ship tileset is one of the oldest ones still in use.

edit: after further research, seems they already shipped that tileset
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Gold Member
I need help. I just started and this game is overwhelming. I done the tutorial missions and got mastery level 1.

I dunno what to do next? I like playing Co op - I thought I'd just be able to select a mission like destiny and it would group me. Is it cos I'm like level 1?


I need help. I just started and this game is overwhelming. I done the tutorial missions and got mastery level 1.

I dunno what to do next? I like playing Co op - I thought I'd just be able to select a mission like destiny and it would group me. Is it cos I'm like level 1?
If I recall, you just have to pick a node from navigation and the game will find people on that node and put you in the same lobby with them, just complete all blue nodes and unlock all planets

Void Fissure missions, Bounties on Plains of Eidolon / Fortuna, or Sorties are usually the easiest ways to get auto-grouped with others, but I think you have to complete more blue nodes on navigation first before you unlock those.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I need help. I just started and this game is overwhelming. I done the tutorial missions and got mastery level 1.

I dunno what to do next? I like playing Co op - I thought I'd just be able to select a mission like destiny and it would group me. Is it cos I'm like level 1?

Hey cormack! welcome aboard.

There's a setting for matchmaking private/friends only/public, but I believe it's set to public by default, might wanna check it anyways.

But yes, once you select a mission, the game will match you with other players that are starting the same mission (unless it's an endless type mission, in which case the game will also match you with mission instances that have already started but are less than X minutes old.

What platform are you on?


I need help. I just started and this game is overwhelming. I done the tutorial missions and got mastery level 1.

I dunno what to do next? I like playing Co op - I thought I'd just be able to select a mission like destiny and it would group me. Is it cos I'm like level 1?

To add to what the others said, early on you may not find much matchmaking on alot of missions. There's certain nodes and mission types which are more popular for people who have been with the game for a while, generally a bit further around the star chart, so early missions often don't have many people running them.

Like Snapshot suggested, best bet for now, is to work your way through all the flashing blue missions on each planet, which will open up all sorts of things as you go. Also, there's a boss on Venus you may want to beat up a few times. It drops components to build Rhino, who's a sturdy, reliable frame for making your way around the star chart.

Also, you'll hit a couple of the more open areas in Cetus (Earth) and Fortuna (Venus) fairly early on. There's lots to do in both of those, but it can be a bit of a struggle early on progressing in them. Try not to get to wrapped up in those, and focus more on progressing around the star chart, and then come back a little later.

For now though, just focus on killing all the shit and collecting all the loot, and things will hopefully start to click


Gold Member
SnapShot SnapShot Bitmap Frogs Bitmap Frogs Cracklox Cracklox

Cheers, playing on xbox series x. I did start some mission yesterday which was protecting something in an arena from horde like waves of grineer. Someone else joined but he was obviously high level. My matchmaking is public, so basically I can start any mission/task and if there are people about it will auto join me? I understand a lot might be empty in the early part of the game.

I'm not sure on abilities, I'm getting used to bullet jumping which is ok. I remember something about hitting RB and melee but I'm not sure what it does. I sort of charge forward but then stop. Also sometimes I jump up and pound my sword into the ground for an AoE attack - I have no idea what I'm doing or how. I'm still going to play through and hope these click. I went into all menus and see I unlock abilities at various levels so I'm not even sure these are abilities I'm using.

Should I be upgrading my breton and pistol? I read people say don't and just wait until you get Hex or something?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
SnapShot SnapShot Bitmap Frogs Bitmap Frogs Cracklox Cracklox

Should I be upgrading my breton and pistol? I read people say don't and just wait until you get Hex or something?

"Upgrading" as in slotting in mods is a no compromise move - these mods can be freely arranged and reshuffled. So always always equip mods on your weapons (mods are the card-looking thingios that give you like +ice damage, +multishot, +reload speed, etc etc.

Where you commit things that cannot be recovered is when you use an Orokin Catalyst on a weapon (which doubles mod capacity) or when you use Forma on a mod slot to change the polarity. Neither the Catalyst nor the Forma can be extracted from the weapon after being used, they're effectively gone.


SnapShot SnapShot Bitmap Frogs Bitmap Frogs Cracklox Cracklox

Cheers, playing on xbox series x. I did start some mission yesterday which was protecting something in an arena from horde like waves of grineer. Someone else joined but he was obviously high level. My matchmaking is public, so basically I can start any mission/task and if there are people about it will auto join me? I understand a lot might be empty in the early part of the game.

I'm not sure on abilities, I'm getting used to bullet jumping which is ok. I remember something about hitting RB and melee but I'm not sure what it does. I sort of charge forward but then stop. Also sometimes I jump up and pound my sword into the ground for an AoE attack - I have no idea what I'm doing or how. I'm still going to play through and hope these click. I went into all menus and see I unlock abilities at various levels so I'm not even sure these are abilities I'm using.

Should I be upgrading my breton and pistol? I read people say don't and just wait until you get Hex or something?
Ya, public will match you with anyone else playing that mission at that time. However it is region specific. If your not in the You Es of Aye, I'd suggest going into options and change the region. I'm in Australia and default is Oceania/Pacific which is absolutely dead for public games, so I change mine to America and don't have too many issues.

Like Frogs said upgrading (slotting mods to your weapons) is something to always do. They're universal for all other weapon/frame types, so you don't lose them after you slot them. Related to that is the fact the starter gear is a bit shitty, and you might be pretty limited on weapon slots early on in the game. So with that said, its usually worth ranking the early stuff to 30 and then selling them to clear room for better weapons. I'd suggest that was probaly the advice you read. Also related to that is the starter platinum you get. If you plan on sticking around for a while you should only spend that on extra frame or weapon slots, especially if you plan to play for as free as possible.

And yes the Hek shotgun is probably one of the better early weapons you can get early on. Also keep an eye out for the Sonicor, which is a wrist mounted rocket launcher and pretty fun, with only an mr2 requirement. Both weapons (along with plenty of others) you can purchase their blueprint from the market place for credits (easily earned in game currency). Also melee is kinda meta right now in the late game, but is pretty damn strong early on too, so don't underestimate that.

As for abilities, each frame will have 4 (there are a few with more) and you will unlock the 4th at level 10. Each skill has 3 ranks which will level as you level the frame, so by level 30 you will have 4 level 3 skills. These skill are then modified by the modding system on the frame. You can add duration to make them last longer, range to make them hit more stuff, power to make them hit harder or efficiency to make casting them cheaper. Each frame and there abilities will benefit more from modding for range or power or efficiency or duration or any combination of those, and later on when making a build understanding what frame benefits from what is pretty crucial. For now though its probably not something to worry too much about. As long as shits dying and your not, you're doing something right.

Oh and I'm not sure what RB does for melee, but LB plus melee iniates a slide attack which are pretty powerful, and once upon a time were basically the meta. They've been brought back a little but still pretty strong. The slam attack after you jump is a heavy attack (default I believe is R3) and are also pretty damn strong

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Ya, public will match you with anyone else playing that mission at that time. However it is region specific. If your not in the You Es of Aye, I'd suggest going into options and change the region. I'm in Australia and default is Oceania/Pacific which is absolutely dead for public games, so I change mine to America and don't have too many issues.

Like Frogs said upgrading (slotting mods to your weapons) is something to always do. They're universal for all other weapon/frame types, so you don't lose them after you slot them. Related to that is the fact the starter gear is a bit shitty, and you might be pretty limited on weapon slots early on in the game. So with that said, its usually worth ranking the early stuff to 30 and then selling them to clear room for better weapons. I'd suggest that was probaly the advice you read. Also related to that is the starter platinum you get. If you plan on sticking around for a while you should only spend that on extra frame or weapon slots, especially if you plan to play for as free as possible.

And yes the Hek shotgun is probably one of the better early weapons you can get early on. Also keep an eye out for the Sonicor, which is a wrist mounted rocket launcher and pretty fun, with only an mr2 requirement. Both weapons (along with plenty of others) you can purchase their blueprint from the market place for credits (easily earned in game currency). Also melee is kinda meta right now in the late game, but is pretty damn strong early on too, so don't underestimate that.

As for abilities, each frame will have 4 (there are a few with more) and you will unlock the 4th at level 10. Each skill has 3 ranks which will level as you level the frame, so by level 30 you will have 4 level 3 skills. These skill are then modified by the modding system on the frame. You can add duration to make them last longer, range to make them hit more stuff, power to make them hit harder or efficiency to make casting them cheaper. Each frame and there abilities will benefit more from modding for range or power or efficiency or duration or any combination of those, and later on when making a build understanding what frame benefits from what is pretty crucial. For now though its probably not something to worry too much about. As long as shits dying and your not, you're doing something right.

Oh and I'm not sure what RB does for melee, but LB plus melee iniates a slide attack which are pretty powerful, and once upon a time were basically the meta. They've been brought back a little but still pretty strong. The slam attack after you jump is a heavy attack (default I believe is R3) and are also pretty damn strong

Hey lox you seen the zephyr rework? Seems the flying chicken is getting a new lease on life, the changes are yummy.


Hey lox you seen the zephyr rework? Seems the flying chicken is getting a new lease on life, the changes are yummy.

I have. Extra crit chance is always nice and hopefully tornadoes actually work now, but I'm more interested in the dive bomb changes. Big damage buff to it is nice but something that wasn't mentioned in the workshop, but Space Mom mentioned in a stream the other day, is that dive bomb won't be so finnicky with aiming at the ground to execute it. Right now, if you're not aiming basically 90 degrees down, she'll just do a tailwind and skim across the ground. Probably not as big an issue with kb+m but its annoying with controller. The changes give that more leeway, much the same as slam attacks with melee are far easier to do after the melee 2.98754 rework.

So with that in mind, the augment for divebomb, target fixation, is a pretty neat thing that can get real strong (already without the buffs) with time and is a pretty fun and engaging play style. I had a bit of trouble making it work properly because of the aforementioned, so definitely be revisiting it after the changes.

It'll be a while coming on console too. The railjack changes have to go live on pc first, I believe in the next week or two, then we have to wait for the next big update to get everything in one go. I'd guesstimate it'll take another month or so. At least...

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I have. Extra crit chance is always nice and hopefully tornadoes actually work now, but I'm more interested in the dive bomb changes. Big damage buff to it is nice but something that wasn't mentioned in the workshop, but Space Mom mentioned in a stream the other day, is that dive bomb won't be so finnicky with aiming at the ground to execute it. Right now, if you're not aiming basically 90 degrees down, she'll just do a tailwind and skim across the ground. Probably not as big an issue with kb+m but its annoying with controller. The changes give that more leeway, much the same as slam attacks with melee are far easier to do after the melee 2.98754 rework.

So with that in mind, the augment for divebomb, target fixation, is a pretty neat thing that can get real strong (already without the buffs) with time and is a pretty fun and engaging play style. I had a bit of trouble making it work properly because of the aforementioned, so definitely be revisiting it after the changes.

It'll be a while coming on console too. The railjack changes have to go live on pc first, I believe in the next week or two, then we have to wait for the next big update to get everything in one go. I'd guesstimate it'll take another month or so. At least...

lol you’re planning a power strength dive bombing build? Amazing


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Gara Prime Access is available now for all platforms. Check out the trailer for a look at the character in action.

Gara, the unbreakable warrior of the Plains, arrives in stunning Prime form. Shatter enemies with explosive glass shells from her Astilla Prime shotgun, or obliterate them with the Volnus Prime, her nimble-but-deadly glass hammer.


Gold Member
Welp. After the recent TennoCon I'm all in again. Anyone else here still play?

I was deep into Warframe back in the day. Fell off around 2017 or so. Tried to go back a couple of times but so many new systems have been added I Have No Idea What I'm Doing anymore.

Maybe WF1999 will be a good point to jump back on.


I was deep into Warframe back in the day. Fell off around 2017 or so. Tried to go back a couple of times but so many new systems have been added I Have No Idea What I'm Doing anymore.

Maybe WF1999 will be a good point to jump back on.
Hah 2017 was when I first started, back when Plains of Eidolon was introduced basically. I fell off it when they introduced the Lich system as the fucker kept stealing very valuable resources such as relics and shit. Thankfully a kind soul the other day helped me defeat it and taxi me to the area where it was holding up via Railjack so now that it's gone I can finally enjoy the game again. (almost bought that Heirloom pack as well lol but then I saw how shitty of a deal it was so I opted for the Wisp Prime pack instead).

Am currently replaying all of the major story quests to refresh my memory and then I have six(!) new quests waiting for me that came out in my absence. I'm hype!
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Gold Member
Hopped on for a bit yesterday morning. Knocked out the railjack and fortuna unlock missions. Looked up and it was 01:30 AM.


Forgot how important the clan dojo was though - clearly the old GAF clan is long gone. Is there a new one?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Hopped on for a bit yesterday morning. Knocked out the railjack and fortuna unlock missions. Looked up and it was 01:30 AM.


Forgot how important the clan dojo was though - clearly the old GAF clan is long gone. Is there a new one?

If you read the thread you’ll see they renamed.

I don’t remember the new name tho 😅

And yes, Frizby still runs it.
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How is the game now? I used to play it a ton before they added the operator and flying. Kind of stopped for a bit after that. What’s it like on ps5?


Hopped on for a bit yesterday morning. Knocked out the railjack and fortuna unlock missions. Looked up and it was 01:30 AM.


Forgot how important the clan dojo was though - clearly the old GAF clan is long gone. Is there a new one?
I'm the head of a small clan which has most stuff unlocked (AFAIK) if you still need to join one.

How is the game now? I used to play it a ton before they added the operator and flying. Kind of stopped for a bit after that. What’s it like on ps5?
It's great*, and there's a new tileset/expansion coming in October called Whispers in the Wall. Apparently they're going to make that a starting point for new players though? Super dumb if true.

*great as in it's very polished and the moment to moment gameplay can't be beat but it's also very convoluted and could do with a lot of trimming of the fat imo.


Well, I downloaded it again and it has me chasing umbra in a ship and I needed to wear its shields down, so I figure that out by sheer luck but now it’s asking me to stun him with a void sling. I have no idea what that is or how to trigger it in game. I can’t find it in the controls either. I’m on ps5 if that matters


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I’m trying to pick this back up. Played maybe 3-4 years ago? Did so for like a year but a buddy basically just ran me through all content.

I legit have no clue how to play this on my own. At no point did I learn anything doing it that way, but I can’t afford to start over lol.

Is there anyway to somehow quickly learn the game or be refreshed ? I suck at finding these things so far on YT myself.


I’m trying to pick this back up. Played maybe 3-4 years ago? Did so for like a year but a buddy basically just ran me through all content.

I legit have no clue how to play this on my own. At no point did I learn anything doing it that way, but I can’t afford to start over lol.

Is there anyway to somehow quickly learn the game or be refreshed ? I suck at finding these things so far on YT myself.

That's its biggest weakness. There's just too much to do and it's not very clear how to do any of it.

The void was confusing enough for me.

Add in that I hate the enemy aesthetics and most instances being absolutely empty, or if there is someone, just speedrunning through the level.
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