My wallet will not survive the next two months. I want those, I want the Nundams, I need a zllion sister squads.
My wallet will not survive the next two months. I want those, I want the Nundams, I need a zllion sister squads.
The Sisters project continues.
That sisters stuff is nice. How big is your force now?
Tiny! Was anticipating the release of the Sisters patrol box by now. I've got 1 x 10 woman Sisters squad, 1 x Retributor squad, 1 x 5 woman Seraphim squad, 1x Rhino, 1 x Flamey Tank, 1 x Palantine, 1 x Canonness and 1 x Imagifier.
Need a few more Rhinos and basic squads (two things the patrol box will 100% have), another Imagifier, another Serephim squad (want to run 2 x 5 with melta pistols) another Palantine (but they don't have a stand alone kit yet! will kitbash), 2 more Retribtor squads (maaaaybe the box will have that, but I doubt it). Then I want 3 of the new kits they announced: Castigator tanks (as a replacement for Excorcists), Paragon warsuits and Celestian Sacresants. The warsuits and Sacresants will make up the melee portion of the army and maybe get a Preacher. Everything that can will wear a melta, running as a minor order spinoff from the Valerous Hearts.
I never really got into 40K because honestly I always thought the GW Space Marine aesthetic was a bit goofy and dated, even back in the 90's (that's Heresy to some people, I'm sure). I'm really digging the newer Primaris models though. Much better proportions and posing for my taste while still fitting in the same universe. Someone called it more tacticool and I agree, but I'm all about that look so I'm fully on board now.
Ordered a couple Combat Patrol boxes to start the foundations of a shame pile but I live in a pretty rural town so it might be a challenge to find anyone to play with; it's a 90 minute drive to the closest thing that passes for civilization. At least my wife says she's in if she can have a Aeldari Craftworld army hah.
Wow some great looking paint jobs here, good job guys.
Am pretty new to Warhammer and have just purchased the new Dominion Box. Just putting together Kruleboyz to paint over the weekend. Can anyone recommend a good newbie painting you tube channel that could help me along?
Recently bought a Blood Angels patrol box and some...stuff. Trying to get 1,500 points of Raptors going. I am embracing the tacticool.
Primer, then a heavy green spray, then the actual color I want spray. Make sure your cans are shaken for a minute and put in a warm water bath for 5 before use. Mark the distance you want to spray from on the spray board to ensure you don't stray.smoov
Are you using an airbrush for that OD basecoat or is that a spray/primer?
Drove into town to check out the LGS there and to just pick up a can of primer. Came home with a T'au Starpulse Cadre box with around 700-800 pts worth of models. With the speed GW is releasing codices, I'll probably even get them all built/painted before the 9th edition T'au book comes out...
Is everyone ready for 30k plastics!!!
That (rumor) with pics has me hyped to get into heresy.
I would pay chunks of my income for some of those vehicles in plastic. Resin is
Dude this is a great color scheme.Recently bought a Blood Angels patrol box and some...stuff. Trying to get 1,500 points of Raptors going. I am embracing the tacticool.
Still a WIP. Transfers have to be custom ordered, and I still need to get some of the gloss off, finish basing, weather the tank, etc.
Ive just bought a douzain of citadel pots and a box of Space Marines Primaris Intercessors, im getting back into painting minis.
Any advice gaf?
Ive just bought a douzain of citadel pots and a box of Space Marines Primaris Intercessors, im getting back into painting minis.
Any advice gaf?
You'll need to buy a brush too.
I actually did the same thing a few month ago, and then life got in the way. I bought the "starter set" which had a few marines, some paints & a brush. Then I topped that up with some more paints etc ...... and that's as far as I got.![]()
Thanks for the advice. I don't plan to play since I don't know anyone around here that does. For now I just want to paint models I think looks good, hence why I went with intercessorsYour first box will always be a mess, so take it slow.
- Paint 1 marine at a time. Don't do bulk or assembly line anything until you got your process down and your skills honed.
- Assemble the model, file the mould lines off, wash and dry the model, prime the model with primer (black, sometimes white or grey), wait to dry, basecoat the model (use the color that will cover the majority of the model, so blue for Ultramarines), wait to dry, basecoat individual areas, wait to dry, wash areas (Nuln Oil is a good starter), touch up any mistakes you made. Done.
- The thicker your paint, the harder it is to paint smoothly. Rather thin it out (add a few drops of water to some paint you put in a palette, make-shift or otherwise, mix well). 3 thin coats gives an amazing look. 1 thick coat looks like a disaster. Do not thin washes or metallics.
- Do that model by model and note where you can improve, where you messed up, etc. Just learn from the experience. Aim to have your shit sorted by the time you've tried 5 models.
- Watch some GW tutorials on Youtube to start out with
- Now do the remaining 5 with what you've learnt. These will be much better than your first marine, I promise. You'll mostly be fielding Intercessors in groups of 5 unless you're going for a firing line.