We are now officially entering Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction Event

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is fucking up the planet helping our odds of survival?

Probably it is reducing it somewhat - but not a lot.

But that's not the point.

The point is, even if humanity is flourishing and continues to flourish forever, we are still destroying much of the natural beauty and diversity that exists, leaving the world an impoverished place.
Probably it is reducing it somewhat - but not a lot.

But that's not the point.

The point is, even if humanity is flourishing and continues to flourish forever, we are still destroying much of the natural beauty and diversity that exists, leaving the world an impoverished place.

I can't help reading your post like the G-Man and being fascinated and creeped out all at the same time.
Probably it is reducing it somewhat - but not a lot.

But that's not the point.

The point is, even if humanity is flourishing and continues to flourish forever, we are still destroying much of the natural beauty and diversity that exists, leaving the world an impoverished place.

It's mentality like this that's going to doom us.



Add to that 85% of all ocean fish are gone, and within the last twelve seconds half of the population of all animal species has died.

When I see stuff like this it's just....utter despair. I can't even process how insane this is.


Why are people still talking as if this means humanity will die off? This is a totally separate issue from whether we are threatening our own existence.

It's not technically separate, because this is a symptom of us fucking up the planet, and the reason it is happening is exactly the same reason we are imperiling ourselves.


It's not technically separate, because this is a symptom of us fucking up the planet, and the reason it is happening is exactly the same reason we are imperiling ourselves.

Some of the reasons are the same, but many are not. Impingement on species habitats and transport of invasive species are two of the biggest causes, and neither of them really has any substantial effect on human well being.

And my point still stands, the sixth mass extinction is not an event tied to our own survival - maybe our actions will doom us, maybe they won't, but either way this isn't about what might happen to humanity in the future. It's about what is happening to the other species of the Earth right now.

We should care about that whether or not it effects our own survival. To not care seems horribly unethical to me.


Some of the reasons are the same, but many are not. Impingement on species habitats and transport of invasive species are two of the biggest causes, and neither of them really has any substantial effect on human well being.

And my point still stands, the sixth mass extinction is not an event tied to our own survival - maybe our actions will doom us, maybe they won't, but either way this isn't about what might happen to humanity in the future. It's about what is happening to the other species of the Earth right now.

We should care about that whether or not it effects our own survival. To not care seems horribly unethical to me.

Not only that but if I had to say I'd bet we are getting better about not doing things that are damaging our environment. Yes we still have major fuckups and yes we are still doing damage but as time goes on we are making incremental steps towards not fucking things up. The question is whether those incremental steps are enough. Also a major question is about developing contries. They have seen our fuckups and our improvements. The question is will they go straight to the improvements or go like china and india and say we have a right to pollute cause it's cheaper and we're developing and you guys did it too.
I'm amazed anyone at all is taking this seriously. Paul Ehrlich is a loon, and his name is second on this paper by the way.

Here's some fun quotes:

The guy is a sensationalist doomsayer. Even crazy people can write research papers.

Oh yeah, the infamous "population bomb" theory.

This is basically just another overpopulation theory. But he should be happy that the population growing reached already its peak in many places.
As if China and US, the two main culprits, and going to change their ways.

A country that has a significant CO2 output for like 15 years is a main culprit, okay.

Also CO2 per capita:


But yeah, the USA is quite the asshole in everything environment related.


Another false flag report from the academia. They only want to take away our rights and force us into Hobbit huts.


I'm amazed anyone at all is taking this seriously. Paul Ehrlich is a loon, and his name is second on this paper by the way.

Here's some fun quotes:

The guy is a sensationalist doomsayer. Even crazy people can write research papers.

Yep, one of the authors, Paul R. Ehrlich, has said some incredibly crank-ish things about population control. However, that doesn't necessarily invalidate the findings of this particular study, which are laid out in the linked article. In particular, it builds on the findings of another report published in Nature in 2011, "Has the Earth’s sixth mass extinction already arrived?", using information provided by the IUCN (International Union of Conservation of Nature) red list. There is more supplementary information here.
There was another review of the literature last year that came to much the same conclusion:


Here is another analysis. Essentially, extinctions are occurring at an alarmingly accelerated rate compared to what we expect from the fossil record, and most of these extinctions are tied in some way to human activity. This includes the introduction and population explosion of feral animals in new environments, cats in Australia being a prime example (as much as it pains me to say it, given how much I love cats lol).
Not only that but if I had to say I'd bet we are getting better about not doing things that are damaging our environment. Yes we still have major fuckups and yes we are still doing damage but as time goes on we are making incremental steps towards not fucking things up. The question is whether those incremental steps are enough. Also a major question is about developing contries. They have seen our fuckups and our improvements. The question is will they go straight to the improvements or go like china and india and say we have a right to pollute cause it's cheaper and we're developing and you guys did it too.
We should honestly be paying for them not to do the things the Western World did. Pretty crazy for us to sit on our economy built by wrecking the environment and then expect developing nations to do it the slow way.


How the death of biodiversity could greatly affect our food supply. Our extinction is simple, we starve to death because we can't grow food anymore.

The plants and animals we rely on for food aren't in danger, they are flourishing. At the expense of other species.
How the death of biodiversity could greatly affect our food supply. Our extinction is simple, we starve to death because we can't grow food anymore.

We suffer losses from this, we don't go extinct. Humans can basically eat anything.

There really isn't much that would cause the extinction of the human race. We're too spread out and too adaptable.


The plants and animals we rely on for food aren't in danger, they are flourishing. At the expense of other species.
Sort of. The extreme lack of genetic diversity places many crops at risk of eradication due to sudden pathogen outbreaks. IIRC 95% of commercial banana trees are clones, so a quickly spreading disease could wipe most of them out if not immediately contained. And there are other such cases.


Sort of. The extreme lack of genetic diversity places many crops at risk of eradication due to sudden pathogen outbreaks. IIRC 95% of commercial banana trees are clones, so a quickly spreading disease could wipe most of them out if not immediately contained. And there are other such cases.

Which is a concern, but one that hasn't actually led to any substantial impact on the world's food supply.

The Sixth Mass Extinction is real, isn't hypothetical, and has been happening now for at least 200 years (probably more). It is a consequence of our success, not a symptom of our failure.

Monoculture agriculture may have drawbacks, but it has very little to do with what we are doing to the environment. If we had been careful to keep a greater variety of food crops in use, we still would be causing the same damage.
We should honestly be paying for them not to do the things the Western World did. Pretty crazy for us to sit on our economy built by wrecking the environment and then expect developing nations to do it the slow way.

Well, China is the leading nation in renewable energy, so there is some hope.

But yes, the western world has no moral high ground here - especially the USA.


This data is not too shocking. There is a significantly higher amount of humans now than a hundred years ago. People are going to spread out and energy must be provided.


Lots of FYGM when it comes to this topic. Our children and their children and so on will thoroughly hate us, and we deserve it.
As long as capitalism reigns, the earth and the 99 percent are fucked.

It's pretty upsetting the sort of destruction of diversity that's going on.. And unless you're enthusiastic and knowledgeable about nature, you're not going to see it as a real problem and understand the scope of it.

Some of the most well known and beloved animal species have populations collapsing with as little as 10 - 1000 individuals alive in the wild. Meanwhile, there are 7 billion humans living and polluting everywhere in the planet. Just dividing a forest in two with a highway is enough to disrupt and destroy some animal species.

People like to think other animals live in small box of a territory, like humans do, but that's simply not true.

I believe we have an ultimatum. We either continue as normal and destroy everything to the point where the only survivors will be animals that can adapt to human environments (rats, cockroaches, other pests) or we let wild nature exist again, and put us and our destructive forces behind walls, fences, and bubbles.

Clearly modern human civilization can't function in the natural world without inadvertently destroying it.. Human populations are grossly out of control. It really disgusts me that corporations catch wild fish, for example, and sell them to every grocery store in the US. That's outrageous.. How the fuck is that considered okay? Farm your own fucking fish. Stop dicking around in the precious wild.

This Earth would be far better off with a human species that stayed in one spot, specialized for a specific environment like most animals. As awesome as human enterprise and pioneering is, it's so far out of control it's not even possible to reverse this damage.

I think we would need to turn back the clock to prehistory when there were maybe several hundred thousand humans or a couple million at most, before any damage could be said to have been done. I mean, it really is waay too late. As long as humans feel the need to occupy every crevice, every ecosystem, destruction is imminent.

I wish we could round up all humans, sort them into the top 5 human territories, then give the rest back to nature, permanent wild zones where people simply aren't allowed to live, and if they are, they must live off the land for themselves or their group, which is required by Earth law to stay within a few dozen people.

They can roam and intermingle with other groups, but no vehicles, no chemicals, etc. pre-industry in these 'wild zones''.

I'm talking about giving at least 50 percent of currently occupied human territory back to the whim and forces of nature, and the civilizations within the human territories would have to exercise restraint for once in their history.

We need government to step in and set legal boundaries, because no one else has the will or power to protect the earth from our own destruction.

The sooner we can have an Earth Federation run by a democratic panel of scientists, the better.

Red Mage

A lot of you guys still don't get it. This isn't about some catastrophe that is happening (or going to happen) to humanity, it is about what humanity is doing to the biodiversity of the world. This will probably have some impact on us, but ultimately not much. On the other hand, the diversity, beauty, and resilience of many ecosystems is being destroyed. All coral reefs may be gone by 2050. Think about that for a moment.

Life won't die out. Humans won't die out. But we will be left a world impoverished in the variety and uniqueness of species that once were.

Eh, have you not been reading the OP posts? He's not exactly helping things.



I agree, there are just way too many people in the world.
And places where there are the most people seem to give even less of a shit about the environment. Rubbish everywhere, people burning plastic, throwing garbage just into the water like really.."who gives a shit"..


Makes me mad and sad. I love traveling, love seeing new things, meeting new people, but I hate seeing what people have done to the environment and what its become.
Guys, we're not fucking up the planet. We're fucking up ourselves. 60,000 years from now the planet will be fine no matter what we do to it now, we're just like a few annoying mosquitoes it'll have to shake off.


I have only read the first few pages so not sure if this has been answered: Are there any suggestions as to what individuals can concretely do to help improve the situation? I think it is important to also list in the OP, helpful, concrete actions people can take to help improve things.
Since I believe the best way to get an apathetic shoulder shrug response from people is to tell them something terrible is happening all around them on a global scale. And that in a couple of decades it will be really really bad for everyone.

Your average person will either not believe you or will think they can't do anything about it anyway or will think that other people will do something about it.

I wish we could round up all humans, sort them into the top 5 human territories, then give the rest back to nature, permanent wild zones where people simply aren't allowed to live, and if they are, they must live off the land for themselves or their group, which is required by Earth law to stay within a few dozen people.
I assume you will be volunteering for that last group, the one where people have to live in the wild and are not allowed access to modern technology? As a matter of fact why wait to be divided into groups? You can start now!


i still dont buy it. people are too extreme and shit. either everything and everyone is going to die or nothing at all. humans are adaptive as shit. maybe a bunch of birds and bees will die but everyone is too damn doom and gloom. everything will be alright
I'm just annoyed that we're holding ourselves back in terms of technological progress. If we're destroying the earth and ultimately ourselves, lets get some more out of it than we what we have now.


i still dont buy it. people are too extreme and shit. either everything and everyone is going to die or nothing at all. humans are adaptive as shit. maybe a bunch of birds and bees will die but everyone is too damn doom and gloom. everything will be alright

Bees dying out would be very VERY bad for human civilization. O_O
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