I think they should print + and - on the buttons but still label them Start and Select on the shell. It goes with the grain of colloquial usage and covers all games you might find on BC or VC.
I wouldn't mind if Xbox and PlayStation just did the same thing at this point but whatever they do it has to be better than this. Nobody can even remember what they're called.
I call them start and select. And I call all triggers left and right trigger or left and right bumpers. I say left stick and right stick. I don’t say L3 or R3.
their official names are View and Menu respectively. they are the Xbox standard buttons since the Xbox One.
they replaced Back and Start respectively.
the Back button was actually used in most Xbox game menus as a way to go back, as an alternative to the B button. so it actually did what it's labelled as, which couldn't be said about the Select buttons on controlles after the 16 bit era (and even during the 16 bit era Select was barely used to select anything)
Start and touch pad. It's not a select button any more for me.
The share button is largely irrelevant as I mainly game on PC where I press F9 for a screenshot. But I call it the screenshot button on PS5 cos I don't share stuff. Especially food.
Start and touch pad. It's not a select button any more for me.
The share button is largely irrelevant as I mainly game on PC where I press F9 for a screenshot. But I call it the screenshot button on PS5 cos I don't share stuff. Especially food.