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Does anyone know any good sites for color combinations? I only know of but I know there's better ones out around.
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Does anyone know any good sites for color combinations? I only know of but I know there's better ones out around.
Does anyone know any good sites for color combinations? I only know of but I know there's better ones out around.
do you have to use PHP or is node an option? There is nothing more natural than an express (or any other) node server running side by side with your frontend. Feels good.
If you want to stick to PHP there are gulp/grunt tasks doing that for you. (
I got so used to have the whole development stack in my repository and this worked ok the time I tried and used it.
(BTW, my backend team mate loves Laravel, it's really good in building rest apis)
Oh my frog. How. How do I make this magic happen?
I don't have to use anything, it's a learning side project and I can do whatever I want!
I'd stick with PHP mostly because my super low cost hosting service doesn't provide a Node plan (nor CLI access and whatnot) and anyway those are usually considerably more expensive than standard LAMP.
But even so, I remember fondly of the days I started this job and how I loved PHP back then, and how I grew far from it while diving through pure JS front-end development.
Eventually I got to miss a lot of stuff in the PHP world, mostly all the frameworks like Laravel or Slim ecc., and I'd love to re-discover PHP with all these "new" bells and whistles.
Last but not least: I could go with Heroku for a free MEAN stack, but I'm kinda scared of how fast I'm forgetting PHP, and I think writing an app jumping from PHP to JS and back would do wonders for my mental agility.
I guess I was just so surprised of how, thanks to my utter un-specialization, I was comfortable fixing bugs in a Java/Hibernate backend, and I simply don't want to lose it.
left: 0
top: 0
height: <whatever the max is>
The elements themselves seem to be generated via Javascript, which is why their `styles` attribute is so bloated in the inspector. They're absolution positioned elements that expand
The element isn't actually "bleeding" outside of its DIV. It's the DIV itself that's being expanded over other DIVs since they're not under normal flow (see; position: absolute) and z-index is being manipulated to make sure the expanding element is "on top".
container-height: 500px;
container-width: 300px;
position: relative
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
Nothing wrong with PHP imho. I know it gets a lot of hate in the web, and I think it's not a language that you use because it's a beautiful one. But it matured a lot in the last years and feels pretty solid. It's dead simple and cheap to host.
We use it because we are fast building things with it. Nothing comes close to it.
Have a look at the grunt/gulp php server tasks, they work well and you don't have to worry for any local setups. On my Mac I still use Mamp Pro though if I need a seperate server.
Have you checked out AWS prices? You can get a server for MEAN for close to free. The specs for their free tiers are pretty inadequate for MEAN, but I've been able to work with AWS servers up 24/7 on MEAN for ~$3/month.
MEAN is magical and awesome and you should use it. AWS will be your best friend, but I have heard good things about Heroku as well (never used it myself).
Grey, light font-weight on white, my fucking eyes.
Microsoft promises to end support for IE<11 which is nice.
I have proactively tried to refuse working with IE<9 for a while now and it been working out very well for myself![]()
What is the benefit to all of these frameworks, btw? Are they just pre-compiled CSS and Javascripts that you can use in projects so as to have to do everything by hand? Is there a good site for seeing what is possible with say, React or similar frameworks?
Is it common to use them? Is there any stigma behind using them?
Up until when I had my own web company, I pretty much completely banned IE support (even tho, of course, I guaranteed minimum readability on IE9, which was the latest back then), mostly because 99% of my clients read their sites on iPad. Good times indeed. Much better than now, that my target browser is fucking IE8.![]()
What's the benefit? The benefit comes when your sites start to get more complex and more ambitious. At best they enable you to do so much more so much faster. Could you do it all with just vanilla JS? Of course, but most likely the end result would be slower, more buggier implementation a thing tens or thousands of people have worked relentlessly for months or years. Basically they help you to reach the end goal, but they arent (or using them) isn't the end goal themselves.
Billions of websites use all kinds of frameworks (and libraries). There's some stigma, of course, but most of that comes from using the wrong tool (framework, or library) for the right job. Bloat is always a problem, but modern frameworks (and the tool chains around them) aim for performance first solutions which make the issues much more smaller.
Of course then it's for the end user to use the libraries right: for example Bootstrap, the most popular front-end framework: you can always just include all of the styles and code to your project, but you can also cherry pick just the components you want to for optimal performance.
See for MV* comparisons (for React, Angular, Backbone, Ember... and even Vanilla, jQuery ones) for example.
Thanks. So, React is a set of pre-written Javascript configured toward UX elements? Am I understanding that right?
Also, am I going crazy or did Brackets used to have CSS code hinting?
<div class="cat">
<img src="john-the-cat.png" alt>
<span>John the Cat</span>
<div class="cat">
<img src="john-the-cat.png" alt>
<span>John the Cat</span>
<div class="cat">
<img src="pete-the-cat.png" alt>
<span>Pete the Cat</span>
<div class="cat">
<img src="wind-the-cat.png" alt>
<span>Wind the Cat</span>
import React from "react";
class Cat extends React.Component {
render() {
let src = + "-the-cat.png"
return (
<div className="cat">
<img src={src} alt />
<span>{} the Cat</span>
export default Cat;
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Cat from './cat.jsx'
ReactDOM.render(<Cat name="John" />, document.getElementByID("#foo"))>
Yeah, Brackets has had CSS code hinting for a long time
Your first statement is explained bit weirdly but basically yes. It's a Javascript library that can be used to create robust UX elements, commonly referred as components.
Consider something like an element that consists of picture of an cat and a caption that says the cats name
Code:<div class="cat"> <img src="john-the-cat.png" alt> <span>John the Cat</span> </div>
Now you have to create 10 of those with different cats, so you copy paste and change the names.
Code:<div class="cat"> <img src="john-the-cat.png" alt> <span>John the Cat</span> </div> <div class="cat"> <img src="pete-the-cat.png" alt> <span>Pete the Cat</span> </div> <div class="cat"> <img src="wind-the-cat.png" alt> <span>Wind the Cat</span> </div>
Now you want a page 100 cats. So you do it again. Then your boss tells you that you have to add the species as another <span> to all of the cats. So you go and change that to all of the cats by hand.
Compare this to a React like approach. We'll create a Cat-component (cat.jsx) and run it through Babel (ES6 code + JSX transform so you can use it in a regular browser);
Code:import React from "react"; class Cat extends React.Component { render() { let src = + "-the-cat.png" return ( <div className="cat"> <img src={src} alt /> <span>{} the Cat</span> </div> ); } } export default Cat;
Now you can just use it as an component
Code:import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import Cat from './cat.jsx' ReactDOM.render(<Cat name="John" />, document.getElementByID("#foo"))>
Instead of calling 100 ReactDOM.renders, you can just create a wrapper and loop through an array of say, 100 cat names to create the cats instead. If your array changes, you'll cats also get rerendered automatically, making stuff like dynamically adding cats possible too. And much much more.
// html
<div class="card-nav" v-if="!week">
<ul class="list-group">
<li class="list-group-item" v-repeat="week in weeks" v-on="click:setWeek(week)">
{{ week.title }}
<div class="card-nav" v-if="week">
<h3>{{ week.title }}</h3>
<ul class="list-group">
<li class="list-group-item" v-on="click:unsetWeek()">Go back</li>
<li class="list-group-item" v-repeat="day in week.days" v-on="click:setDay(day)">
{{ day.title }}
// collection
weeks: [
title: 'Week 1',
days: [
{ title: 'Monday' },
{ title: 'Tuesday' },
{ title: 'Wednesday' }
title: 'Week 2',
days: [
{ title: 'Monday' },
{ title: 'Tuesday' },
{ title: 'Wednesday' }
Quick UX question... What are your thoughts on a blog that presents posts on their homepage as cards with Masonry js (If you're not familiar about Masonry, think about Pinterest's presentation of items)?
The context is that the posts are text driven (city guides, tips, offers), was thinking how a user scan or browse along the homepage. I'm leaning more that this kind of post layout caters more into a visual type of posts... say a gallery or portfolio but not text headlines and a summary.
When to use
Use a card layout when displaying content that:
- As a collection, comprises multiple data types (for example, the card collection consists of images, movies, and text).
- Does not require direct comparison (a user is not directly comparing images or text strings).
- Supports content of highly variable length, such as comments.
- Consists of rich content or interaction, such as +1 buttons or comments.
- Would otherwise be in a list but needs to display more than three lines of text.
- Would otherwise be in a grid list but needs to display more text to supplement the image.
Sucks when you start a site with support for IE8/9 (aka no flex) only to have a major vendor drop support for everything IE10 and below... So much hard work that was only hard because we couldn't just target real modern browsers![]()
Quick UX question... What are your thoughts on a blog that presents posts on their homepage as cards with Masonry js (If you're not familiar about Masonry, think about Pinterest's presentation of items)?
The context is that the posts are text driven (city guides, tips, offers), was thinking how a user scan or browse along the homepage. I'm leaning more that this kind of post layout caters more into a visual type of posts... say a gallery or portfolio but not text headlines and a summary.
Quick UX question... What are your thoughts on a blog that presents posts on their homepage as cards with Masonry js (If you're not familiar about Masonry, think about Pinterest's presentation of items)?
The context is that the posts are text driven (city guides, tips, offers), was thinking how a user scan or browse along the homepage. I'm leaning more that this kind of post layout caters more into a visual type of posts... say a gallery or portfolio but not text headlines and a summary.
background-position: 50% 50%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover;