A personal project on the side is the way to go in this situation. Think up something you want to make, select a framework and just get to it. It can be a random utility app or something that you think you'd get personal use out of. For example the first app I built using Meteor was a photo sharing app just for me and my wife to be able to share high quality photos privately over the Internet (I don't have a Facebook and whatsapp compresses images to hell and back).
The key thing to understand with frameworks is that they are not all equal and certain ones do certain things better. As long as you select a modern framework that does what you want it to and it's still being supported you can't go wrong really.
We don't use React or Angular for "normal" websites. That's imho not worth the work. It's so much more complex and often means a lot of work if you try to use it with classic CMSs like Drupal or something.
We don't use React or Angular for "normal" websites. That's imho not worth the work. It's so much more complex and often means a lot of work if you try to use it with classic CMSs like Drupal or something.
It doesn't really matter which you pick, it's all about learning the principles and the benefits they bring. For me anything that involves more interactive and complex components you'll want to look into using a framework.
Ding ding ding, that's an important concept right here. Lots and lots of publicly-available website do not require cutting-edge front-end frameworks. I wish agencies around here understood that, I know many of them that are only selling blog-like websites, editorial or marketing stuff, but want to hire front-end engineers because of the buzzwords. If they got one they wouldn't know what to do with them.
The Angular guy will say Angular, React guy React etc. pp.
Meteor is a completely different beast, as it's a solution for both frontend and backend. I loved it back when it was fresh, but never really sticked to it.
We use Laravel with React+Redux, and we love it. You should try them all, and, most important, you forgot the new star, Vue, in your list![]()
<div class="container">
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Guys I have a problem with bootstrap, I want to make a sticky navbar (which bootstrap has many ways of doing) but not one that is the width of the window, but one that is the width of a parent container. (See image for mockup)
Instead of using the Bootstrap's class, you can just set `position: fixed` to the nav element and add margin-top for the content so the navbar doesn't hide the content in the column.
hey guys i'm having trouble using the AWS elastic beanstalk cli on windows, i think i need to set up the environmental variable for it but i can't find a good answer for what i should put in there anywhere
I highly recommend not to mess with security related stuff alone like authentication if you don't have a clue. Because you will be the one that's responsible if anything goes wrong.
Anyway, you'll need some sort of back end. There a zillion options to build one. What languages are you good in? PHP? JS? Something else?
Maybe one of the API cloud services out there is an option, but I don't have experience with any of these.
So, I'm currently building a create-react-app, well, app, and my project manager isn't really interested in it outside of me learning how to use React, which I guess is fine, but now I'm pretty much done with all the app logic and features except for two (very crucial) points:
- The database is just two .json files I can't write to
- There is no user authentication
Since I very very much doubt my manager will get involved at any point (these were meant to be his part of the slack), I'm now looking into doing these part on my own.
So, what are the best solutions to these two issues within the create-react-app environment? I've read some things about Express.js (which I have not understood :3) and Auth0, is that what's being used for modern webapps?
So, what are the best solutions to these two issues within the create-react-app environment? I've read some things about Express.js (which I have not understood :3) and Auth0, is that what's being used for modern webapps?
Alright, trying it now, but that'll still leave the backend part of my issue to solve...Just use Auth0 if you can. It's cheap and provides an easy and safe way of integrating authentication for your app.
Yes, actually when I pitched the app, I offered to do it with Firebase as I was curious about the differences between the (serviceable but poorly documented IMO) ember integration and the React way of doing it. My manager said "no, Firebase is shit". I... Ok then :/I'd look into Firebase. It's a (relatively) simple one-stop-shop for all your backend needs, and as long as it's a small project, it should fit comfortably within the free tier.
Edit: Oh haha, you mentioned Firebase in your follow-up! I'd definitely try it out if you're already familiar with it.
[id^=drop] {
display: none;
/* Giving a background-color to the nav container. */
nav {
padding: 0;
background-color: #254441;
#logo {
display: block;
padding: 0 30px;
float: left;
line-height: 60px;
/* Since we'll have the "ul li" "float:left"
* we need to add a clear after the container. */
nav:after {
/* Removing padding, margin and "list-style" from the "ul",
* and adding "position:reltive" */
nav ul {
float: right;
list-style: none;
position: relative;
/* Positioning the navigation items inline */
nav ul li {
margin: 0px;
float: left;
background-color: #254441;
/* Styling the links */
nav a {
padding:14px 20px;
nav ul li ul li:hover { background: #000000; }
/* Background color change on Hover */
nav a:hover {
background-color: #000000;
/* Hide Dropdowns by Default
* and giving it a position of absolute */
nav ul ul {
display: none;
position: absolute;
/* has to be the same number as the "line-height" of "nav a" */
top: 60px;
/* Display Dropdowns on Hover */
nav ul li:hover > ul {
/* Fisrt Tier Dropdown */
nav ul ul li {
position: relative;
/* Second, Third and more Tiers
* We move the 2nd and 3rd etc tier dropdowns to the left
* by the amount of the width of the first tier.
nav ul ul ul li {
position: relative;
/* has to be the same number as the "width" of "nav ul ul li" */
/* Change ' +' in order to change the Dropdown symbol */
li > a:after { content: ' +'; }
li > a:only-child:after { content: ''; }
/* Media Queries
--------------------------------------------- */
@media all and (max-width : 768px) {
#logo {
display: block;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
float: none;
nav {
margin: 0;
/* Hide the navigation menu by default */
/* Also hide the */
.toggle + a,
.menu {
display: none;
/* Stylinf the toggle lable */
.toggle {
display: block;
background-color: #254441;
padding:14px 20px;
.toggle:hover {
background-color: #000000;
/* Display Dropdown when clicked on Parent Lable */
[id^=drop]:checked + ul {
display: block;
/* Change menu item's width to 100% */
nav ul li {
display: block;
width: 100%;
nav ul ul .toggle,
nav ul ul a {
padding: 0 40px;
nav ul ul ul a {
padding: 0 80px;
nav a:hover,
nav ul ul ul a {
background-color: #000000;
nav ul li ul li .toggle,
nav ul ul a,
nav ul ul ul a{
padding:14px 20px;
nav ul li ul li .toggle,
nav ul ul a {
background-color: #212121;
/* Hide Dropdowns by Default */
nav ul ul {
float: none;
color: #ffffff;
/* has to be the same number as the "line-height" of "nav a" */
/* Hide menus on hover */
nav ul ul li:hover > ul,
nav ul li:hover > ul {
display: none;
/* Fisrt Tier Dropdown */
nav ul ul li {
display: block;
width: 100%;
nav ul ul ul li {
position: static;
/* has to be the same number as the "width" of "nav ul ul li" */
@media all and (max-width : 330px) {
nav ul li {
width: 94%;
<div id="logo">Your Logo here</div>
<label for="drop" class="toggle">Menu</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="drop" />
<ul class="menu">
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<!-- First Tier Drop Down -->
<label for="drop-1" class="toggle">WordPress +</label>
<a href="#">WordPress</a>
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<label for="drop-2" class="toggle">Web Design +</label>
<a href="#">Web Design</a>
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<label for="drop-3" class="toggle">Tutorials +</label>
<a href="#">Tutorials</a>
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Thanks man, there is no space between menu and the dropdowns BUT I can't still selct any of the dropdown options. I am out of ideas x(You've created a space between the <li> you're hovering to trigger the dropdown and said dropdown, so when you're trying to reach the dropdown, your pointer moves out of the "hovered" space therefore closing the subnav.
Change the CSS for the nav ul ul rule from top:60px to top: 100% and you'll see it work.
Thanks man, there is no space between menu and the dropdowns BUT I can't still selct any of the dropdown options. I am out of ideas x(
http://jsfiddle.net/p1mrtuex/10/ This works for me on Chrome and FF? Change was made line 76.
Hey everyone, anyone here with experience in localizing wordpress websites? How would you do it? I tried using Loco translate but it seems that it can only translate theme/plugin/admin elements.
I guess one solution would be to make a second-level website in a different language, but it's seems overkill for the project I'm working on.
Hey everyone, anyone here with experience in localizing wordpress websites? How would you do it? I tried using Loco translate but it seems that it can only translate theme/plugin/admin elements.
I guess one solution would be to make a second-level website in a different language, but it's seems overkill for the project I'm working on.
Years ago I used Polylang for a couple of mid-sized projects.
Don't remember much about it though, except that it did its job.
I've used:
WPML (WordPress MultiLingual) https://wpml.org/
Smartling + WPMultiSite/WP Network: https://www.smartling.com/
Smartling is a very expensive translation service (tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars) that uses WPMultiSite/Network to handle translations with a translation API and thousands of translators around the world. It's a strong option for major brands who have a lot of money to sink into good translations. This is probably not the right approach as its primary focus major corporations who need to translate into a lot of languages.
WPML is a solid foundation for what it sounds like your'e doing. It does kind of do what you're suggesting in a way. When you create a page/post/etc (anything in the WP dashboard really) in WP, it basically allows you to make a duplicate of that page as the 'translated' version. It has some workflow features in place to finalize and approved translated content, and then you add a dropdown/language switcher to your website that uses a cookie that keeps a user on the right language option. I forget if there's support for subdomains or subdirectories for languages, but I think WPML uses subdirectories by default.
So let's say you have an English language page called "My Sister is a Potato," and the link is website.com/my-sister-is-a-potato/. You've decided you want to translate this page into German.
In WPML, you've checked off German as an option, and after creating your page in English, there's a check/option to create a German language page for that. WPML creates a new page fo ryou, but it's almost like a symlink to your original page, and then you put in the title... website.com/meine-schwester-ist-eine-kartofel/ and you provide the content. Those two pages are connected to one antoher, so if the visitor has the German cookie in their browser, if they go to the my-sister-is-a-potato link, it'll automatically take them to /de/meine-schwester-ist-eine-kartofel page. I *think* that WPML also does canonical URLs in the header and other good practices for SEO, but I don't think it's cutting edge in that regard. FWIW, I don't think a lot of translation plugins are cutting edge for SEO and translations (there's a lot that can go into it... I'm a developer for a multi-national corp, and while we're not using WP at all, translations is an important aspect of our website and there's some universal best practices for translating content and SEO). From what I remember, for any page that isn't translated, it keeps a user on the /de/ sub-directory but just displays the English language / non-translated page. So it's not like your site breaks or 404s if you haven't translated a specific page (like, say, all of your "About" pages are translated, but your blog is in English).
WPML is a good, popular translation system for WordPress. It probably requires more work upfront than an automated translation service, but it's free and very well known and has a strong community.
For plugins and themes it uses string translation, which is fine, but many plugins and most themes are probably set up wrong so you might need to do some manual work there for strings that are hardcoded into the theme or plugin.
anyone use aws/etc for development? i've been doing it for years, but i've been doing it all in windows environments.
right now i'm working on a project with a lot of linux dependencies where a linux based dev environment would be great- but anything beyond ssh'ing into a linux aws instance seems horrible! i've tried VNC and XRDP. VNC was slow as hell and XRDP (rdp'ing from windows) was buggy- crashing the xrdp service when attempting to connect. talked to a co-worker who has been coding on linux and he's using... VIM... as his editor.. via SSH...
anyone found success with aws linux development?
Have you tried Docker?
Am I right in thinking that it would be futile to build a bespoke shopping cart from scratch as opposed to using something pre built?
What cart systems do you guys for ecommerce solutions? If it makes a different the payment gateway I need to integrate is handepay.
The system I need to implement is a booking system for coach tours, they have something in WordPress that they hate hence the enquiry about changing.
I'm primarily a software dev but I've got a decent amount of experience with JavaScript/CSS. I was wondering what my options were if I wanted to host a Java program online? For example I wanted a web form whose inputs would be sent to and processed by my program and have the results displayed on a separate webpage.
Am I right in thinking that it would be futile to build a bespoke shopping cart from scratch as opposed to using something pre built?
What cart systems do you guys for ecommerce solutions? If it makes a different the payment gateway I need to integrate is handepay.
The system I need to implement is a booking system for coach tours, they have something in WordPress that they hate hence the enquiry about changing.
Just joined in on a freelance project where the team has not been confident in the main developer and their work... And I've been brought in to try to help get it finished.
Just joined in on a freelance project where the team has not been confident in the main developer and their work... And I've been brought in to try to help get it finished.
Better prepare for the worst. If my experiences are any indication 'not confident in their work' is probably putting it mildly.
Is the main developer still there? If they get defensive then things can get ugly.
Probably not Ember. Of those four, it's the least in demand.
If I were to rank them for some sort of job in demand-ness, personal preference, and hotness matrix... I'd rank them:
1. React
2. Vue
3. Angular
9. Ember
Now, personally I've liked Vue more than React, but React has squared off a much larger portion of the market than Vue, and if you're being interviewed for a position with a heavy focus on Vue, you need to know your shit because they've chosen Vue for a reason. Angular has a lot of demand, but it's fallen out of popularity at least as like "the hot JS library" of the moment. React isn't the hot framework that it was a year ago or 18 months ago, but it's hit a sweet spot of still being hot, still being in demand, and still being very practical and worth learning.
Ember, I just don't see anybody looking for Ember development specifically anymore. MAybe that'll tick up, but Ember has kinda followed Meteor (or maybe Meteor has followed Ember), both pretty near JS application frameworks, but they just never captured the zeitgeist like React and Angular did (and that Vue is trying to capture).
And redux. Don't forget Redux if you go for React. React + Redux is just awesome.Ok, I'll go for React to begin with then. It was a toss-up between that and Angular mostly.
Anyone have a favorite non-Sketch prototyping tool? I'm looking at Zeplin (free) or Adobe XD CC for 10/month.