The first episode of Rugrats just aired on The Splat. Something I've noticed with early 90's Nick animation is there's a bunch of scenes in them with 0 music. It's like it's awkward silence but it also feels nostalgic.
Adventure Time is far from the first to come up with the "mystical train" premise, and it won't be the last. It's well made, why not just appriciate it for that?
It is well made, but they pitch a show with this premise, to the same network that has AT, after that episode is still fresh on the minds of people?
I mean, you're right about AT not being the first show to use the premise, or the last one, but come on! whoever came up with this didn't even have the decency of waiting until AT ended? Or was the attempt to replace it deliberate?
I mean, it was 1 episode out of ~250, and virtually nothing else was simmilar aside from the concept. I don't think there needs to be any "decency" because there's nothing else simmilar. If the premise of Adventure Time was about people on a mystic train I'd agree, but honestly it's a stretch to even say the writer was inspired by Adventure Time, much less that the two shows can't run simultaneously.It is well made, but they pitch a show with this premise, to the same network that has AT, after that episode is still fresh on the minds of people?
I mean, you're right about AT not being the first show to use the premise, or the last one, but come on! whoever came up with this didn't even have the decency of waiting until AT ended? Or was the attempt to replace it deliberate?
I think I speak for all of us when I say that Bonkers deserves a second chahaha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA!!!
I wasn't too big on Disney Afternoon, but I did enjoy Gargoyles while it aired. I don't think we'll see a show like that on Disney again anytime soon.
That looks... awful
Bumping bumping bumping
Since The Disney Afternoon collection is dropping tomorrow, thought we should talk more about that block of animation. I mean for me, and sure many others, was really the go-to after school programming for a few years before FoxKids really took off.
So what was your first gen of Disney Afternoon programming? What is your favorite show? Theme? Which show would you like to see resurrected (Clearly not Ducktales since you know!)
I mean its bad, but is it really bad compared to some of the other straight to dvd stuff?
I like how they stole entire scenes, lines and music from the original movie. Because what is originality.
Remember when it didn't feel like the Tom & Jerry franchise was on prolonged life support?
Why ruin one thing from my childhood when they could do two at the same time?
Sometimes you tend to forget or simply don't realize what kind of impact western animated media has on cultures other than our own. source
Thread died a early death, but some here might be interested
Some nice french animation
I remember seeing that a while back. I really hope it comes stateside. For whatever reason, I thought it was a TV show, dunno why.
Thread died a early death, but some here might be interested
Some nice french animation
The upside is that it looks amazing, is amazing, has English subtitles, is region free, and comes in a cool looking case.
So, along with a new title Young Justice Season 3 will apparently only be available on DC's new digital-only service:
So, along with a new title Young Justice Season 3 will apparently only be available on DC's new digital-only service:
which doesn't launch until 2018.
& what may be a genuine sequel to the original Teen Titans cartoon
I've refused to pay for more than 1 streaming service at a time, & I was hoping to keep it that way. But Young Justice 3 & what may be a genuine sequel to the original Teen Titans cartoon is tempting...
I don't see how. It's a) live-action and b) full reboot. It's going the Flash/Arrow/Supergirl route.
YouTube animation is perfectly acceptable. That's where all the indie shorts are, anyway.
New Loud House episodes this week. Liked both of them today, especially the second one.
Obviously the only things that are animated are animu and kids shows tho. Can't have it be either of those.The thread for Netflix's Witcher series is disappointing me with all the comments that they'd lose interest if it was animated.
TBS is apparently starting up a 'TBS Animation' block sometime soon. One of the shows is "Close Enough" by Regular Show creator J.G. Quintel.
https://t.co/BVuOJKQnjA (Starts at 2:52)