You are not the first in the thread to express this sentiment about "saving time" and I'm not sure I get it.These days I do normal or easy to get through the story and move on. I've found it helps reduce backloging and incomplete games.
I also spend a lot less time playing games than I used to when I was younger, but when I do I want to feel entertained by them.
Take Baldur's Gate 3 (mentioned in the OP) as an example: how am I supposed to enjoy winning a battle in a game that -when played on Easy- gives me bonus HP, bonus chances to hit, bonus damage, bonus skill checks... In short a game that makes a large chunk of its core mechanics basically redundant, because you have zero necessity to engage with them, since just clicking randomly on targets on the screen (without any rush, since it's turn-based) is more than enough to win any scenario and curb-stomp any enemy?
It may "take less time" to go through it, but it also becomes time that I'm not spending doing anything actually enjoyable.
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