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What are your most anticipated titles for the rest of 2011?


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Witcher 2
Dark Souls
Batman: Arkham City
Portal 2
Alice: Madness Returns
LA Noire
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

I would put The Last Guardian on here, but I think that will come early 2012.

Before I made this list I thought there was very few games that I want to buy day one, but gee, I was wrong lol


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Fo real answer.

TIER 1: Games I would do terrible things for and are likely to be my favourite games of the year.
- Portal 2
- Shadows of the Damned
- Mass Effect 3

TIER 2: Games that will be great and I will buy and enjoy.
- Uncharted 3
- El Shaddai
- Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Battlefield 3
- Dark Souls
- The Witcher 2
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- Total War: Shogun 2

TIER 3: Games I have interest in but wont necessarily be there day one.
- Catherine
- Duke Nukem Forever (Bulletstorm is more Duke than Duke will be)
- Tomb Raider
- Crysis 2
- Brink
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- L.A. Noire
- FEAR 3

TIER 4: lol wut
- 3DS stuff. System is pre-ordered, but the games I'm interested in I know too little about to really rank. Pilotwings is the only detailed game I want, and even then I dont think it will really enthrall me.
- PSP2. Want to see more than downscaled console games.
- Wii stuff. I hope Nintendo have something other than Zelda. As it is Zelda is all they've got to interest me, unless Last Story and/or Xenoblade make it over.
- ???
- Profit.


Last Guardian
Dark Souls
Gears of War 3
Portal 2
Uncharted 3
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Batman: Arkham City


Hey EatChildren, I see you mentioned Shadows of the Damned as one of your personal must-haves. I haven't read much about the game since the very first screens were unveiled, but if I recall it has Mikami at the helm. Care to chime in on how you think Shadows is shaping up? :)

spicy cho

- Battlefield 3
- Portal 2
- Uncharted 3
- The Witcher 2
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- Total War: Shogun 2
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- L.A. Noire
- Dirt 3
- NFS Shift 2
- Diablo 3 if it's released


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Neiteio said:
Hey EatChildren, I see you mentioned Shadows of the Damned as one of your personal must-haves. I haven't read much about the game since the very first screens were unveiled, but if I recall it has Mikami at the helm. Care to chime in on how you think Shadows is shaping up? :)

Mikami is producing, Suda is executive director, and Yamaoka is doing at least some, if not all, of the soundtrack.

I expect it to be much like most of Grasshopper's work; plagued with problems, strange design choices, and far from a technical masterpiece. But, like the rest of their work, I'll probably end up loving it for its unique charm and oddball gameplay quirks, as well as the great characters and scenarios.

At the moment it looks like a typical third person horror shooter, but I'm okay with that. Grasshopper make great action games with satisfying kills and fun boss fights. I expect this to be basically a third person shooter No More Heroes mixed with From Dusk Till Dawn.

Most wont like it, it will probably get panned in reviews, and likely sell like crap. I dont care. I'll love it.


tearsofash said:
Last Guardian, journey, child of Eden, mass effect 3, mortal kombat.

holy crap, I just checked out Journey trailer. It''s beautiful!

Is it retail or PSN download?


EatChildren said:
Mikami is producing, Suda is executive director, and Yamaoka is doing at least some, if not all, of the soundtrack.

I expect it to be much like most of Grasshopper's work; plagued with problems, strange design choices, and far from a technical masterpiece. But, like the rest of their work, I'll probably end up loving it for its unique charm and oddball gameplay quirks, as well as the great characters and scenarios.

At the moment it looks like a typical third person horror shooter, but I'm okay with that. Grasshopper make great action games with satisfying kills and fun boss fights. I expect this to be basically a third person shooter No More Heroes mixed with From Dusk Till Dawn.

Most wont like it, it will probably get panned in reviews, and likely sell like crap. I dont care. I'll love it.
Good attitude, and I mean that sincerely. :) Did Suda do Killer7? I didn't play that game though I watched quite a few videos of it. Seemed scary! Makes him seem well-suited for horror if I'm indeed thinking of the right person.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Neiteio said:
Good attitude, and I mean that sincerely. :) Did Suda do Killer7? I didn't play that game though I watched quite a few videos of it. Seemed scary! Makes him seem well-suited for horror if I'm indeed thinking of the right person.

Suda and Mikami worked on Killer7 together, though I think Suda directed that, while for Shadows he's the executive director and scenario writer. A lot of folk were expecting something closer to Killer7 when they heard the two were back together. Instead we got Shadows.


Whoa, wait, Journey is from the people who made Flower??

Time to start uninstalling games on the PS3 to free up the 80GB HDD...


Dissidia 012 Duodecim
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Star Wars: The Old Republic


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Ar Tonelico Qoga

Disgaea 4

Valkyria Chronicles 3

Nintendogs + Cats

Professor Layton and whatever the hell they change the subtitle to in America/Europe

I have faith in the below coming stateside.

Same with this one.


In no order:

Uncharted 3
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Infamous 2
LA Noire
Portal 2
The Last Guardian
Half Life 2 Episode 3 (if it makes this year)
Assassin's Creed 2011
Arkham City
Crysis 2
Battlefield 3

I played like four 2010 games in comparison to what I'm looking forward to this year. 2011 is looking to be excellent for games.
My number one will be Infamous 2
Number 2 will be tied between BF3 and Uncharted 3.
Number 3 is Skyrim.

That's about it really.


This year is so insane.

Ar Tonelico 3 (Just a short time left!)
The Witcher 2
TES V: Skyrim
Portal 2
Deus Ex 3
Mass Effect 3
Guild Wars 2
Dark Souls

2 PS3 games and 6 PC games. Resurgence!
I don't believe in them making it, but if they do Last Guardian and Diablo 3 are also up there.


Pokemon Black & White
Portal 2
The Last Guardian
L.A. Noir
The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword

3DS 3DS 3DS 3DS 3DS + Games


Batman Arkham City
Duke Nukem Forever
L.A. Noire
Portal 2
Battlefield 3
Red Orchestra 2
Dead Island
Alice: Madness Returns
Zelda: Skywards Sword

This is going to be the best year in gaming ever.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Arkham City
Last Guardian
Skyward Sword
Infamous 2
Uncharted 3
Portal 2

We're getting Duke Nukem Forever, an OoT update and finally A Dance With Dragons this year. Even better: in summer already. A damn fine year for geekdom.


Mass Effect 3
Dragon Age 2

Portal 2
Uncharted 3
The Last Guardian
Shadow of the Colossus & ICO

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

L.A. Noire (not sure which console to buy on yet)

If I had to choose only one... Mass Effect 3.
Deus Ex is my most anticipated title. If it lives up to the quality of the first one, I won't need another game for at least a year
The Skater said:
In no order:

Uncharted 3
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Infamous 2

LA Noire
Portal 2
The Last Guardian
Half Life 2 Episode 3 (if it makes this year)
Assassin's Creed 2011
Arkham City
Crysis 2
Battlefield 3

I played like four 2010 games in comparison to what I'm looking forward to this year. 2011 is looking to be excellent for games.

Resistance 3
Ratchet All-4-One

3DS - RE:Revelations

NGP - Uncharted 3


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
The Witcher 2
Deus Ex 3
Shogun 2: Total War
Yakuza 4

Those are the big ones, anyway. Great year for RPGs. Lots and lots of other games I'm pumped for but will probably have to wait for a price drop, as much as I want them.
I have a lot of anticipated games for 2011 but the ones that are most likely running for GOTY are

Dark Souls
Tales of the Abyss 3DS
Tales of Xillia


EatChildren said:
Suda and Mikami worked on Killer7 together, though I think Suda directed that, while for Shadows he's the executive director and scenario writer. A lot of folk were expecting something closer to Killer7 when they heard the two were back together. Instead we got Shadows.

Killer7 was an awesome game. :p

Totally forgot SOTD, hopefully we will get a RE4 clone with some Suda craziness thrown in...sounds too good to be true? well I don't know why but I have a very good feeling about this game.

And yeah there are too many promising/good looking games coming out this year and especially in the last quarter of the year...wondering if we'll see some games getting delayed to 2012.


Batman Arkham City- Hype is through the roof for this. The first one is a top 5 game of this gen for me.

Mass Effect 3- Ready to finish the trilogy. I loved both 1 and 2. More of the same sci-fi epic will satisfy me.

L.A. Noire- This game took off recently. After seeing some of the recent videos I can't wait to see how rockstar innovates the sandbox genre again.

Dark Souls- What will be an awesome sequel to an awesome game.

Skyrim- I enjoyed oblivion quite a bit, not so much fallout 3. But judging by that short clip we got, it looks incredible.

Battlefield 3- THE shooter of the year. I adored Bc2, this looks even better.

Gears of War 3- A lot of fixing to do after gears 2. But I think epic can handle it.

Pokemon Black/White- Love Pokemon, expecting to lose 100 more hours on it.

Portal 2- Expecting more incredible level design, intelligent puzzles, and of course new co-op.

Saints Row 3- The stupid, but fun side of rockstar. Game is bound to be straight up fun.

Diablo 3 (maybe?)- I've been ready for this game for too long. Just waiting now.


In no particular order:
-The Darkness 2
-Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3
-Saints Row: The Third

And that is about all that I am hyped for.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
GOTY 2011:
The Mother Effin King Of Fighters XIII.

Battlefield 3
Resistance 3


Absolute, can't miss, day one..

-The Last Guardian: expectations through the roof for this title.
-Team ICO Collection: I put my annual ICO/Sotc playthroughs on hold in anticipation for this.
-Dark Souls: After DS this was an easy decision.
-Uncharted 3: More Uncharted can never hurt.
-Skyrim: I look forward to losing myself for 100x hours in this world.
-Infamous 2: I wasn't hyped at first. But it's growing on me. I loved the first game.
-Journey: In ThatGameCompany we trust. Looks like pure gold.
-Portal 2: Aperture Science!
-Mass Effect 3: Should be a good ride. All our decisions will come to fruition.
-Deus Ex: Looking like a more polished Alpha Protocol (nothing wrong with that).
-Valkyria Chronicles 3: Love this series. MORE!
-L.A. Noire: Still kinda iffy. But it looks solid.
Sadly , I've reached the point where there isn't a single game I'm looking forward to playing .

Maybe I'll give Ocarina 3D a go when the gf gets it , but I think that'll be it . I'm not planning on buying anything .


Brink, Gears of War 3, the Witness, Uncharted 3, Battlefield 3, L.A. Noire, Codename: Kingdoms, Portal 2 and the next Call of Duty (Oh please spare your *not interested* lies).
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