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What game got you into gaming?


I weren't that much into gaming in my childhood/teens year, but I recall being awed and addicted to Ocarina of Time and I played the heck out of Diddy Kong Racing. After that I stepped away from gaming for a while before being introduced to the Ratchet and Clank series on PS3. But the one game that got me back in hard was the Metroid Prime trilogy on the Wii in 2011 I believe. After that I bought old and new consoles and games that I never got to play before and got hooked.

What about you?




All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Video games exist and are fun.

Edit: Misread the title, didn't see that it said which game got you into gaming.

The first games I played were Sonic the Hedgehog, Mortal Kombat, and NBA Jam on the Genesis. Sonic and Mortal Kombat are classics, NBA Jam was and is over rated.
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The first video game I ever played was probably Super Mario Bros on the NES, but the one that really got me into gaming was Half-Life for sure, along with Counter-Strike. we used organize sessions and play them a lot on LAN servers.
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THE Prey 2 fanatic
I mean, I was always playing Pokemon and shit on my Gameboys, DS, hell, even had a PSP. So I've always played portable games.
But one day, I realized that wasn't enough. One day, I saw a game trailer, a beautiful trailer, for a game called The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. And for this, I knew I either needed an Xbox 360, or a new computer. I got the computer, because it would be better than the Vista laptop I had at the time. I knew nothing of the advantages of 60fps, higher resolutions, increased graphics, and I wasn't even aware that the game could be modded. I just picked PC because I wanted a less sluggish computer.
God I was fucking lucky with my pick.

My next games were New Vegas, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Morrowind, in that order. Next was STALKER: Call of Chernobyl, Sanctum, The Walking Dead, and Portal 2. TF2 goes somewhere in there. I played for a fair few hours without realizing that I could change the game's resolution. I didn't even consider that resolution was a thing. Also had to ask other players how to use the sniper scope.

... but, ya know
Before I did finally get that PC and Skyrim, I did see another trailer that was just as exciting. I ended up downloading a demo for the original game, and man that blew my mind. Bought the full thing and had it blown a few more times. Still waiting for the game that got me interested in the first place, though...
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Atari. My aunt bought it for me back in 87 I believe. I don't want to say I grew up during the golden days of gaming, but I did.


Unconfirmed Member
I think it was Monkey Island or Sonic the Hedgehog for Sega Master System.

What does "This Game Pak may not be used with the Mattel or NES versions of the Nintendo Entertainment System.™" mean?
Just a guess but it's probably got something to do with the region lock chip. Maybe the Mattel version was only released in certain regions.
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Gold Member
Not my first game but Pokemon Red.

I had played games before that came out here in late 1999 and enjoyed them but I never really "got into" them. I played them because my dad had old gaming platforms and my uncle had a playstation.

I was introduced to Pokemon because my cousin bought it for her Gameboy. I was hooked immediately and that is how I fell in love with them.


Chrono Trigger.

Other games like Mario or Commander Keen were fun in the same way a toy was fun but Chrono Trigger was my first RPG and probably the first game I got "invested" in. I really liked the world, and the characters, and the whole progression with new equipment and abilities, etc.

Mario and friends where fun but you didn't have the cool final showdown between bitter enemies with a long history ....finishing with a choice that would actually affect gameplay moving forward:
For me it was never one specific game. I was exposed to a lot of games at the same time, both via playing some of them and reading magazines. The first games I remember playing were from the Game Boy library: Street Fighter II, Tetris, Mario, that dodgeball game...


Megadrive 2 with Sonic 2 for Christmas one year I think, which is kinda ironic as I don't really like Sonic much anymore.

Assuming I was like 4 or 5 at the time.
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Even though I was gaming, and enjoying it since Pong, my main passion was sports - playing and watching growing up. But when I stumbled upon this one day in some game store I can't even remember now, I think it really cemented my passion for this hobby.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Dad brought home Pong in 1977 and I've been mainlining this shit ever since. 🤓

My dad got one too, somewhere around that time, but that didn't do anything for me. It was the original Legend of Zelda that turned me into a life-long video game junkie.


The legend of zelda.

Before that I had a odyssey, intellivision, 2600 and I liked games as a time waster but it wasn't till I played the legend of zelda. When I first saw and heard the title screen I was excited unlike I'd been with any game. That was the game that made me a gamer. Until then it was just about high scores and such but zelda changed it all for me.
First videogame I recall remembering playing was In Search of Dr. Riptide, a pretty difficult but cool DOS game. I've played countless games I'd consider childhood classics...then came a dark period in my life where I started using computer software to create my own things like sprite animations. During the time I started out, I got arrogant, considered myself "above" playing existing things and instead create my own things. Thankfully, Resident Evil 2 came along to rescue me from that delusional nonsense. It was the game to return me from my creator's arrogance and humble me back towards playing games again. Haven't looked back since, and still love video games till this day.


hard to say

recall at that age isn't what it used to be, maybe castlevania or final fantasy, super mario bros, something like that
If i have to remember, the very first game I ever played might have been either Pacman or Asteroids on Atari 2600. But what got my juices really flowing was PC adventure games in the mid 1980s. Those blew my mind.


I have no idea. I started gaming on arcade machines in bars when I was very little. I used to skip church when I was 5-6 years old and insted go use all my allowance on arcade machines. Maybe the first one was Space Invaders or Arkanoid, but I'm not sure.
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Experiencing my first adventure game was a revolution in my mind, before that 100% arcade games. Now a game could have narrative, you could interact with an environment, you could talk to other characters. In all the time since then(30 years) I've never experienced anything else that was a paradigm shift like that.


I've been gaming since Pong but it was just a casual thing; however, there were a few milestones in my gaming history that slowly shaped my young gamer mind:

The original Zelda (NES)
The first Dragon Warrior (NES)
Bionic Commando (NES)
Rygar (NES)
Dark Castle (Mac)
Zelda Link to the Past (SNES)
Mario Kart (SNES)
Chrono Trigger (SNES)
Wolfenstien (PC)
Eye of the Beholder games (PC)
Jade Empire (XBX)
Lunar (PS1)
Jade Cocoon (PS1)
Chrono Cross (PS1)
Lineage (MMO PC)
Shadow Hearts Trilogy (PS2)
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Shadows (PS2)

Each of these added something more to my gaming addiction; I think after the Atari/Coleco/NES era video games went from an entertaining pastime to a passion (and maybe an addiction). SNES really changed my ideas on serious gaming, but it wasn't until PS1 that I went all-in.
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Me and my Brothers got a NES with Kung Fu, Mario and exite bike in the mid 80s time and that was great for the time.

But what really got me into gaming was Monkey Island 2 on the Amiga in the early 90s with 11 floppy discs, I remember spending hours playing it and getting stuck, trying to get fourth map piece and that's what got me hooked

In the end I tried everything except the right thing which was putting captain Kate capsize booklet over guybrushes wanted poster, which meant captain Kate would get arrested and you can take her belongings which included a recipe for grog which helped you to get the fourth map piece.

That's what got me hooked and gaming has been one of my main hobby ever since.


It was not just a game. It was a magic of participation in control of something on video display in early 80s and its evolution.
One of my earliest game experiences that I can remember was trying to play Q-bert in the arcade while waiting for a movie with my mom. Still not entirely sure how to play the game. Lol But, as for when it really sunk its hooks in me... Probably Mario Bros. And Duck Hunt on the NES.


No game really. I had pretty bad motor skills when I was little to where I couldn't even hold cups and things so my mom bought me an NES because her sister said it was good for fixing those kinds of problems. Which it did and I just loved games since. I wasn't the biggest Mario fan so it was probably Mega Man 2 or Castlevania that I really fell in love with first.


Atari Boxing and Fishing? At a time when the Super Nintendo was already out so I was on a fast track through the early decades of gaming. First time my mind was blown by a videogame was F-Zero though, had to have a console at home after that, ended up with the NES at first.
I started with the SNES playing Super Mario World, F-Zero, Donkey Kong Country and Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday.

A year or two later, I would play my first PlayStation game, Crash Bandicoot.
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