I am waiting for a few hours in an airport, so I thought I would satisfy everyone’s need for a new Aaron Carter update.
2021 was a relatively peaceful year for Aaron Carter. At least by his standards. Prior to December, his biggest story was his catastrophic loss in celebrity boxing to Lamar Odom.
At the end of November his first child, Prince, was born to his longtime girlfriend/fiancee Melanie Martin. This is where the drama begins.
If you recall, Aaron is estranged from his family for so many reasons, which I have written about before. I have seen hints of schiophrenia, as he has expressed fears of gangstalking, but more to the point, he was afraid of ending up in a conservatorship like Britney Spears (which, judging from her recent behaviour, she needed). In the SAME WEEK that the baby was born, Melanie made the mistake of trying to reunite Aaron with his family. For this, Aaron broke up with her.
"What she's done is unforgivable," Aaron wrote of Martin. "She knew my boundaries — and especially not to speak to a certain half of my family that tried to depict me as a crazy psychotic human being ... and that’s who she was speaking to: my twin sister (Angel) who told my bro (Nick)."
He added, "I don’t have a family now. I was deceived and lied to. I can’t believe she betrayed [me] this way. I gave her the world."
Aaron said his "conniving, deceiving family" won't leave him alone until they "ruin everything" for him.
A few days later he complained that she wouldn’t leave his house:
“I’m literally trapped inside my own bedroom because my ex will not leave my house,” Aaron wrote on his IG Stories.
A few days later, they were reunited after Melanie apologized:
"I just wanted to public apologize to my sons father @AaronCarter. My intentions in contacting his sister Angel were not of ill intent. I wanted to try to resolve the situation so we could all be a family. I now realize that wasn't my place and I never should've done that."
"I let my feelings get the best of me as I was hormonal and pregnant and would take it back if I could," she continued. "I did this out of love I know it was wrong. I hope he can find it in his heart to forgive me."
In response, Aaron started talking about a Christmas wedding and then cranked up the saccharine:
“I [wanted] to be at home and enjoy the love of my life and my child. Now that it’s here, it’s like an epiphany. Every minute now has become so precious and every bit of time that slips by now … I’ve [really] switched my gears of thinking. I’ve given a lot of people second and third chances, as you can see with us and the stuff that we’ve gone through.”
“The person that I am today — I want to be a better version of [the person] I was the day prior to that. So tomorrow, I want to be a better version of myself than I was the day before that. So that’s really what I’m striving for and really just peace and serenity and exercising those things more. And really holding my own self accountable for my shortcomings,” he continued. “You can use your willpower to make the difference with yourself. You gotta be able to recognize how you look, how you feel, and you gotta know that your body is a temple and you need to cherish it and take care of it.”
This takes us to the end of 2021. How did 2022 go? It can be summarized in a video- Aaron nearly lighting his head on fire.
In February, he broke up with Melanie again. He kicked her and the baby out of the house and apparently punched her. She claimed he broke 3 ribs, though on closer inspection, it seems to have only been 1 rib.
In response, he claimed she was abusive. He claims the abuse inflicted on him was “emotional distress, anguish, shoving, & scratching.” He claims that, on this day, Martin was “verbally abusive, taunting, antagonizing, would not allow me to get any sleep all night long, shoving & scratching & attempted to push me over the banister over 2nd story staircase.”
Specifically, he claims to have suffered injuries that included “scratching on back & thumb” as a direct result of her abusive behavior.
Additionally, he alleges that she was “Disprsing (sic) medication down the toilet, public online slander, emotionally abusing me by threatening to kill herself which cause me to worry for the safety of our child.”
A few days later, he filmed himself chasing her into the street and serving her with a restraining order. He captioned the video, ” You’ve been served. See you in court. #restrainingorder”.
A few days later, all was forgiven, and she recanted her falsehoods.
“Just wanted to make a statement I’ve had a bad Time with post pardom depression,” Martin began.
“Aaron never hit me / was angry because I made a mistake a bad one. And we were arguing ALOT because he was trying to break up with me for what I did,” she continued.
Martin also informed her followers that Carter “is definitely NOT a drug abuser,” unlike what people believed.
The very NEXT DAY, however, she changed her mind and took out a restraining order against him.
A few weeks later he decided it was time for a few more face tattoos, including the name Melanie, and a massive blue butterfly on his forehead, in honor of his sister Leslie, who died of a drug overdose in 2012, at the age of 25.
“Every time I see a blue butterfly… she loved blue, it was her favorite color,” the “I Want Candy” singer said. “She had the most beautiful icy blue eyes in the world.”
This is the sister who was likely raped by their father, and who he accused of raping HIM (see the first post).
In the summer, there was some drug drama, leading to one of the saddest quotes of all time:
'Of course if Demi Lovato accidentally overdoses on opiates, then the next day she is on the cover of Women's Fitness,' he said.
'The media doesn't want to treat me like that. They want to villainize me.
'I am coming up on five years being clean and the media doesn't pay as much attention to it as they should, because I am the living testament to 'you can do it'.
A few weeks later this:
Police received a call Tuesday evening about Carter “possibly overdosing on social media.” Earlier that night, Carter hopped on Instagram Live to chat with followers. At one point, the screen went black and fans thought it sounded like Aaron was huffing air duster, as they could hear spraying and inhaling in the background.
Aaron subsequently claimed it was all in good fun, referring to himself “the troll hunter” while spraying what appeared to be an air freshener. “I’m tired of people coming after me so I trolled everybody,” he told TMZ.
Carter, who’s never shied away from opening up about his past drug addiction, claims to be five years sober.
This was last month, and here the trail grows faint. The press only reports on him when he does something crazy, so I have to rely on reddit.
After breaking up with Melanie and claiming that he was going to sue her for claiming that she had broken his ribs, “fans” on his subreddit claim that they have gotten back together (with video evidence).
Apparently, they have lost custody of their son. He entered rehab (implying that he was NOT five years sober) last month to try to regain custody:
I decided to enroll myself into that program. This will be my fifth time in rehabilitation, mainly to take care of aftercare,” he said. “There’s been no relapses. I haven’t had any relapses ... it’s just triggers are big right now for me. You know, so, I just, I want my son back.”
He also said that he is allowed to continue use of his “regimented medications,” some of which he was prescribed during a previous stint in rehab.
Attempts to wean off certain medications, such as Xanax, resulted in him going to “a very dark depressive state” and that he “didn’t function normally.”
“Xanax is a part of my regimented medication that I take from Alo House that was prescribed to me in rehab, so I take a regimented medication, a series of medications which helps keep me clean from huffing dust,” he said.
Nonetheless, rehab does not seem to have worked, a redditor wrote this about a recent 12 hour Instagram live session:
“I caught him for like an hour at 8am my time cst. He was wearing a fur coat and and chinchilla hat. Mel was there. He like usual was listening to the same 3 songs and nodding in and out lol he made his comments subscription only with a goal of 18,000 subs. He had 16 lol with all of 61 viewing. I dunno where he thinks he has 18,000 fans whose willing to sub $5.99 a month

This brings us to the end of the story. To cap it, here are some reddit rumours.
Apparently, he is an inveterate dog breeder. This rumour has been going on for years and I am inclined to believe it. One redditor wrote that he bred a litter which he planned to sell for thousands of dollars, before unloading some for 200$ and donating others. His house has apparently been foreclosed on, with one redditor referring to his house as a dog urine soaked dump. He has been accused of living off the donations of mentally ill fans.
According to another, his life consists of staying in this house, steaming to instagram almost constantly, and likely using drugs. For reason of these Instagram streams, the Aaron Carter rabbit hole is almost infinite. There must be thousands of hours of these streams. I have given several hours waiting in an airport to Aaron, which is honestly too much, but there are others out there who are spending their lives watching it all. Aaron plays to these people, stuck in a vicious circle narcissistic abusive relationship with them.
To sum up, he has spent the time in the past 2 years continuing to circle the drain. He has been in and out of rehab 5 times. He was prescribed Xanax in rehab for Christ’s sake (his Xanax dealer apparently walked in on one of his streams). How could he possibly have even the slightest bit of sincere self belief left at this point?
I will say though that he is lucky to have found his girlfriend. I don’t know if she is crazy or a gold digger, but the fact that has an ass you could bounce a bowling ball off of and has stuck with Aaron through all his insanity and abuse means that she is at least as crazy as he is. A gem, only for him, in the mire.
To finish, here is what has been called the craziest Aaron Carter video of all time. From the description:
“Police Officer Carter” and his “Deputy”, Jane, HIS MOTHER, drive into the night pulling over suspicious people.... trying to make America safe! But is this safe? Is this a good choice? He states to his Deputy, Jane, that the driver is drunk and he is trying to save their lives.”
“No one’s gonna kill me, I’m a fuckin’ thug.”