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What would you if you were a girl?????

Karma Jawa

Depends on the circumstances. Can’t imagine doing anything showing my face, because you never know when that might come back to haunt you. Wouldn’t want to be having that conversation with my grandson.
Vlad Dracula III said it (and did it) best;

A thief will apply effort to steal from you once or twice, at great risk to him or herself, you will notice.

A beggar will steal from you passively, repeatedly, with no risk to him or herself; playing on your empathy, without you noticing. Just before he burned every beggar and vagabond in his realm as they were eating a free dinner at his invitation.

Ethots are beggars. They need to be destroyed.
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Rodent Whores
Temporary jealousy, I guess.

*5 minutes later*


You still jealous?
We live in a "might makes right" society, and without being able to physically intimidate someone, it's very easy to get pushed over.

That's life for me growing up in a ghetto. Intelligence can help you get out of there, but you still need to physically defend yourself from the other idiot men out there. If I was a girl, it would be even worse. I wouldn't want to be robbed and then wait on the police to help me for example. I can chase after and get my stuff back faster.

I grew up poor, but not in a ghetto. In the other part of society social acumen trumps brute strength. You could be stupid strong but if you can't navigate various social situations skillfully you will frequently be out of work or never get it in the first place due to various social factors that have nothing to do with your ability to actually do the job. Generally people are less threatened by women, and for that reason they are often preferred in hiring for many fields. That brute strength, the general male propensity for violence, and the more dangerous you appear are a liability when hiring for most jobs performed in an office setting.

It's really not objectively better or worse to be male or female. There are a lot of advantages to both.
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The Pleasure

Gold Member
I'd find some 80 year old billionaire, fuck him once a week when his medication can get his dick up, and wait for his money to become mine.

Then, I'd use the money to design the best sex robots and free men from the matriarchy at last. I'm taking one for the team.
You fucking gold digger. I'm going to expose you!


Hey dickheads are paying, its why they do it. Cant blame em for it. I think the situation of Twitch streamers being popular for no other reason than 'because tits' is honestly idiotic, but I think its more the situation not the girl taking advantage of it thats pathetic personally.

Cant hate someone for the fact others are paying for it.


This is like a middle school question. I remember dudes in late middle school to early highschool being all like "if I were a chick I'd just look at myself all day or be a lesbian." Let's be real though if you were born a girl there's a majority chance you would be straight and wanna bang guys.

If we're talking like the live action Scooby Doo movie where your consciousness gets switched into a female body though you would probably still be attracted to women/yourself.

If the first scenario were true then I wouldn't miss my schlong because I would have never had it. In the latter scenario I'd probably freak out over experiencing having a vag instead of a schlong.


This is like a middle school question. I remember dudes in late middle school to early highschool being all like "if I were a chick I'd just look at myself all day or be a lesbian." Let's be real though if you were born a girl there's a majority chance you would be straight and wanna bang guys.

yep...if we born girl, probably end up hate and disgusted being ogled by male
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
That's a presumption, that if you would be a woman, you would be attractive. Which would probably never happened.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I do not hate people who make money online by showing their boobs. I would prefer doing the job I currently do over that though, so if I woke a woman tomorrow, I would just continue doing my current job and posting my usual junk on NeoGAF.


I do not hate people who make money online by showing their boobs. I would prefer doing the job I currently do over that though, so if I woke a woman tomorrow, I would just continue doing my current job and posting my usual junk on NeoGAF.
You don't have a junk to show if you woke up as a woman tho...


The majority of people here on GAF are men. So I've been thinking a bit.
Most of us hate e beggars and E hooers. Especially those twitch thots that make money by just pretending to be a gamer and flashing their boobs for money. And there are people giving these hooers money.
I hate em too. I hate those real porn cam girls even more. But when I think about it, no matter how shallow and stupid they are, they're actually smart by accident. Why not take advantage of thirsty idiots and take their money?
If I was a girl, I think I'd be putting out like crazy. Because why not? Why not make loads of money diddling yourself or flashing your boobs while playing games?
I'm kinda jealous of them. Vag and boobs are such powerful weapons when used correctly.

Damn dawg who hurt you lol.

"Vag and Boobs" are powerful, but as far as siphoning money, it's really only a powerful tool to weak or vulnerable men. If you're angry, then i assume you've been on the receiving end of one of these thirst traps and feel vindictive? I dunno.

I really dont understand dudes who are genuinely furious at women who decide to make money off thirsty dudes......Yall be the same people posting in thirsty ass threads, admiring the bodies of models and celebrities with features you like. You'll memorize the names of your favorite pornstarts as you furiously punish your meat and then turn around and be mad that they are able to captivate you so hard.

They look hot, they play games. You watch them, and decide to give them money. It is a transaction that you are fully consenting to, that has absolutely no bearing on your personal life or success.....unless you also are a hot E-girl trying to make money, at which point you're in competition. But i doubt that's your issue

Like, you either like fine ass women or you don't lol.

Anyway, if i were a girl, i'd literally do the same shit i do now, except i'd get periods, which would suck. I very much enjoy being born with a dick, it's so low maintenance and i love it.

If i was hot (and i would be, because i'm me) i'd probably do some thirst streaming too. Why the fuck not, wont be young forever. But i'm also lazy and don't take good care of myself so i wouldn't be nearly as hot as any real thirst traps and would have given it up.
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Nobody bruv, I was just expressing how girls can earn a lot of money diddling themselves online.
In reality, it's not a serious thread.

Imma be honest, i secretly admire e-girls.

Being aesthetically pleasing enough to make a living off of it is actually much harder work than any average-looking person will ever give you credit for.

Like, have you ever seen a makeup tutorial? I can draw, but these chicks literally learn how to re-draw their damn faces on. Shit's crazy yo.

It's the same way that being an aesthetically pleasing guy (abs, muscles, ect) will never actually be appreciated by women as much as it is for men. There's so much shit and time that goes into maintaining a hot body as either sex.

As an extremely lazy individual, who only really puts time into learning combos and gaining rank points in fighting games....i appreciate when anyone can devote alot of time and get good results.

when i see that instagram pic where the chick turns her ass towards the camera and snaps the pic....I see the nice ass and the thighs, but i also acknowledge the time at the gym to tone that thang, and the restraint at the restaurants to keep the waist fat-free. It's a thing of beauty ;_;

So, if a girl makes up her face, puts on a nice outfit, buys implants and/or a nice bra, and picks out the perfect outfit and angle to make viewing her as aesthetically pleasing as possible, and streams herself shooting people in Call of Duty...like, THANK you?

I'm not paying you shit, but i hope some thirsty dude does so you keep doing it at least.
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If I was a good looking women, I'd milk all the poor saps and not feel bad at all.

I'd have an Onlyfans account, paetron, be on Twitch and YT. It be like taking candy from a baby.
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