I own both an Xbox Series X (primary gaming console, timed/full exclusives, third party multi-platform games day one Game Pass games and last generation games via BC including The Division 2, AC Origins and AC Odyssey) and PlayStation 5 Disc Edition (secondary full exclusives only gaming console).
Been super happy and satisfied with the Xbox Series X. Super quiet, ultra fast loading times, 60FPS being the focal point and standard for Microsoft makes me very happy. 30FPS is pretty much done for me. Looking forward to 2022 when DirectML, Velocity and other features start getting implemented.
For PlayStation 5, it's been good. No issues but it's just for exclusives as I won't be playing any other games on it. Miles Morales and Ratchet were great. Next guaranteed game will be Horizon II: Forbidden West with Kena being 50/50 due it to being a timed console exclusive as I would rather buy and play it on Xbox Series X so I'll wait to see how that plays out and if the game is any good to begin with.
2021 has been slow for the most part but that's allowed me to catch up on the launch games since I didn't get the Xbox Series X until January 4th and PlayStation 5 until February 14th. 2021 will easily surpass 2014 for me though. This generation is definitely going better than last generation in the same time frame and I do believe that I will get my personal best year ever in 2022 (barring game delays into 2023 of course) and the best generation ever.
So yeah, excellent generation thus far and will only get better as the months and years progress.