I see your pathetic The Real Ghostbusters potato snack and raise you one packet of Smiths "Horror Bags"..

I see your pathetic The Real Ghostbusters potato snack and raise you one packet of Smiths "Horror Bags"..
I don't like the replacement, Rustica, as much.Not global but Delissio pulled out of Canada and I officially can't find it on shelves anymore, I did think the dough was more gooey and stretchy than your average frozen pizza, the stuffed crust ones were good
It happens when pork prices fall.
omg i remember these!I see your pathetic The Real Ghostbusters potato snack and raise you one packet of Smiths "Horror Bags"..
I can also say that a side-effect of these threads is depression.Love these threads, always end up remembering something I forgot about.
I have three answers, and they're all drinks. They've all had limited revivals in recent years but I sure wish I could buy these whenever I wanted.
My favorite soda of all time. It's finally come back - but it's always sold out everywhere. My local Burger King has this in their Coke freestyle machine, but it just doesn't taste right. Probably because, you know, Burger King. Also, I'm old now, and my body can't process this stuff like it did when I was in college.
Crystal Pepsi
I loved this stuff back in the early 90s, I never understood why they got rid of it. Also had a few short-run revivals, and I was lucky enough to snag a few bottles a couple of years back. Yep, still amazing.
Man, I guess if someone ever builds a time machine I'm going back to the 90s. Zima was my alcoholic beverage of choice back in the day - it had that perfect combination of cheap, tasty, fizzy, and boozy. Also had a short revival a few years back where I picked up a few cases and had a blast of flavor nostalgia while getting wasted.
I guess I'm just a fan of carbonated drinks from the 90s.
It's not discontinued everywhere but it's not available where I live.
Taco Bell Chili Cheese Burito.
I used to gorge on those bad boys when I lived in Colorado back in the mid 2000s. Delicious and cheap, just what a broke young man needs to survive!
Whoa, I hadn't thought of these in 20 years and then BOOM, I could taste it. So very good.
Guys, they used gravy as the pizza sauce. GRAVY!
pls come back.
My girlfriend and I got to talking about foods and this came up as something we both missed.. so for breakfast the next morning I began giving it a proper comeback
It was just a traditional flavor my whole family loved, then about 2010 they just discontinued it.What was the difference?
Posh noodles!these were my favourite crisps. I think they must’ve been discontinued about 20 years ago. I still think about them now and then
And these pot noodles (especially the Posh ones!) . I think these also changed in ~2003. The posh noodles were limited edition and of course Pot noodles still exist but they have very little taste to them.
My favourite is chicken and mushroom. I remember you used to get “chunks” of mushroom but now it’s microscopic pieces and the chicken just comes from the powder. The soy sauce packet might as well be a drop of water for all it offers. It’s not even enough to flavour the whole pot! I usually add my own soy sauce. And they have the fucking cheek to charge £1.40 per pot!! Can’t remember how much they were in the 00s but it wasn’t long ago you could get a pot for 70p!!
It’s been a long time since I had a posh noodle but if I remember right the difference was the type of noodle. I’m no noodle expert but compared to the normal pot noodle the posh had a longer and thicker noodle (heh). Also there was much larger pieces of whatever the fuck … mushroom, chilli, etc.
Yeah, I hear you. I always get some sadness after being hit with a wave of nostalgia.I can also say that a side-effect of these threads is depression.
Damn, I wish I could go back...
BarNone has to be the best candy bar I've ever tasted.