Dude Abides
Both testaments are written from the POV of people who were in fact oppressed. That plus white conservative fragility and you get this nonsense.
I went to church for my grandmother's birthday and they literally peddled out for thirty minutes about how the world (and especially Muslims) was out to get them. They even had us pray especially for Homeland Security fffff.
Slightly off topic, bu how would these religious nut cases act of suddenly if alien existed? Like what does heir god say about that? Wouldn't aliens prove their religion is a sham? Sorry for the weird question.
this post should be pinned. it's not just a need:It's their need to instill a state-based religion (I.e., theocracy)
It's such a weird thing. Like I can understand why someone may believe that they face discrimination as a white Christian, but MORE than others? We live in a society where not only is there a travel ban aimed at Muslims, but the band was carefully designed to protect Christians.
By reading this thread, looks like they are discriminated against. You'd never see a thread saying these kinds of things about Muslims.
By reading this thread, looks like they are discriminated against. You'd never see a thread saying these kinds of things about Muslims.
instead of pussy-ing out and generalizing with strawman arguments about "saying these kinds of things," post some examples of where you think christians are being discriminated against.
All I'm saying is that if you replaced the topic of this thread with another group, it reads pretty poorly. It's only accepted because this forum doesn't like evangelicals. I'm not for or against them, I don't know anything about it and it doesn't exist where I live. Just reading the thread and commenting.
All I'm saying is that if you replaced the topic of this thread with another group, it reads pretty poorly. It's only accepted because this forum doesn't like evangelicals. I'm not for or against them, I don't know anything about it and it doesn't exist where I live. Just reading the thread and commenting.
But, I mean, surely you know this already. Surely you possess the competency to recall Trump's Muslim bans and subsequently realize this is not such an obstacle for white Evangelicals.
I don't know anything about it and it doesn't exist where I live. Just reading the thread and commenting.
Where did these people come from?
In other words, when did Christianity go from mainline protestantism to far-right Evangelical fundamentalism?
Revealing a surprising paradox at the heart of America's "Bible Belt," Christine Leigh Heyrman examines how the conservative religious traditions so strongly associated with the South evolved out of an evangelical Protestantism that began with very different social and political attitudes.
Although the American Revolution swept away the institutional structures of the Anglican Church in the South, the itinerant evangelical preachers who subsequently flooded the region at first encountered resistance from southern whites, who were affronted by their opposition to slaveholding and traditional ideals of masculinity, their lack of respect for generational hierarchy, their encouragement of women's public involvement in church affairs, and their allowance for spiritual intimacy with blacks. As Heyrman shows, these evangelicals achieved dominance in the region over the course of a century by deliberately changing their own "traditional values" and assimilating the conventional southern understandings of family relationships, masculine prerogatives, classic patriotism, and martial honor. In so doing, religious groups earlier associated with nonviolence and antislavery activity came to the defense of slavery and secession and the holy cause of upholding both by force of arms--and adopted the values we now associate with the "Bible Belt."
Both testaments are written from the POV of people who were in fact oppressed. That plus white conservative fragility and you get this nonsense.
All I'm saying is that if you replaced the topic of this thread with another group, it reads pretty poorly. It's only accepted because this forum doesn't like evangelicals. I'm not for or against them, I don't know anything about it and it doesn't exist where I live. Just reading the thread and commenting.
All I'm saying is that if you replaced the topic of this thread with another group, it reads pretty poorly. It's only accepted because this forum doesn't like evangelicals.
There are a couple of problems with this post. First, flipping the subjects without accounting for historical and contemporary context provides a meaningless comparison. Eg, Muslims in America face enormously greater discrimination than mean words by anonymous posters in an internet forum. Second, not liking a group does not equate to active IRL discrimination against that group, eg in terms of enacting legislation against that group, or participating in hate crimes.
Slightly off topic, bu how would these religious nut cases act of suddenly if alien existed? Like what does heir god say about that? Wouldn't aliens prove their religion is a sham? Sorry for the weird question.
Where did these people come from?
In other words, when did Christianity go from mainline protestantism to far-right Evangelical fundamentalism?
Slightly off topic, bu how would these religious nut cases act of suddenly if alien existed? Like what does heir god say about that? Wouldn't aliens prove their religion is a sham? Sorry for the weird question.
Thanks for enlightening me. TIL USA is fucked up, good luck with your country.
By reading this thread, looks like they are discriminated against. You'd never see a thread saying these kinds of things about Muslims.
White Evangelicals INVENTED discrimination.
Thanks for enlightening me. TIL USA is fucked up, good luck with your country.
But Americans codified racial discrimination using demented interpretations of the Christian Bible.That's just absurd. Discrimination existed far before any kind of Christianity did.
That's just absurd. Discrimination existed far before any kind of Christianity did.
How did you just learn that now? Of all things to go "goddamn, America is fucked up" about, lol. I mean, Trump is the President, that should have been your first indication.
They probably think a cashier saying "Happy Holidays" is discrimination.
It's a tough one, the posters on this forum are mostly American and quite reasonable, but since Trump is president they don't represent USA. I've visited many states and have never seen or had any issues with anything. I try to take most things I read on the news with a grain of salt. You know, a country that represents itself as being the greatest place on earth, but it's residents apparently think it's one of the most fucked, it's confusing.
Slightly off topic, bu how would these religious nut cases act of suddenly if alien existed? Like what does heir god say about that? Wouldn't aliens prove their religion is a sham? Sorry for the weird question.
That was actively done by the Slave-owning Southern elite well before the Civil War. It happened around the mid 1650s and especially after Bacon's Rebellion. Those elites put laws in place that put the white marginalized group in a position of power over the black slaves and black workers.
Before the Southern elite did this, marginalized whites and blacks did find common cause together and did fight back together. Obviously, that was not in the interest of the small elite because if everyone was against them, then they would be fucked.
This is also how racism developed as well. Before, the world certainly had discrimination and prejudice, it was just mostly ethnocentrism and not racism.
Hell, one of the main reasons why the Civil War was actually popular with non-slave owning southerners is because it was a war to preserve white supremacy. They felt that if they lost then their white supremacist society would end and they would be on the same plain as the black slaves.
Let me give you a crash course. The USA is steeped in racial injustice and discrimination towards any group that isn't evangelical and white. We were founded by Puritans for fuck's sake.
And there are plenty of us who do not think it's the greatest place on earth.
Absolutely true, my mother adores her shirt that says that Christians are persecuted every day. It's horribly fucked up but good luck convincing her of that while she is watching Fox News...
But Americans codified racial discrimination using demented interpretations of the Christian Bible.
How did the church react when the new world was discovered? They hired people to go convert as many as they can, and murder/rape/pillage the rest.
Time is a flat circle.