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Why helping people is pointless

Just a general statement as I should be doing something else right now: I can only say that when I help people, I get a little warm glow of satisfaction for emulating my mum or dad one more time, and I resolve to have kids so i can help them allatime, like my mum and dad did. Roses in bloom~~~
I've been meaning to ask you this for some time. Are you a fellow homosexual? Because you keep using ~ within your messages, which is a sign in certain circles.

As for the topic at hand, all I'll say is this: surety brings ruin.


God that story is fucked up, what a bunch of assholes. I feel really bad now for your uncle. You did all you could, but in the end, you have no chance against a bunch of absolute pieces of shit and I don't want to offend you, but your uncle seems too spineless for a situation like this.
The unfairness of all of this makes me really angry, god, I have people so much... most of them don't to be treated like humans (looking on BitchA + BitchB + wife)


I've been meaning to ask you this for some time. Are you a fellow homosexual? Because you keep using ~ within your messages, which is a sign in certain circles.

As for the topic at hand, all I'll say is this: surety brings ruin.
afraid not mate... i've used it for a long time, it's a way of me expressing a, er, lighthearted feeling? or, well, a cut-off sentence? I find it helps me express myself~ but it probably doesn't work :p

EDIT: on reflection it might be because i speak a fair bit of mandarin after living there for many years, and in many chinese-related languages across asia they use 'lah' to end sentences... so this concept of ending your sentence with a kind of, dismissive flourish intended to lighten the mood might have been borrowed from other languages.
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It’s good to set a good example, and at least try. Somebody has to.

However, it’s also good to realize that no good deed goes unpunished, people never appreciate anything, etc.

Didn’t read the OP. May later if I need to curl up with a blanket and a good LotR-sized book.

Number one thing, above all else. If you want to help someone, don't ever, ever expect gratitude. Just leads to disappointment, broken relationships and if it doesn't a false ego boost so you end up the (actual) asshole in the end.

Help because it's the right thing to do and be satisfied with what you tried or accomplished.
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Guy sounds like someone who is very easily manipulated. And his family clearly knows this, and eventually were always going to get to him. Seems inevitable.

But I mean you might've saved his life, so there's that. And that's pretty cool.


Gold Member
We have a saying in Italy: “parenti serpenti” ( = your relatives are snakes).

Some people really want to hurt others, no matter how much they loved them in the past.
And some people just can’t be saved from themselves.
Add alcohol, scheming, and possibly physical / mental disease to the mix, and what you get is a big pile of shit.

You did much more than I’d ever see myself doing in a case like this, OP. Well done.
Maybe it was all in vain, but hey, you handled all of this like a boss.
Helping others doesn’t always turn out how we expected. Don’t let the bad outcome be the measure you judge yourself by.


In retrospect, I know I did the right thing, and honestly it's sad to me, that a bunch of men that call themselves "men of God" and "Christians" could be so wicked, as to want such a fate for their own father

Judge people by their actions and not by what they call themselves at (which is worthless). Holds true everywhere, in society and in faith.
This shit has turned into a damn soap opera and I’m not ashamed to say I’m interested to see how it ends. How long was the journey to reach him and where was it?


I'm responding to the thread title.

An employer helping an employee by paying them well and treating them with respect is pointless?


Now I'll respond to this.

You did much more than I’d ever see myself doing in a case like this, OP. Well done.
Maybe it was all in vain, but hey, you handled all of this like a boss.
Helping others doesn’t always turn out how we expected. Don’t let the bad outcome be the measure you judge yourself by.
If the OP did all he could do then props to him. The older I'm getting I feel it's better to give help without any expectation of return. We can not control and mold people into how we want them to be. The best we can do is work with them the best we can. Look toward addressing our own faults. I know people who I've tried to help and have caused myself a lot of stress over it. At the end of the day my "help" was born out of my own selfish wants.

With confidence I can say others have attempted to help me and had to "give up". Some lessons each of us can only learn through our own life experiences. While each of us can give another a helping hand, none of us can be the foundation for another.

Offer what we can provide. Accept that we can not give everything. Trust that we'll receive what we need (not to be confused with want).
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Number one thing, above all else. If you want to help someone, don't ever, ever expect gratitude. Just leads to disappointment, broken relationships and if it doesn't a false ego boost so you end up the (actual) asshole in the end.

Help because it's the right thing to do and be satisfied with what you tried or accomplished.
I told him repeatedly I didn’t want anything other than for him to value the second chance he was given and to not throw away his life, that all I wanted was to see him happy and rebuild.
Guy sounds like someone who is very easily manipulated. And his family clearly knows this, and eventually were always going to get to him. Seems inevitable.

But I mean you might've saved his life, so there's that. And that's pretty cool.
I feel like I saved a baby sea turtle from seagulls only to see it choke itself on plastic ties.

John Day

The third and final part of my shit TLDR story.

During the car ride, I find out that BitchA has written off his father completely but called once while my uncle was at the first hospital and pretended like everything was fine.
BitchB called while my uncle was in the second hospital.
For whatever reason, my uncle trusted BitchB more.
Thing to know about these bitches, I've considered them like little brothers always, and this entire situation pained me greatly.
When I got home, I found out that they blocked me on every single thing known to man, I couldn't contact these bitches if I tried.
Mind you, they never ONCE sent me a single message, or called me once, despite knowing I was the one leading the initiative to free my uncle.
They called everyone around me, and then blocked me.

While my uncle stayed at my mom's, I spent the next month making sure he was okay.
He asked me to log into his bank accounts and change his passwords and I did.
He asked me to get a hold of a realtor for a recent property he purchased and I did.
I helped him get his medical records from both hospitals.
I handled all communication with his attorney at his request.
His priority questions related to his attorney were all about his assets, so the attorney (a criminal defense attorney) told him he needed a family lawyer for that crap, and that his sole focus was to keep him out of jail.
I then set him up with a divorce attorney who basically told him if he wanted to secure his assets, the divorce would be the best way to do it.
I kept his phone for the first week or so, at his request. He said he didn't trust himself yet as he hadn't slept in days, I agreed.
I spent this time retrieving videos that would serve as evidence from his phone that showed him the night before the incident.
He was tired and rambling, but not aggressive at all.
He asked me to contact his employer and I did, I even got him to write a lovely letter of recommendation on my uncle's behalf.

At some point, my uncle's wife sends him a video of his step-granddaughter playing with a birthday present, and his wife told the girl "say thanks to grampy".
I of course told my uncle about the video message and warned him it was a trap.
Because of the restraining order, if he replied to her at all, he would be violating the restraining order.
She can send whatever she wants, but he cannot reply.
Because of this, and because of the distrust I had of my cousins at the time, I suggested he avoid talking to them until at least the first hearing related to his criminal case is resolved, or until the restraining order is completely clarified.
I reluctantly gave him his phone at this point, with the warning that he needed to be careful.
He had a moment of self-reflection going through his phone when he saw a t-shirt that said something like "Best Grampy" or some crap like that, and he looked at it and said, "Almost 30 years of marriage to this woman, and I all got in acknowledgement is this shirt...and it was too small" as he deleted the picture of the shirt.

My uncle spent some time going through his phone records and bank statements.
The funniest one is, right after the "assault" and arrest, she was so traumatized she went to the grocery store and blew 200 dollars.

The attorney was very clear, anything he said or did would not be considered hearsay, and would be considered evidence and admissible by the court.
My uncle grew more lucid through the days, and I find out he's been contacted by my cousin's wife (BitchB's wife).
He's holding off on the divorce he says, too much paperwork for now, he's clearly having second thoughts.
He told me some horror stories about his wife, I can't imagine how anyone could be dumb enough to pursue She-Hulk, and frankly I suspect she's been slipping him arsenic or some shit to cause convulsions, because while my uncle was in our care, he had ZERO health issues.
I told him to just be careful please with saying anything that could incriminate him as there's now the looming threat of jail time over his head.
The next thing I know is he starts talking about needing to go stay with his son BitchB, it's the only way to fix things he says.
I tell him, that's fine, I get it, believe me, I want to fix things with the family too, but right now your priority needs to be staying out of jail, and everything this woman has said and done, leads me to believe you going to stay with your son could be a trap.
I caution, all you would accomplish by going over there is that you would generate evidence against yourself and witnesses against yourself.
He reluctantly agreed, and GAVE ME HIS WORD that he would not make plans to leave until he spoke to me first.

I meet with my uncle regularly, at one point the prosecutor asks which doctor he was seeing for his mental health.
I entrusted my uncle and mother to handle that while I focus on work and making up all the lost time.
Sure enough, they fail at that, and I end up having to schedule the psychologist.
I call my uncle regularly to check in on him and see how the sessions are going, and then reiterate that he needs to be careful.
I explain, I know you love your wife and kids, but you're no good to them if you're in jail.

At this point I find out that BitchB's wife told him that if he wanted to make good to his wife, he better get his ass over there asap, and he better stop delaying.
I only found out because I asked him what she's been telling him.
I tell him, you don't find that at all suspicious? Why does this woman want you out of here so badly?
You're finally sleeping, you're exercising, you're working, you're piecing yourself together, and she's desperate to throw you into another state, away from her, where you can be monitored?
He tells me, "I'm not naive" but I need to fix things with my family.
Around this time, I get copies of all the police reports, hospital records, etc. and I have all of his wife's statements, and pictures of her injuries.
Her injuries are non-existent, literally have seen bigger mosquito bites., they could have been from her scratching her arm and they'd likely be larger.
Her four statements made to the hospital staff and police officers have contradictions in each of them.
She is CLEARLY pressing to make my uncle look like a crazy psycho killer, and her intentions are obvious in looking at the evidence.
My uncle tells me again and again, that if I hadn't gotten him out when I did, that he thinks he might have lost it or died in there.

At some point I send a message through a mutual friend to BitchB to please contact me so that we can talk about his father.
His response "Fuck that asshole".
I say, "Tell him I love him" and some essentially something of I wish you the best.

I warn him again and again, just please don't do anything incriminating, stay out of jail, then fix things after.
Sure enough, hearing day comes, and I call him after the hearing and ask how it went.
He tells me, not good, the prosecutor is sending a plea agreement but he hasn't seen it yet.
Apparently a few days before the hearing, the restraining order was modified to allow electronic communication, or so he claims, I never saw evidence of it, and he had been exchanging emails with his wife.
Then the day of the hearing, he mentions his wife was on the phone with the prosecutor for over 40 minutes, he can tell from his phone records.
Then he keeps talking about going to stay with BitchB, and I ask him when are you leaving?
He says tomorrow.
I tell him I love him and to please be careful, the last thing I'd want is for him to end up in another situation where no one can help him.
I didn't even see him before he left since he left so abruptly.

Since he's left he has contacted me ZERO times.
He once contacted his siblings in a single group call and apparently he's basically hostage under 24hr surveillance by BitchB's wife, but he's considering taking a plea because according to BitchB it's the only way to make things right.
Apparently BitchB has a baby on the way, and the only way my uncle can be "Grampy" is if he plays ball.
He can't do anything but work, and they're monitoring his phone calls according to my mother.
The attorney CCs me on the last email exchange with the plea agreement, they want him to plead guilty to assault.
According to mother, he says he can't speak to the attorney at all, and the guy never returns his calls or emails.
I find this odd as hell considering I've had no issues communicating with the guy.
He may or may not get jail time based on good behavior, and if he doesn't take the plea they may pursue a felony charge.
I sent him a message to please call me, and he says he has a headache, he'll call me tomorrow.
My suspicion radar is triggering so I send him an e-mail telling him to please not plead guilty.
Why would he plead guilty to a crime he didn't commit when there's no witnesses or actual evidence of his crime?
I beg him to reconsider the plea and to contact me.
Nothing, no response.
I call the attorney today in the morning and he's confounded when I tell him my uncle's claim.
He tells me my uncle spoke to him just yesterday and had requested to remove me from case completely and that I am no longer authorized to know anything, despite hiring the guy.
I thank him for his service and tell him I understand, and here I am today.

Apparently She-Hulk is pressing for a conviction and to me, based off of HER statements, it's pretty clear why.
Some of the documentation alluded to her having an affair, and she keeps reiterating in her statements he needs mental health.
Way I see it she wanted to lock him in the mental institution and clean him out, she's a housewife after all.
He has properties, and money, and she clearly wants both.
After I foiled those plans, she's now pressing for him to plea guilty, why?
Because if he does ANYTHING at all, hell, even if he doesn't, but is in the same room as these people, she can claim he went crazy again, and guess who they'll believe? The guy found guilty of assault, or the poor She-Hulk victim of his wife?

So in the end, my uncle is likely going to dig himself right back into the same ditch I pulled him out of, likely worse.
In my opinion, my cousins already showed their true colors, they believe their mother, and are treating my uncle like a convict already.
Once he pleads guilty, it's only going downhill from there.
If I hadn't gotten involved, I'd still have my cousins.
Now I don't have my uncle, or my cousins, and the ending is likely still going to be the same.
In retrospect, I know I did the right thing, and honestly it's sad to me, that a bunch of men that call themselves "men of God" and "Christians" could be so wicked, as to want such a fate for their own father.
It hurts, but I'm glad that bridge is burned.
It's not worth caring about shitty people, or trying to help people.
Helping people is like helping a lemming, guess what, they're going to go find their way back to that cliff eventually, and if you try and help, then you'll only end up being remembered as the bad guy for not minding your own business.

I abstained from saying anything before because I was actively involved, but now that I've been cut loose like a turd hanging from your asshole, I feel I have the right to vent.
teezzy teezzy - I'm done bro, light it up with some holly jolly will ya?
Truly did beyond your duty man, i feel you.

P.S: Based on experience with issues with cousins and some family...FUCK THEM.


I'm taking everything about the Uncle's story with a massive grain of salt. Abusers almost always spin a narrative where they are actually the victim, so at this point I'm assuming your uncle is full of shit.


I told him repeatedly I didn’t want anything other than for him to value the second chance he was given and to not throw away his life, that all I wanted was to see him happy and rebuild.

And I feel you, but again don't even expect even that. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes your help is an important step, but still just a step on a long staircase. Sometimes it doesn't pay off immediately. You can't control life, the final step has to be done by the people you help themselves. No way around it.

Having that expectation that things will work out can and will break you. Sooner or later. Seen it tens of times personally.

You did what you could. And that's already fantastic.
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Some people just can't be helped. My dad got himself into so much unnecessary trouble, and lost so much money so easily (could have been rich) that the end of his life was nothing but stress and spite and anger and regret until he eventually died.

Just move on. You're a good man and better than those people.
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Sounds like he was put in a difficult position, lose your family or play ball. No woman would ever find herself in this position and its sad that your almost guilty until proven innocent if your a man.


I still think you were right to help man. Look at it like this; you say if you didn't help, you'd still have your bitch ass cousins in your life, but who the fuck wants those weak ass traitors?! You're better than them, and continued contact and attachment to those two faced, traitorous, cowardly(wouldn't even talk to your face/had to communicate through middlemen? That's top level bitch shit), scheming, weak, opportunistic little shits would be a net negative. In a sense, the only positive outcome of that depressing saga was that you got to shed some dead weight in the form of two men that you loved like brothers who were not worthy of such love. Fuck em then, their loss.

For what it's worth, I hated reading about your uncle's ultimate fate man. He sounds like a decent fella, if perhaps a bit too diminutive for his own good. This is why we have to speak softly and carry a big stick in this world; it's unfortunate, but many people just perceive overt kindness in others as weakness. We have to remain decent though, and we have to be good to our fellow man, each and every one of them without fail.....until they fuck around with us. Then let them know you aren't to be trifled with, as these opportunists only respect fear, and they only fear strength.

I'm sorry for the way things worked out for ya brethren. I'd buy you a beer if you were in the WA area :/. I still think you did the right thing, regardless of whether the end result was any different or not. Men aren't made by their end, that will be the same for us all; we're made by how we got there, and who we propped up along the way.


What a whirlwind of shit. Sounds like you did what you could to help, but the lure of grandchildren to an old man whose future looks pretty lonely would be hard for anyone to bear.

I don't know how someone could think he might be an abuser with the way the bitches treated you and now Mrs. Bitch told him to live with them.

You can't do much to help people that refuse to help themselves.
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At least you tried to help as much as you could. It’s family you are supposed to help each other at times of need, everyone else being aholes is another story.
You did your best and leave the rest to what ever fate rest in his hands.


there ae too many people out there who just want to take advantage of you. I stopped being nice a long time ago and it really helps with quality in life, health issues and other stressful things.

Fuck off Woke People fuck off racists, fuck off lazy idiots, fuck off bitches, fuck off shit talker ... fuck off everyone who annoys me. Best descision ever.

Just get rid of all those idiots and find the few once that are worth it.

I only want people in my life that can add value to it without annoying me with useless shit.

I dont care if its strangers, if its friends or if its family.

My biggest brother was an idiot who harrassed me all day and when he overdid it i send him to the hospital. Was the best feeling ever.

There are people out there that dont learn if they dont get a punch in the face. They dont care for words, peace or harmony.

Thats why stuff like Woke culture and other things wont work in the long term. Becazuse the people that are part of it are annoying as fuck too.
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On a plus side, I have gotten closer to my big brother than we've been in a long time due to our long car ride together. I also brought my mother some peace of mind.

What bothers me more than anything, is my uncle with his fear of flying, was able to jump on a plane to leave without a problem, and he blacklisted me without even giving me a last word.

Mossybrew Mossybrew - if I didn't know as much as I did about my aunt from my mother, and my own experiences, I would be inclined to believe that. Like I said, I don't believe he could physically beat She-Hulk if he wanted to. If you saw them in real life, you would assume she beats him regularly.

Hulk_Smash Hulk_Smash - I was writing it for readability. Paragraphs jumble together, especially on phones. A trick I learned writing e-mails for many years, people don't read paragraphs, at least not entirely. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

GeorgPrime GeorgPrime - Not a bad way of looking at it tbh.

AlteredForms AlteredForms - Don't want to say. Let's just say this takes place across three states technically. My state, and where we recovered my uncle are literally across country.

To everyone else, thanks for the kind words, I do appreciate it. This story sucks in my opinion because of the inevitable ending, but I at least know I can tell this story to my kids one day and tell them what it means to do the right thing, no matter what.

I still owe screenshots of certain messages which I will include probably tonight, so check the thread later for those details. They're pretty crazy to be honest.

On a side note - backstory for you guys.

A year or so before BitchB married his wife (3 or so years ago), there was a hurricane coming. BitchB panicked and left his at the time girlfriend, and drove off with his family. He was almost 8 hours away when his then girlfriend called me, crying devastated about how BitchB left her, and that she was going to break up with him because she couldn't believe the man she loved could do that to her. I called BitchB and told him if he loved the girl so much, like he claimed he did, then he needed to man up and do the right thing. I told him this was one of those moments where you needs to establish his independence from his parents, and stand up to them, and go back to his girlfriend, IF HE loved her. If he didn't, then fuck it and keep driving. It was like a 20 minute conversation, BitchB turned around, drove the 8 hours back, and got back with his girlfriend, they got married a year later.

Months later, when BitchB was about to move away, his brother BitchA begged me to talk some sense into BitchB so he wouldn't move away. I called BitchB and did exactly that. BitchA moved away eventually without telling me until the day before (I assume so I wouldn't talk him out of it)! Then months later, I find out BitchB took my exact advice, and would eventually move away, after taking my advice and doing a series of steps first.

Especially after these events above, I guess the fact that they didn't even give me an opportunity to give my side of events, is what shocks me the most.
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Especially after these events above, I guess the fact that they didn't even give me an opportunity to give my side of events, is what shocks me the most.

Mistrust, Jealousy, Greed,...

There are a lot of things that can creep up into a person, twist their mind, twist their memory, manipulate them. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a completely different version of these events in their head by now for one reason or another. That's why its so important to not lose yourself and always have a sense of self-awareness.

There's no use breaking your head or heart over it. Again, you did your best.


Helped pull a guy that was unconscious from his burning car after he t-boned a car while trying to race someone(the person t-boned died). Inhailed a shit ton of fire extinguisher fumes and coughed from what felt like burning lungs for hours.
The thanks i got, was his lawyer being rude asshole and trying to discredit what i saw for the deposition for an hour.

Doctors i work with tell me never to do good deeds.
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Helped pull a guy that was unconscious from his burning car after he t-boned a csr while teying to race someone(the peeson t-boned died). Inhailed a shit ton of fire extinguisher fumes and coughed from what felt like burning lungs for hours.
The thanks i got, was his lawyer being rude asshole and trying to discredit what i saw for the deposition for an hour.

Doctors i work with tell me never to do good deeds.
I hate that this shit happens to good people, but I don't wanna live in that world and I refuse, ya know?

I'm still kicking myself about not tackling these two shoplifters recently while I was Christmas shopping for my daughter. I saw them running away from me, (slowly and pitifully, they were terribly fat and out of shape), while security was chasing and screaming stop. I was sitting there holding a Super Mario Lego set and watching them, and I just asked myself, "does he mean them? Maybe he means someone else? If I help will I get arrested for assaulting them? I probably shouldn't get involved", and then I see the security guy, (again, fat and out of shape), roll up panting and he just let them run out the back door of the store and didn't even chase them out. I felt like such useless shit man. "Does he mean them?" Of course he fucking meant them!!!! "Will I get arrested if I help?" Who gives a shit, do the right thing!!!!! I'm still so mad at myself for not doing something about it and overthinking it. I'm in vastly better condition than either of the two roly pollies that ran out the door, (not humble bragging at all, I'm no prime athlete or anything, they were just in that bad of shape), but I didn't even wanna drop my daughter's Lego set to go do the right thing and stop them. Chance to do the right thing and I fuckin blew it man. 18 to 24 year old me would have blasted after them and knocked them down, and hell I'm stronger now than I was then, so what's my excuse?!

I got home, I was so pissed at myself, and my wife basically told me what you just said. "Never get involved in stuff like that, they could have just sued you if you hurt them while tackling them." Man fuck that......what the fuck is this world coming to when we're afraid of stopping the bad guys for fear of legal repercussion?! I say fuck the law, if I see something like that happen in front of me again, I'm throwing caution to the wind and I'm doing the right thing and stopping them, or at least trying. I won't let this fucked up world of weaklings and victims take my morality from me, I goddamn refuse.


I hate that this shit happens to good people, but I don't wanna live in that world and I refuse, ya know?

I'm still kicking myself about not tackling these two shoplifters recently while I was Christmas shopping for my daughter. I saw them running away from me, (slowly and pitifully, they were terribly fat and out of shape), while security was chasing and screaming stop. I was sitting there holding a Super Mario Lego set and watching them, and I just asked myself, "does he mean them? Maybe he means someone else? If I help will I get arrested for assaulting them? I probably shouldn't get involved", and then I see the security guy, (again, fat and out of shape), roll up panting and he just let them run out the back door of the store and didn't even chase them out. I felt like such useless shit man. "Does he mean them?" Of course he fucking meant them!!!! "Will I get arrested if I help?" Who gives a shit, do the right thing!!!!! I'm still so mad at myself for not doing something about it and overthinking it. I'm in vastly better condition than either of the two roly pollies that ran out the door, (not humble bragging at all, I'm no prime athlete or anything, they were just in that bad of shape), but I didn't even wanna drop my daughter's Lego set to go do the right thing and stop them. Chance to do the right thing and I fuckin blew it man. 18 to 24 year old me would have blasted after them and knocked them down, and hell I'm stronger now than I was then, so what's my excuse?!

I got home, I was so pissed at myself, and my wife basically told me what you just said. "Never get involved in stuff like that, they could have just sued you if you hurt them while tackling them." Man fuck that......what the fuck is this world coming to when we're afraid of stopping the bad guys for fear of legal repercussion?! I say fuck the law, if I see something like that happen in front of me again, I'm throwing caution to the wind and I'm doing the right thing and stopping them, or at least trying. I won't let this fucked up world of weaklings and victims take my morality from me, I goddamn refuse.
You did the right thing since your daughter was there. It may feel impotent, but she doesn't need to be hurt or see her dad get stabbed for a couple of shoplifters. If you're alone though, time to go Dirty Harry


Mistrust, Jealousy, Greed,...

There are a lot of things that can creep up into a person, twist their mind, twist their memory, manipulate them. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a completely different version of these events in their head by now for one reason or another. That's why its so important to not lose yourself and always have a sense of self-awareness.

There's no use breaking your head or heart over it. Again, you did your best.

You're 100% right. I didn't post this to beat myself up, I shared it so hopefully people learn from it.

Helped pull a guy that was unconscious from his burning car after he t-boned a car while trying to race someone(the person t-boned died). Inhailed a shit ton of fire extinguisher fumes and coughed from what felt like burning lungs for hours.
The thanks i got, was his lawyer being rude asshole and trying to discredit what i saw for the deposition for an hour.

Doctors i work with tell me never to do good deeds.

I thought I heard about this on the news years ago, you were that guy? I always think back to this story.

I hate that this shit happens to good people, but I don't wanna live in that world and I refuse, ya know?

I'm still kicking myself about not tackling these two shoplifters recently while I was Christmas shopping for my daughter. I saw them running away from me, (slowly and pitifully, they were terribly fat and out of shape), while security was chasing and screaming stop. I was sitting there holding a Super Mario Lego set and watching them, and I just asked myself, "does he mean them? Maybe he means someone else? If I help will I get arrested for assaulting them? I probably shouldn't get involved", and then I see the security guy, (again, fat and out of shape), roll up panting and he just let them run out the back door of the store and didn't even chase them out. I felt like such useless shit man. "Does he mean them?" Of course he fucking meant them!!!! "Will I get arrested if I help?" Who gives a shit, do the right thing!!!!! I'm still so mad at myself for not doing something about it and overthinking it. I'm in vastly better condition than either of the two roly pollies that ran out the door, (not humble bragging at all, I'm no prime athlete or anything, they were just in that bad of shape), but I didn't even wanna drop my daughter's Lego set to go do the right thing and stop them. Chance to do the right thing and I fuckin blew it man. 18 to 24 year old me would have blasted after them and knocked them down, and hell I'm stronger now than I was then, so what's my excuse?!

I got home, I was so pissed at myself, and my wife basically told me what you just said. "Never get involved in stuff like that, they could have just sued you if you hurt them while tackling them." Man fuck that......what the fuck is this world coming to when we're afraid of stopping the bad guys for fear of legal repercussion?! I say fuck the law, if I see something like that happen in front of me again, I'm throwing caution to the wind and I'm doing the right thing and stopping them, or at least trying. I won't let this fucked up world of weaklings and victims take my morality from me, I goddamn refuse.

You did the right thing, and your wife is right. Unfortunately, as in NeededSleep's case, you likely would have just been arrested for assault or sued for injuries.


Elcid Elcid I think your wrong. Helping people is a great thing. Someone People just aren't ready for help yet as they haven't hit their rock bottom. You sound like a good person from the story so don't stop being a good person and when your Uncle hits rock bottom and needs help....stay humble as an "I told you so" won't help him or make you have a stronger relationship. Good Luck. We need more people like you in this world.


Here you - conversation between his wife and my mother. My mother is religious but not too crazy, so she claims she was playing along with the woman's craziness. They both seem fucking nuts reading this.

The demonic videos she's mentioning that he was watching for work were nature documentaries intended for children...
As a Christian , men that call themselves Christians, or good are even the ones I usually really watch out for. I disagree with the thread title. The only good thing to come out of this to me is the love you clearly have for your uncle and thats the thing that matters most in the end, you did everything you could. If being inspiring is pointless, then I guess so. Otherwise. You did great and I hope things work out.


Unconfirmed Member
Wow, crazy story OP. Sorry you're out time and money trying to help someone who doesn't seem to appreciate it as much as they should.
If there's one thing I've learned it's that we can only point people in the right direction but ultimately its their decision if they want to go that way or not.
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