Fairy Tale ep 1
Oh my glob it's so Japanese, I don't know if I can do this :<
More people watching Fairy Tail warms my heart
Guys guess what got licensed for NA.
Coming out in June.
Ohhhhh dear. Imagine if this show aired on Toonami. The reactions would be glorious
Magic Knight Reyearth 1
Damn, Master Mage Clef turned to stone already? So the three of them are already pretty much on their own except for the flying bird they're on. That's gonna be a pretty interesting angle if they go for it, having to mostly figure things out for themselves. Hikaru at least is off to a pretty good start.
Sometimes it feels like characters don't have a proper appreciation for what's going on. Then again, in a span of five minutes they were on Tokyo Tower, then on the back of a flying fish (he was cool I hope he comes back), and then are told they must become magic knights and they can't go home until they've finished their mission. That's another thing; they're in unfamiliar territory instead of on home turf. I'm not a mahou shoujo guru like Hito or apprentice like Kirby, but this isn't something I've seen that often. At least not from the very beginning and for the entire duration of their mission.
I remember dropping this show after the first episode (and writing a really long hate-rant on it) because I could not follow what was going on at all. I felt like watching the first episode was like watching Madoka episodes 1-3 condensed into a short 20 minutes.
This caused quite a bit of anger amongst this community as apparently it's really loved around here. I dunno, I guess the way the show was presented just wasn't for me and I was in a bad mood at the time. The fact that I watched the dub certainly didn't help matters(
This is assuming subbed is any different
Maybe I'll give this show another chance someday, now that my horizon's have been broadened since then, but I don't know. Maybe your later impressions of the show will change my mind.
Kino's Journey 6
After meeting Takano Miyo on the road to Hinamizawa, Kino went to Rome.
LOL. Perfect.