Weren't there people hating on Kill la Kill's composer before the show came out and now almost everyone thinks the OST is amazing?
We really shouldn't be handing out more :username stuffs after we damn near made the thread unreadable to newcomers last year. :dtl and :firehawk are all we really need.
We really shouldn't be handing out more :username stuffs after we damn near made the thread unreadable to newcomers last year. :dtl and :firehawk are all we really need.
Weren't there people hating on Kill la Kill's composer before the show came out and now almost everyone thinks the OST is amazing?
I just like lewd things.Zach you are a champion
I'm sure the same people who didn't like Sawano still don't like Sawano after KLK.Weren't there people hating on Kill la Kill's composer before the show came out and now almost everyone thinks the OST is amazing?
It's also clear that you know what I like!Hey, I just make up lazy shorthand for my own convenience. Other people don't have to be so quick to copy me.![]()
Sentai's response to the 1 disc blurays for Henneko and Maoyuu
Are you saying the bitch part of habitual is true?
Weren't there people hating on Kill la Kill's composer before the show came out and now almost everyone thinks the OST is amazing?
We really shouldn't be handing out more :username stuffs after we damn near made the thread unreadable to newcomers last year. :dtl and :firehawk are all we really need.
In reality, it's not just the composer. You also have the show's director and audio director and how they go about managing how the composer does his or her job and how the music becomes used in the show itself.Weren't there people hating on Kill la Kill's composer before the show came out and now almost everyone thinks the OST is amazing?
In reality, it's not just the composer. You also have the show's director and audio director and how they go about managing how the composer does his or her job and how the music becomes used in the show itself.
Some directors both demand good music and know how to coax it out of a composer.
the arrangement on some of the tracks isn't bad but it's still blown out sounding baloney with frequent interruptions of meaningless noise.
Weren't there people hating on Kill la Kill's composer before the show came out and now almost everyone thinks the OST is amazing?
Samurai Flamenco 18
That's it. Everybody. Back to the AOTY thread. We are taking away all votes because Alien Flamenco is the best character in the mother fucking history of anime. Even better than the Wizard in Bento/Black Lagoon. Heck, he somehow surpassed Mister Justice... well.... technically he didn't.
This show. How can something do a 180 of quality and become the AOTC. Now I can't watch any other ridiculous anime without hearing Alien Flamenco's orgasmic voice.
One. And only One!
The new Super Sentai show, Ressha Sentai Toqger, started up and I decided to take a look at it. Here's some :secretbase for firehawk,haha.
Nah, Sawano is still pretty bad. His work on Kill la Kill isn't as bad as people feared, probably one of the better things he's done, but it's still hardly mindblowing.
The OST is pretty forgettable outside a couple themes.Weren't there people hating on Kill la Kill's composer before the show came out and now almost everyone thinks the OST is amazing?
Big bazongas!What is :chet?
It's late to say this now you have blood in your hands!Although I should probably know better, since I'm the one who coined :cajun in the first place and got the ball rolling on that whole mess.
Again, don't be so quick to copy me!Except when watching Doremi.
The OST is garbage. The way it is used is even worse.Weren't there people hating on Kill la Kill's composer before the show came out and now almost everyone thinks the OST is amazing?
It's late to say this now you have blood in your hands!
The OST is garbage. The way it is used is even worse.
The OST is pretty forgettable outside a couple themes.
The exciting part about the Sailor Moon staff news is that the art direction is going to be handled by the same two-person team that handled art direction for Mononoke, Tsuritama, and Kyousougiga, so I'm pretty interested in seeing how that turns out.
Aniplex is a big expensive poopyface.
I shall have to remake this though people want the : gone altogether.A glossary of :usernames at the beginning of the thread would be nice for newcomers.
What is :chet?
Weren't there people hating on Kill la Kill's composer before the show came out and now almost everyone thinks the OST is amazing?
Apparently, the Yuri Kuma Arashi manga is about to release, and an image has surfaced:
This is probably not the same art style that Ikuhara will use in the anime, but this is at least some small indication of what the hell this is even going to be.
ANIME GAF hates Sawano with a passion. So much hate that even I'm getting tired of his works. Apart from Don't lose your way there really is nothing special about KLK's OST.
SMH. Why not just wear a bikini if your costume is that ridiculous?
Yeah, it's better to forget about it!I shall have to remake this though people want the : gone though.
This, I feel, is one of the better complaints with KLK. I really, really like most of the OST, but during that Schools Raid Trip they spammed like those 5 bars of Ryuko's theme and then cut it off ad nauseum. It just did not sound good like that.
Its a nice costume
I'm really bad at paying attention to OSTs within a show for the most part. Unless it's really ear wrenchingly horrid I don't really mind either way.
No its a ridiculous costume. Whats the point of wearing a skirt if its so low that your flashing your underwear?
Poor girl looks like she's dead on the inside, probably after seeing what the animators have in store for her.
The War in the Pocket 4-6
It's amazing that, for all the terrible violence and ludicrous deaths that the Gundam Franchise has, it's War in the Pocket, not Zeta or Victory or any other, that drives home the meaninglessness and pain of war. The last three episodes of War in the Pocket are just one long, hard punch in the gut. I hate the Zeon, and even in this it's not hard to see that most of them are brutish, arrogant, racist scum unfit to govern anyone, but War in the Pocket is the only time after the end of the original MSG that I've ever felt any of them were sympathetic, and how.
It's also worth saying that War in the Pocket does the whole "star crossed lovers" bit WAY better than The 08th MS Team.
Mind you I personally think it builds a sense of community and is one of the reasons I stick around this place!Yeah, it's better to forget about it!
Hey man, the beamsaber jacuzzi was a writing master stroke.War in the Pocket does a lot of things better than other Gundam shows because the writing is actually good. I mean, across the Gundam franchise you can find plenty of great designs, great animation, even solid direction but writing is where most works in the franchise fall down. Not so with War in the Pocket.
Shiki 4
Ah, things are finally starting to pick up. Some really interesting visuals and atmosphere this episode. Although, at times I get the feeling that this would make for a good abridged series.