Infinite Stratos 2 - 05
This is a terrible episode. Absolutely terrible. Opening with this line and then failing to deliver anything that could hope to live up to it is despicable. False advertising of the worst kind.
Then the horror continues with Houki staining the very concept of a fox priestess outfit by her existence as a worthless failure of a childhood friend who should have been put down long before. Small mercy she doesn't wear glasses.
Thankfully, the next few sequences are saved by Cecillia Bunny, Char Poodle, Laura Bunny and god-tier Tatenashi Cat.
Then it goes back into super fucking creepy tier as his sister dresses up for him. And out of all that display of flesh, he ends up picking her. . _.
The entire series could then have been salvaged then and there as the cliffhanger indicates Ichika getting shot unto death. This would then clear the way for a new series starring Char and Laura in a buddy cop action series with Tatenashi as their flirtatious superior.
R - Tatenashi = Char > Cecillia = Laura > The rest of the cast, noone cares > Shit > Houki who will die alone.
All of these words typed for a bad harem show. It is a black day.
Edit: On the subject of Idolm@ster, I really can't watch it after seeing Xenoglossia first. It sort of ruins all the characters forever.
This is a terrible episode. Absolutely terrible. Opening with this line and then failing to deliver anything that could hope to live up to it is despicable. False advertising of the worst kind.
Then the horror continues with Houki staining the very concept of a fox priestess outfit by her existence as a worthless failure of a childhood friend who should have been put down long before. Small mercy she doesn't wear glasses.
Thankfully, the next few sequences are saved by Cecillia Bunny, Char Poodle, Laura Bunny and god-tier Tatenashi Cat.
Then it goes back into super fucking creepy tier as his sister dresses up for him. And out of all that display of flesh, he ends up picking her. . _.
The entire series could then have been salvaged then and there as the cliffhanger indicates Ichika getting shot unto death. This would then clear the way for a new series starring Char and Laura in a buddy cop action series with Tatenashi as their flirtatious superior.
All of these words typed for a bad harem show. It is a black day.
Edit: On the subject of Idolm@ster, I really can't watch it after seeing Xenoglossia first. It sort of ruins all the characters forever.