I somehow managed to get you followed by one of my Japanese followers who only follows me because they're practicing English by talking to international Precure fans. I'm so sorry.
This has romcom written all over it.
I somehow managed to get you followed by one of my Japanese followers who only follows me because they're practicing English by talking to international Precure fans. I'm so sorry.
I somehow managed to get you followed by one of my Japanese followers who only follows me because they're practicing English by talking to international Precure fans. I'm so sorry.
Much of my following is pretty undeserved!Dang it Madp. Now I have followers on Twitter and they're EXPECTING something of me. I can't handle this kind of pressure!
This has romcom written all over it.
I somehow managed to get you followed by one of my Japanese followers who only follows me because they're practicing English by talking to international Precure fans. I'm so sorry.
It was foretold by said follower hours ago.
(in context: I convinced an actual Japanese person to start watching Inari Konkon, Koi Irona. What have YOU done for InaKon lately?)
Precure Otoko
99.9% chance of being yaoi, and if not, Corvo's going to prison considering demographics.
"A love story that transcends languages, countries, taboos, and several international laws"
I somehow managed to get you followed by one of my Japanese followers who only follows me because they're practicing English by talking to international Precure fans. I'm so sorry.
99.9% chance of being yaoi, and if not, Corvo's going to prison considering demographics.
The DTL CNet crossover anime nobody expected. Watch as one talking bird tries to romance his underage young human male love interest!
Sausage Corvo will save anime. It's sequel, Sausages :Corvo, will be the most divisive anime of all time.
Boku no Corvo.
I will consult Ryouga Sensei on how to proceed. Though I sometimes worry he doesn't know how to interact with anyone in Japan above the age of 10.
lol. how cruel. he has teaching staff to interact with too at the least!
I'm assuming your just saying that because you like all the characters but one has to be liked the least. As for the product in question, I guess that's why the show kept saying "are you sure she's in the fifth grade" because that will now be your line of defence. "Are you sure? Have you got proof? For all you know she could just be pretending to be younger..." And so on.Speaking of Non Non Biyori and the worst character:
Over-all: I enjoyed it. I can now see why it isn't really mentioned here. It's not bad and it doesn't jump the shark, it's just...forgettable? Yeah that's it. They tried to do something with a message about the atomic bomb but it felt a bit forced in and too obvious since it's Japan and all, so I kind of cringed at it when they kept beating me upside the head with it. It's entertaining enough to keep you watching, but it's similar to Jormungand in that sense where you keep watching and you're entertained but it never really hits a homerun so you'll just be entertained. Like watching a B-movie.
I wouldn't recommend the show by any means, but I wouldn't say it's bad either. If it catches your attention give it a watch, but don't expect anything spectacular.
I knew my Pampered Futabu! post would mean something!
Yeah, Star Jewel was great, but I found something called Star Jewel Gaiden? Was the most disappointing thing.
How to sum it up? You know how people often say JJBA2012 was like a motion comic? That is more animated than Star Jewel Gaiden.
Haha I wasn't going to leave you hanging!
Yeah I saw Star Jewel Gaiden, which even though it was in stills I enjoyed it. Nowhere near as good as Star Jewel though.
But if it's just stills, I might as well just read it. It looks more like "hey, we're really strapped for cash here!"
It was sort of a thing back when it aired, because it was part of the short lived Anime no Chikara initiative where A-1 or someone else gave people money to make original anime. The initiative clearly bombed, but it also gave me Sora no Woto, so I appreciate it for that if nothing else.
This show did end up being more forgettable than that Scooby Doo thing though... Occult Academy. What's funny is that somehow, all three shows ended up being licensed. (Even if Sora no Woto will never get a BD release here).
It has its yuri moments, but only in an omake episode. It's the closest thing to Aria since that show ended, so it has a place in my heart. lolI looked up an image for Sora No Woto.
Sorry No Watchy.
In all seriousness I've never been a big fan of all-girl cast shows for one reason or the other. Hence why I think yuri shows are terrible. Maybe some other time.
You know, I can't remember at the moment... was the ED in English or Japanese?The Wind Rises
A beautiful, albeit, flawed film. I'm far too exhausted to write about it in detail right now, but I'd say firehawk hit the nail on the head with how I felt about it.
With nothing to compare it to, I thought the dub was quite good. I also really liked the song in the credits (The theme I suppose?).
It was in Japanese.You know, I can't remember at the moment... was the ED in English or Japanese?
Edit: On the subject of Idolm@ster, I really can't watch it after seeing Xenoglossia first. It sort of ruins all the characters forever.
Well it's not that I mean that it's bad per se, more that it's given me a different bias towards to the characters than from the normal series: i.e - all of them being awful human beings.Every time someone says something bad about Xenoglossia, a Penguin loses it's wings. Why do you guys hate Penguins?
Nevermind. :lol
What happened to the Futabu review?
Was that Renge in the photo at the end or was that the girl in the preview?
I think duckroll said something in the irc, and SDBurton thinks he was referring to his post, so he deleted it.
Yozakura Quartet -Tsuki ni Naku 2 - Time between parts is not doing it any favours. Don't suppose there's any indication of more Quartet?