I am. But life is an exercise in duality. One can only appreciate pleasure if there has been pain to put it into context.
You don't need to be disemboweled to know that disembowelment is a horrible idea.
I am. But life is an exercise in duality. One can only appreciate pleasure if there has been pain to put it into context.
But corvo, if I were to be disembowelled then I'd gain new appreciation for those times when I wasn't disembowelled.You don't need to be disemboweled to know that disembowelment is a horrible idea.
Don't watch 00. OH GOD.
But corvo, if I were to be disembowelled then I'd gain new appreciation for those times when I wasn't disembowelled.
D-Frag! 09
Oh wow, imouto was awesome.
Speak of the devil...
I would rip it further but there is too much to rip it on. There's still the movie to go!
Tokyo Ravens 21
Well shit is going down next episode.
It's amazing how you rip it for all the things I did (except I also hated hated hated Ribbons), but don't hate it as much as I do. Now that some time has passed, I suppose AGE is inargueably worse, but I can't really say the same for Destiny, because I kind of am blinded by the fact that it was the 2nd Gundam show I ever watched.
Removing Destiny from the list, then, because I cannot be trusted where it is concerned, I would say that AGE > 00 S2 > Victory in terms of the worst shows, though my personal hatred of 00 would rank S2 lower.
I really hate that show, haha.
All the good things they could have done with it was plagued by decisions or plot things that just annoy me.Speak of the devil...
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2 - Episodes 11-25 [End]
Now that I've got to the end of this I can say...it's not the worst series of Gundam, that's Destiny, I'd put S2 on roughly the same level as AGE and S1 on roughly the same level of Zeta (which for me is lower than most fans of Gundam due to my disliking of the last 10 episodes). This series was just so unoriginal that it hurts. It manages to combine the worst parts of Zeta with a bit of Wing for good measure. I honestly wanted a few characters to die as I was getting sick and tired of them nattering on about revenge and peace, let's get onto them.
Hating louise is like breathing , everyone does , it's THAT NATURAL , sure she suffered some bullshit , but to compensate they did so many stupid things in S2 it's not even funny.Firstly I want to talk Louise Halvey who I hated with the passion of a million suns.Why in all that is good in this world did she have to survive in the end. It's not like she would've been a huge loss. Only Saji seemed to care about her and he was a nobody even when he pioted the 0-Raiser as he just sat in it and said docking when it was time to do the docking. Louise just spouted rubbish for 25 episodes in the name of peace while funding an organisation which used Orbital Satellite Cannons to kill hundreds of thousands of people. Hey Louise! You don't see those kids going insane, taking odd pills and piloting a stupid hermit crab mobile armour do you?
In general , both in S1 & S2 , all the death of characters that weren't antagonists was a loss of the story , a "true" loss ..Also I want to talk about the death ofthe great Colonel Smirnov, who was a nice guy who played by the rules then his idiotic son who must've caught the stupid off Louise goes and blows him up because he blames him for his mother dieing. Well done, you've now killed your father and now you have no parents! I bet you're really happy now...!
Naming conventions don't work that way , everyone has stupid names in this anime.Also how did they not realise thatAnew Returner was an Innovator? She has a whackjob name, that should be setting alarm bells ringing already considering the brilliant naming job the other ones ended up getting. Lockon Mk.2 was an idiot for even trying to negotiate with her.
Another wasted opportunity ..giving him the mask was supposed to make him different , to expand his character ... but nothing happenned.Mr Bushido was a waste of time and hardly appeared at all during the series...oh wait so he's pretty much the same asGraham Aker then only this time he has a mask! That makes all the difference!
I agree , great character stuck in a show that didn't go all the way "just because" . I'd argue that he should have either go fruther in his plans or never allowed the event of the end of S1 to happen and he would have won in the end.Ribbons was the antagonist that Gundam deserves yet he had to be in this series.He even pilots the 0 Gundam at the end which looks just like the RX-78-2! He really is Evil Amuro Ray and I love him for that! He's a sly, manipulating, clever bastard designed just so that the audience can hate him even more. Also Reborns Gundam is great too so theres that as well.
I would rip it further but there is too much to rip it on. There's still the movie to go!
You should cool donw a day or two before watching the movie , that's the best advice i can give you.
PS: what do you think of marina ismail ?
I know for sure that my Gundam bottom of the pile looks something like Victory > AGE >= 00 S2 > Destiny.
The only reason I like Victory more than the other three is due to the music being so good in it. The OPs and EDs are great (OP2's a bit weak but eh), the Insert Song in Episode 50 was incredible and the general background music was superb. I also quite like the Victory and V2 Gundams and I wished that the Zanspine made an appearence because that looked great as well.
Pani Poni Dash! 03
Is that Resetti?
What an ahoge episode. Even aliens wants ahoge. And creating artificial ahoges can lead to serious trouble.
Even more characters introduced including... catwoman? No... Wait... It's not catwoman after all.
Oh, and did I mention ahoge?
I found this while looking for Gundam Build Fighters fanart. Precures seem to work well as mecha.
My Baccano blu-ray set just got here!DDDD Now I own two of my favorite series. Waiting for Cowboy Bebop to release on blu-ray (already own movie)
That's the thing , SHE HAS NO PURPOSE.. it's a total waste. i should happy they didn't make her a "lacus clyne", but she has no political power , no charisma except with children , no fighting or diplomacy skills ( yeah even the diplomacy was handled by the other chick ) and her relationship with setsuna went nowhere !I will take your advice on that one. I'm burnt out on this! Some Ojamajo Doremi Dokkaan! should do the trick!
She was just there to play the organ for the children, say that fighting and war is not the way to peace just like Relena Darlian and say "Setsuna" in a soft voice every so often.
I didn't think much of her to be honest.
Tokyo Ravens 21
Kinda liked the whole parallel from the beginning of the show to now about using that ritual spell.
Omae o Otaku ni Shiteyaru kara, Ore o Riajuu ni Shitekure!
Kashiwada Naoki was determined to lead his high-school life without anyone knowing that he's an Otaku. However, his classmate Bishoujo, Koigasaki Momo, who was rumored among the girls to be a bitch, found him out!? Before the despairing Kashiwada, she said something undoubtedly surprising.
“Aren’t you an Otaku? Then, make me into an Otaku!”
The love story of two individuals bounded by an agreement of Otaku and Riajuu starts!!
Oh are we dissing on Marina Ismail?
BECAUSE FUCK THAT AWFUL SONG OF HERS SO SO SO SO MUCH. Lacus may be the Dark Lady of the Sith, but at least her song didn't make a terrorist want to claw his own ears out.
Dark Lady of the Sith
It's really an appropriate name for her.
Funny how everyone who opposed her is either her comarade or dead.
As for marina, well i want to say something but i'll let the impression on the 00 movie to say it because .....LOL
inb4 anime adaptation
sound like a potential 10k seller
Trying to decide if I should drop Space Dandy and Nobunaga the Fool. I'm watching a buttload of stuff right now, and I'm really not feeling Nobunaga the Fool and Dandy was never really my thing.
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 4
Just a quick PSA Emma Sheen was the greatest woman to live during the entire Universal Century and like, one of five good women characters Tomino ever wrote.
Really love the music in Zeta Gundam, too.
Trying to decide if I should drop Space Dandy and Nobunaga the Fool. I'm watching a buttload of stuff right now, and I'm really not feeling Nobunaga the Fool and Dandy was never really my thing.
Honestly? I'd say drop Nobunaga. Dandy still has originality and great animation going for it if nothing else. It also comes on saturday nights, while Nobu comes in the middle of the week. And it isn't very good.
Not to say Dandy has been fantastic, but like I said it has good sides to it. Assuming you only wanna drop one. I didn't read that 'and' lol
This just needs to be repeated. Emma Sheen da besssss!
Catch up on dandy during the break if inclined.
Heartcatch Precure! 28
Episode of summer holiday homework!
You should really listen to the angel one, Erika. It has the cuter outfit. You know it makes sense.
That said
yeahhhhhhhh, I remember that feel >.>
This episode was also notable for featuring a veritable army of Desatorians (even including some adorable tiny ones XD). But mostly it was all about Erika's antics. I laughed when her response to Cobraja encouraging the primary-school Desatorians to go and destroy their school was " could you take care of the middle school too?"
Nobody informed me of a tomboy so you should take care of that harder!
I think I'll drop Dandy now and ask again later if it's really worth my time. It's nice to look at, but that's all I can really say. Comedy hasn't really appealed to me of late, and so I dunno, I'll just let it go. If it winds up like SamFlam I can always come back.
The thing about Sam Flam is that, at least in my mind, the writers just gave up trying to come up with coherency and since the show is so ugly they wanted to be remembered for something.
While SD has the animation and no consistency due to all the freedom given to each individual episode director to do whatever the fuck they want. And that's my biggest disappointment. I wanted a silly Cowboy Bebop show, not w/e the hell is going on. But I suck it up because there are sugar cubes amidst the turds in the episodes. And I try to eat those sugar cubes. Sure, some of the shit taste wont disappear. But at least I can say 'it was a bit sweet.. it was a bit sweet' :'(
The thing about Sam Flam is that, at least in my mind, the writers just gave up trying to come up with coherency and since the show is so ugly they wanted to be remembered for something.
While SD has the animation and no consistency due to all the freedom given to each individual episode director to do whatever the fuck they want. And that's my biggest disappointment. I wanted a silly Cowboy Bebop show, not w/e the hell is going on. But I suck it up because there are sugar cubes amidst the turds in the episodes. And I try to eat those sugar cubes. Sure, some of the shit taste wont disappear. But at least I can say 'it was a bit sweet.. it was a bit sweet' :'(
The SamFlam comparison is mostly "Will Kirby tell me down the road I need to revisit this show?"
You're saying an awful lot just for saying you eat shit, but you're a brave soul for admitting such a thing to the public.
If it makes you feel better, I never told anyone to rewatch a show,
This just needs to be repeated. Emma Sheen da besssss!
You did convince me to return to SamFlam though.
You're saying an awful lot just for saying you eat shit, but you're a brave soul for admitting such a thing to the public.
I think you missed the symbolism. Space Dandy was only an example. I was saying your favorite anime tastes like shit.