KLK - 21
I like how an episode about Ryuko finding her way is mostly just Satsuki being a badass.
Time to watch House of Cards. Let my mind be purified.
Kill La Kill 21-
I would have dropped this shit long ago if it didn't have Trigger's name on it.
They shouldn't have bothered with this shit and just made LWA2.
Because I sure as fuck ain't watching it for the animation at this point.
I guess I'm okay with Kill la Kill existing if they use it to bankroll something actually good like an OVA series of LWA.
I've been marathoning the hell out of that. S1 is so good but I'm already getting annoyed with stuff in S2.
I just can't win.
Trigger didn't save anime.
Space Dandy didn't save anime.
Terms like 'lollicious' exist.
Time to watch House of Cards. Let my mind be purified.
Trigger didn't save anime.
Space Dandy didn't save anime.
Terms like 'lollicious' exist.
Time to watch House of Cards. Let my mind be purified.
Just wait for Jojo's to save anime again
Did you really miss how Samurai Flamenco saved anime? Because I sure didn't. SamFlam is da boss.
Remember earlier about theargument, watch the first few minutes of the episode.fanservice
Show doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt. None.
How did Imaishi deconstruct fanservice this time?
Only Jojo can save us from KLK stealing aoty '14.
Samurai Flamenco traveled back in time and retroactively saved anime throughout history.
If GBF or SamFlam don't take AOTY I'll be a sad person.
How did Imaishi deconstruct fanservice this time?
I've some bad news for you.
Just watch it.
But I don't want to. I'll just read the episode summary on Wikipedia.
But I don't want to. I'll just read the episode summary on Wikipedia.
Just watch the first three minutes.
They wont. 2014 belongs to Watanabe. Probably the second show (if it comes out this year)..If GBF or SamFlam don't take AOTY I'll be a sad person.
Did you really miss how Samurai Flamenco saved anime? Because I sure didn't. SamFlam is da boss.
The irony of this moment is something I will enjoy in private.
We didn't already know that?
why do you chums want to convince branduil just so he can suffer
and possibly be arrested
Did you really miss how Samurai Flamenco saved anime? Because I sure didn't. SamFlam is da boss.
Only Jojo can save us from KLK stealing aoty '14.
This is the year of Mushi-shi Season 2 taking the top spot, it's time to accept that.If GBF or SamFlam don't take AOTY I'll be a sad person.
I don't know anything about Mushishi, but that's a beautiful visual.
SamFlam is entertaining, but it needed 90% more Alien Flamenco and 90% more Mister Justice. Also 75.3% less Mari and those annoying moe idols.
How does this math work? Your favorite anime is shit that's how
how is it 'tasteless yuri' when it did serve a purpose in the event and shows how brainwashed and lost out of her way Ryuuko got? Its something shocking you wouldn't expect her to do, moreso on her biggest "mortal" enemy in the show.
I get annoyed more by the ones that automatically dismiss everything as plain fanservice just because something makes them bat an eye more than actual pointless fanservice.
Really hoping they confirm Gatoh so I can stop worrying about that bit.
I guess it worked out for FMP, but for Amagi I don't think it'd hurt to have someone else handing the writing. New perspective and all that.
Who are you people
Kino's Journey 12
Basically fuck the human race.
Now replacing Dio stealing Erina's first kiss with him stealing Jonathan's would have been way better.You know what would have improved JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? A scene where Jonathan Joestar gets brainwashed and makes out with Dio. It's too bad Araki-san never learned about this advanced writing technique for deep character development.
Clannad: Revenge of After Story 13
In which Tomoya summons his shonen heartto win the right to marry Nagisa.
Sweet episode, best bit was them meeting with Tomoya's father at the end. I'm curious whether they'll develop their relationship farther. Hopefully so.
Now go, children! Be adults! Wear your hair up and do responsible things!