If only, then Samurai Flamenco would be a truly great show.
I'm 3/4 of the way through the 3rd Madoka movie. I have half an hour left. I feel like this is like if someone had said "You know, The Epic of Gilgamesh had a GREAT ending. Why don't I just fuck it up and ruin it while covering it in great special effects and raping whatever message the story had to begin with?"
Like for reals, fuck the person who decided that this movie was a good idea.
It was never suggested for a preview, so we didn't watch it.
Which reminds me, I'll probably be watching that when a slot opens up.
Its a similar show to the likes of Vandread and maybe Cowboy Bebop a little bit.
It also has Aisha ClanClan and thats a damned plus.
Watch Urusei Yatsura or Maison Ikkoku instead. Why settle for Takahashi's worst when you can have her best?
Well, I just asked them as I'm typing this up. Don't really think they considered it as a mecha (or at least in line of what was being showcased), but they're willing to rewatch it the least because they loved it.
Watch Urusei Yatsura or Maison Ikkoku instead. Why settle for Takahashi's worst when you can have her best?
Oh! And if it'll help your continuing quest for horror, Mermaid Forest TV might interest you. It's where Takahashi got to let out all her dark stuff and the last episode was withheld from TV broadcast.
Non Non Biyori: I thought it was a Renge Paradise, but it occasionally is Hotaru Hell.
But they realized she was the worst character and front loaded her more and more to get her out of the way.
Jesus fucking christ. That looks horrible.
Looks perfect for Ryuuko the EDGEmaster/shit.
Well I gotta admit, I actually like her story part.
Rozen Maiden Z 13 - END
Indisputably Accurate Doll Ranking:
Kanaria > Suigintou > Shinku >> Souseiseki >>> Hina-Ichigo > Kirakushou >>>>> Suiseiseki
The only places I'd really disagree on is first and last. Kanaria is a reasonable choice, but obviously I'd place Suigintou ahead of her as the more interesting character. I'd also put Hina Ichigo below Suiseiseki,you were fortunate not to see too much of her.
I hope Hatakeyama can work on something even better next time.
Kyou should have won in Clannad and not Nagisa.
I think we can all agree that Nagisa was the worst choice, at least.
Nagi no Asukara 22
So Manaka has lost several of her memories and the ability to love. Good for the Hikari x Miuna pairing.
I finished Higurashi Kai.
Thank you, CNet.
But they realized she was the worst character and front loaded her more and more to get her out of the way.
Clannad: Revenge of After Story 13
Who are you people
I don't understand how anyone could hate her, aside from breast jealousy.
hotaru is a bit too one note for my tastes
Hmmmm, I wonder if the people who hate Hotaru are the same people who hate Benio-sama.
I mean, I suppose I could probably check for myself, but keeping track of who's who in GAF isn't exactly my forte >.>
i don't even know who you're talking about. ouran?
No, Mikakunin, the best show of the season =D
The only places I'd really disagree on is first and last. Kanaria is a reasonable choice, but obviously I'd place Suigintou ahead of her as the more interesting character. I'd also put Hina Ichigo below Suiseiseki,you were fortunate not to see too much of her.
I hope Hatakeyama can work on something even better next time.
You don't actually believe that, do you? Any kind of Manaka-related drama is bad for the best pairing because as long as she's in trouble there is zero chance of Hikari getting the fuck over her and pursuing new romantic frontiers.
That is the result of an appearance changing potion..... we should be happy that the "random " gave her a female body because otherwise she would be stuck in a male body with even more stupid parametters.Log Horizon 22
Oh, I guess even LH has to save up and use a quota of anime bullshit. Zzzzz. Relaxing episode, but nothing unique apart from some minor characterwork (Akatsuski appearing from beneath the desk was hilarious) and some generic romance angst.
I really wish they'd made Akatsuki's appearance less childlike. It's hard to imagine that she's somewhere around Shiroe's age. I think she's a late college student or something?
? But you still have kei ( or is it rei ? ) to watch .I finished Higurashi Kai.
Thank you, CNet.
What was wrong with Hotaru in NNB?
What was wrong with Hotaru in NNB?
Hear, hear! I mean, Hotaru probably is one of the weakest characters in the show, but that's only because the others are so good, not because she's bad. Hotaru is a lot of fun to watch. So many good scenes between her and Komari.