Shinichiro Watanabe's 12 Years a Catgirl Slave
The soap bar scene would be a perfect fit.
This is all my fault isn't it.
Shinichiro Watanabe's 12 Years a Catgirl Slave
The soap bar scene would be a perfect fit.
strike the blood 21
not aoty.
maybe the bluray.
man LN adaptations are just so... standard.... is strike the blood hot in japan?
That's quite the mood whiplash. We go from wacky maid café hijinx to yuri unfulfillment to child kidnapping to black holes. Heavy stuff.
And this is coming from the guy who complained about random singing in anime!I LOVE TO SING-A
Hmmm...Speaking of list shows, someone seriously needs to update it with Platonic Heart.
Actually let's do that.I'll screen it if you watch Yami.
Agreed.robot girls z
The soap bar scene would be a perfect fit.
Yay! No more Usagi pulling a Ryuuko! For now.
Notice the inverse gradient bar used for effect? Also featured in HapCha!That's quite the mood whiplash. We go from wacky maid café hijinx to yuri unfulfillment to child kidnapping to black holes. Heavy stuff.
Oh dear lol
Everything is connected.Notice the inverse gradient bar used for effect? Also featured in HapCha!
Never doubt the AnimeGAF.
except on Psycho-Pass since it's a good show fuck you
Shiki 12
Well, this turnedTL real quick.
And this show's back on the chopping block. One more episode.
Shiki 12
Well, this turnedTL real quick.
And this show's back on the chopping block. One more episode.
Possibly the funniest thing all day.
Look, it's up to you. Shiki eventually gets going and when it gets going it really ramps up but the problem with the series was that it took a zillion episodes to get there. Considering you've already invested so much time you could just get to that point, all things considered. Dropping it around 4 would have been just as wise if you disliked the turgid pacing.
Gravity winning GAF's movie of the year award makes up for it not winning anime of the year. lol
Gravity winning GAF's movie of the year award makes up for it not winning anime of the year. lol
Yeah, I wish I had dropped it early on, but I kept hearing promises of how good it gets. The thing that really is turning me off are the characters, as I've not really enjoyed any of them thus far, yet the show keeps throwing lame character development my way.
As for the pacing, I'm over halfway through the series now, and there have only been a couple of good episodes. Even if the rest of the series is awesome, that's still a failing grade in most every reckoning.
Yes he's doing a show with MAPPA. That doesn't mean it's going to be anything like KotS.
As long as Adela Demanza or whatever isn't allowed to sing the song anymore! lolI wanted to vote for Frozen. Best Disney movie ever since the introduction of Disney. And freedom.
She's pretty tsuntsun for space though.Sandra Bullock isn't moe enough to carry an anime.
One Piece 2-25
I haven't had a chance to post my impressions, but it's been pretty slow so far. It's just basic introductions and back-story for the characters up to this point. I'm really liking the world, characters, and plot so far despite the fact it seems a bit childish. Things seem to be picking up though as of these last 2 episodes. Is there any guide to avoiding bad or pointless filler?
Oh, and Hawk-Eye Mihawk is seriously bad ass.
And yes, the first 40 episodes or so are pretty much character introductions, while after that they just go crazy with the world and things just escalate a ton.
Thank you!
Can't wait till the legitimate plot starts.
Pyscho Pass is a bad show with bad art and bad writing that tries to get by on the uniqueness of it's setting when really it's just syfy for beginners in terms of depth and quality.
Madhouse..... sure![]()
I personally thought Madhouse did a great job in the animation department.
Pyscho Pass is a bad show with bad art and bad writing that tries to get by on the uniqueness of it's setting when really it's just syfy for beginners in terms of depth and quality.
Madhouse..... sure
Well that's a fine opinion to have but, er, a single gif doesn't really cover the average animation quality of an entire series. Even SHAFT shows have a couple of nice cuts in them, but that doesn't mean that they're well animated.I personally thought they did a great job in the animation department.
Got my Psycho-Pass Vol 1 pack yesterday. The OST is quite nice to listen at.
wow such animation
Inari Konkon 8
Also I don't remember that thing that happens at the end of this episode being in the manga 0_0. Bad memory?
Harems are like one of the worst genres anyway, so that's not really surprising.
Better off having light harem elements honestly.
wow such animation
Well that is the problem with psycho pass ... it had great animation at the start but couldn't keep this level of animation on the second part of the show ...we even had that infamous episode were everything was at the MAGI level.
YOu might have a better memory than mine but i don't remember bad animation in the first part.