Future Foundation
Are there any performance capture elements to the action sequences he has as Iron Man, or does he leave that to the animators to figure out? I really do question if he's still going for that route if he's capable of it, since Pinocchio is, in theory, a very physically demanding role, regardless of how it's done.
I know he wore a partial mo-cap suit during the first two Iron Man movies. There was a post on io9 where it was mentioned that he doesn't do that anymore (or not that much):
Robert Downey Jr. basically never wears the full Iron Man suit any more. That suit is really, really uncomfortable and pinchy, says Chu. And whenever you see Iron Man in his armor, that's a CG rendering of Iron Man, or a stunt man named Clay. After the first Iron Man movie, says Chu, Downey Jr. saw what they could do with CG versions of the suit. "He knew he did not have to wear as much of the suit, and that would make him a lot more comfortable." There's a partial version called the "football suit" that he wears in a couple scenes, like at the end when he's laying on the ground.