Resident Evil Village does exist.
Perhaps you meant to say a game where you play as a werewolf (and I assume as the primary character, otherwise some RPGs with multiple characters like Disgaea 4 could count). And I assume Link’s wolf form in Twilight Princess wouldn’t count.
Resident Evil Village is still about biohazards at the end of the day, and strikingly little of the game has anything to do with werewolves; it's pretty much just the intro. Turn based RPG's with werewolves definitely don't count man, come on lol. Diablo 4 and 2 also don't count, as the game is not focused on werewolves and the transformation is extremely superficial, as it's not fundamentally any different than playing as any other character.
To be honest, I hope the game doesn't get made any time soon, as I've got a solid concept worked out and I want to make it myself with my daughter

. Just gotta learn some more skills first, right now it'd be a mess and I don't wanna release something I'm not proud of.
The thing that makes the werewolf terrifying is that it's cunning. Not intelligent, but cunning. It hunts like a wolf, and it specifically goes for its loved ones first according to early mythologies. It also grows more powerful with time, but is not immortal. It feels pain, but cannot be killed without silver. It's stealthy, and yet massively powerful and fast as well. It's suffering inside a cage, watching through the eyes as it's primal instincts tear innocents and loved ones to pieces and then devours them.
Very, VERY few movies have gotten werewolves right, and even fewer games have. The only one that nailed it in my opinion is Skyrim, but the game is inherently janky and the mythos deserves a truely great werewolf game. The Witcher 3 nailed werewolves as well, but I'd like to see surviving a werewolf as a center piece of a game's design. It should never be used as a jobber enemy, they're horrifyingly powerful creatures driven by a specific lust for carnage that they have absolutely no control of as the transformation progresses.
I.....I really like werewolves lol.