How about jizzing everywhere?

Yoshi: “Excuse me sir, could you please jizz in that direction right there. Sorry to bother you, please move on stroking your pecker.”
How about jizzing everywhere?
How about jizzing everywhere?
I assumed that urinating would include distributing your urine. If you urinate into a bottle or something I do not care. The amount of bodily liquid that is extruded by masturbation is low enough that it is very feasible not to distribute it.If urination is not ok then why is cumming ok? Both are bodily fluids expelled through the nether regions. I also would say me and my hypothetical children would be harmed physchologically from seeing a person stimulate themselves infront of us. It is gross, indecent, and disturbing. I do not want to see a penis or vagina out in the open. Do sexual things at your home in private, not in front of everyone (and hopefully with a spouse).
I assumed that urinating would include distributing your urine. If you urinate into a bottle or something I do not care. The amount of bodily liquid that is extruded by masturbation is low enough that it is very feasible not to distribute it.
I assumed that urinating would include distributing your urine. If you urinate into a bottle or something I do not care. The amount of bodily liquid that is extruded by masturbation is low enough that it is very feasible not to distribute it.
Yeah, he’s trying too hard. This conversation is utterly ridiculous and a waste of everyone’s time.I'm starting to think you're just trolling everyone.
I see no harm in this. Most people, including me, will choose not to do it though. But I see no reason to make it illegal or to waste police resources on it.
You don't have kids do you?
Actually that's probably a stupid question..
Interesting.He does have kids.
I guess he won't mind if we all go and masturbate in front of them!He does have kids.
I am not.Yeah some dude just cums on a bench where you gonna sit.
I'm starting to think you're just trolling everyone.
At an age where they do not know what he is doing I find it unlikely that they would start crying without any negative reaction towards it by you.
How is public masturbation not indecent and harming the people who have to look at them or be near them? Maybe you are ok with genitals being out in the open and people pleasuring themselves right in front of you but I am not and it certainly will disturb children.
Here is a possible conversation to be had that I think is realistic if said scenario happened to me and my hypothetical child. "Daddy, what is that man doing over there? I don't like it, please make it stop! *possible crying*". Kids do not need to see someone either f*cking or jacking off.
I feel saddened that this even has to be a discussion. Please tell me this is a joke.
I can find this amusing on a certain level, but if you’ve ever seen someone doing this in a public place it’s pretty disturbing. I can remember many times when my son was little being on the metro or other places and having to kind of, look over here son, look the phone game you like! If that makes me a prude then I’m perfectly fine with that.
Where the fuck do you live that this has happened "many times'.
If someone did this where I'm from they'd get the shit kicked out of them.
I believe your intentions are well here.I am not.
At an age where they do not know what he is doing I find it unlikely that they would start crying without any negative reaction towards it by you.
I also do not think continuing this discussion is fruitful, you are just asking the same questions over and over again. Sexuality, even at display, is not harmful from my perspective. You may not agree but neither will change by asking the same questions over and over again.
None of these, except for the last one, get you in legal trouble, all of these may get you in personal trouble. It is fine that it is not socially acceptable behaviour, it is not behaviour I would condone either, I just think that it is not something that needs or should be illegal.Looking at a woman the wrong way can get you in trouble.
Relentlessly smirking at someone in your face can get you in trouble.
Wearing hats with the political slogan of a currently serving politician can get you in trouble.
But, hypothetically, it would be ok to go to a restaurant and rub one out while checking out the waitress's ass.
CmonYoshi you seem far more intelligent than someone who would think that sort of scenario wouldn't be a bad thing.
I believe your intentions are well here.
It just sets a bad precedent, and allows a slippery slope. Whats next? Homeless dude fucking his girl up the ass right on the street? There are some things better left in private.
We are not talking about human sexuality in an innocent and objective way here. The statue of David is beautiful in its depiction of a man and it even shows the penis. It shows strength and virility, an ideal man. It does not however show David fully erect and aroused on the verge of cumming.also do not think continuing this discussion is fruitful, you are just asking the same questions over and over again. Sexuality, even at display, is not harmful from my perspective. You may not agree but neither will change by asking the same questions over and over again.
what a great post. Imagine someone jerking off at Taco bell and cum on the counter or somethingWe are not talking about human sexuality in an innocent and objective way here. The statue of David is beautiful in its depiction of a man and it even shows the penis. It shows strength and virility, an ideal man. It does not however show David fully erect and aroused on the verge of cumming.
A small child would not understand what a masturbating man is doing. They have no idea what the sexual organs are for. If they saw a man do something as bizarre and gross as that they wouldn't be able to handle it. It is also worth noting that a masturbating man masturbates because he has something lustful on his mind, what is he thinking about? I think staring at someone while jacking off counts as sexual harrassment.
We live in a civilized society. We have a lot of freedoms but that does not mean we can simply do whatever we want. People running around masturbating hurt society with their indecency. No one wants to see someone jacking off right in front of them. We are not dumb animals that just do whatever they please, we think about the consequences of our actions and how they affect others. So if you feel horny and you are out in public, try to ignore it. Even if it feels overwhelming and impossible, at the very least do it in private if you "have" to.
Now I may be just repeating myself as you say, but I am incredulous that you really believe that public masturbation is acceptable. It makes absolutely no sense. I just can't believe you seriously think that it is ok to stimulate yourself in front of everyone (including children).
what a great post. Imagine someone jerking off at Taco bell and cum on the counter or something
thats why I hate mayo LOLIsn't that where mayonnaise comes from?
What the fuck are we doing here
Leave Taco Bell out of this
Yes, I am sure nothing bad will come of this. It is a victim less crime. And victim less crimes should, in my eyes, always be no crimes. (And before you start talking about environmental crimes: They are not victimless, because all of humanity suffers from crimes against the environment, but from someone masturbating, literally no one suffers)
Great thread. I also started to consider whether masturbating in public is a serious issue or not, and I'm on the fence.
its a quality of life issue, which in certain cities, the law is starting to lax on. I'm not sure I can turn my head at someone just rubbing it out right on the street.
This is similar to my support of legal marijuana, but I am not in favour of doing it in public. Do it, do not let me see you do it.
Let's assume the following scenario:
Everyone who demonstrates that he is not interested in a proper discussion, but instead tries to frame unrelated discussions with pedophilia insinuations will go to ignore.
Well, you do not put it another way. By combining it with another thing (sexual harassment), pedophilia (which is a topic that is very difficult to discuss anyway) and the highly suggestive way of describing the person (how a person looks should absolutely not be relevant in a discussion on what should be (il)legal), the person in question indicated he was not interested in a sincere or calm discussion, but rather bait. Just because I said masturbation in public should not be illegal it does not mean that you can combine it with other stuff that should be illegal and then it suddenly becomes fine. But carry on with the expletives, it suits you well.Or to put it another way, you're being deliberately provocative with piss poor arguments and when people call you out on it you'll place them on ignore. I'm afraid your performance in this thread would embarrass NI.
At the Carl's Jr on Powell St in San Francisco, me and some friends were eating burgers sitting at the window, when an old homeless saw us from outside, walk to where we were opposite the glass, and started jacking off while staring straight at us. One of the most uncomfortable dinners I ever had.
I would have had no problem if a cop came and arrested his dumb ass.
I think Jennifer Lawrence is attractive. Not in a conventional way, I just like her is all.
Well, you do not put it another way. By combining it with another thing (sexual harassment), pedophilia (which is a topic that is very difficult to discuss anyway) and the highly suggestive way of describing the person (how a person looks should absolutely not be relevant in a discussion on what should be (il)legal), the person in question indicated he was not interested in a sincere or calm discussion, but rather bait. Just because I said masturbation in public should not be illegal it does not mean that you can combine it with other stuff that should be illegal and then it suddenly becomes fine. But carry on with the expletives, it suits you well.
By the way: This person was the first one I have put on ignore in 14 years on this website.
Another aside: It is very bad form to shit on other people, e.g.Nobody_Important here, without linking them. I have told you before, but since you continue this line of backhanded attack, I will now proceed to link him when you do this in a discussion with me.
I'm on my fucking phone and can't be arsed typing his name. Big fucking whoop. Also he knows what I think, he's the only person on this site I've blocked and frankly tagging him to insult him is a shit thing to do. The post was observing that your posts are as useless as his, so the person in insulting is you, not him. He already knows he's useless. You are capable of better but choose not to. Your posts in this thread are... Well tbh it's hard to tell if you're serious or if this is some kind of satire or performed art or some other shit because it just makes no sense.Well, you do not put it another way. By combining it with another thing (sexual harassment), pedophilia (which is a topic that is very difficult to discuss anyway) and the highly suggestive way of describing the person (how a person looks should absolutely not be relevant in a discussion on what should be (il)legal), the person in question indicated he was not interested in a sincere or calm discussion, but rather bait. Just because I said masturbation in public should not be illegal it does not mean that you can combine it with other stuff that should be illegal and then it suddenly becomes fine. But carry on with the expletives, it suits you well.
By the way: This person was the first one I have put on ignore in 14 years on this website.
Another aside: It is very bad form to shit on other people, e.g.Nobody_Important here, without linking them. I have told you before, but since you continue this line of backhanded attack, I will now proceed to link him when you do this in a discussion with me.
I assumed that urinating would include distributing your urine. If you urinate into a bottle or something I do not care. The amount of bodily liquid that is extruded by masturbation is low enough that it is very feasible not to distribute it.
None of these, except for the last one, get you in legal trouble, all of these may get you in personal trouble. It is fine that it is not socially acceptable behaviour, it is not behaviour I would condone either, I just think that it is not something that needs or should be illegal.
You continue to conflate "is of an opinion I share or can at least get behind" and "quality". If you have Nobody on ignore then leave him alone and out of conversations, what do you intend to achieve by hurling verbal abuse at hom repeatedly?I'm on my fucking phone and can't be arsed typing his name. Big fucking whoop. Also he knows what I think, he's the only person on this site I've blocked and frankly tagging him to insult him is a shit thing to do. The post was observing that your posts are as useless as his, so the person in insulting is you, not him. He already knows he's useless. You are capable of better but choose not to. Your posts in this thread are... Well tbh it's hard to tell if you're serious or if this is some kind of satire or performed art or some other shit because it just makes no sense.
You are an enigma anyway, hardly representative of society at large.Speak for yourself, I'll Peter North up in this bitch.
Before I read this in the thread I said "Another Florida incident?" then I opened and was suprised that this was in Texas...the place where you can apparently carry 6 Dildos legally.
The woman could have used one....
The Dildo law is real but I was making a joke about what she could have used if she were to continue this incident.
She definitely looks intoxicated in the mugshot.She was probably on meth