
Shit happens. A British woman spent three days in the hospital after her daughter’s dog defecated in her mouth as she slept. Amanda Gommo, 51, was taking an afternoon nap when pet chihuahua Belle became ill and suffered sudden diarrhea.
“I was having my afternoon nap with Belle, like I always do, when I suddenly felt something squirt in my mouth,” Gommo told South West News Service. “It was disgusting, and I was hurling violently for hours after. I just couldn’t get the taste out of my mouth.”
“I was kept in hospital for three days until they’d flushed the infection out through a drip,” Gommo, who suffers from Chron’s disease, stated. “My discharge note said that I’d suffered a gastrointestinal infection caused by a dog defecating in my mouth — something doctors had never witnessed before.”
For more crappy details:

Woman hospitalized for 3 days after dog poos on her face while sleeping
It was “something doctors had never witnessed before.” “It was disgusting, and I was hurling violently for hours after,” Amanda Gommo recalled. “I just couldn’t …