Crash Lightning with the Crashing Storm talent is pretty good for AOE i believe.
Yeah, of course, but unless I have a ton of Maelstrom ready to go or blow cooldowns I just don't seem to keep up with others that have more consistent AoE.
Crash Lightning with the Crashing Storm talent is pretty good for AOE i believe.
I hope they do another stat squish. 1300 + to any stat doesn't even register to me any more.
Hey guys, quick question regarding Champions:
So far I only have 2, I'm level 103 and did a lot of Aszuna and just started Stormheim. Will more Champions be attained just through questing, or is there a specific chain I should be doing? I did all 3 of the Artifact quests, and following the 'warrior' line brought me to Stormheim so I'm working on that set of quests.
Loooove this expansion overall, haven't been able to play a lot but what I've played has been a blast. The companion app is also really great, fun little thing to progress on when I can't be playing the main game.
Hey guys, quick question regarding Champions:
So far I only have 2, I'm level 103 and did a lot of Aszuna and just started Stormheim. Will more Champions be attained just through questing, or is there a specific chain I should be doing? I did all 3 of the Artifact quests, and following the 'warrior' line brought me to Stormheim so I'm working on that set of quests.
Loooove this expansion overall, haven't been able to play a lot but what I've played has been a blast. The companion app is also really great, fun little thing to progress on when I can't be playing the main game.
My 4th night with the new expac and the world is great but the dungeons once again full of complete assholes.
Only doing normals, I'm doing one per night and tanking with my Demon Hunter. I tanked years ago so I know the basics, anyway first run through of things so I'm just going at a normal pace and listening to the dialogue/lore and collecting what I need to collect.
EVERY group I have been has had at least one "GO GO GO FFS" person in it, last night it was a healer that wanted me to skip half the dungeon and just follow him. That never works in pugs anyway but this guy eventually just left the group in a massive huff because I wouldn't skip things.
Why is everyone in such a rush to finish dungeons? Didn't everyone cry previously that they were too short? it seems like every one I go in to people want in and out in 10 minutes or i'm a bad tank.
I wonder what you're doing differently with AoE on trash. My AoE as Enh is balls and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong aside from not getting Stormstrike procs, I do well on single target though.
What made the difference for me was not saving my cooldowns, but just using them as they come up. The improvement is dramatic if you can use both Crash Lightning and Stormstrike whenever they are available.
Also, in dungeons, I had been using Ancestral Swiftness instead of Hailstorm which allows you to cast Crash Lightning more often.
If they do, then they need to cut out the first hundred levels or something. The last stat squish made leveling one of the least exciting things in the world, because the damn gear you get has barely any improvements. I got a pair or gloves in a vanilla dungeon that I didn't replace until WoD. Progression is fun, and the stat squish shat all over that. I'd really rather there not be a stat squish, especially considering all the problems that came with the last one.
If they do, then they need to cut out the first hundred levels or something. The last stat squish made leveling one of the least exciting things in the world, because the damn gear you get has barely any improvements. I got a pair or gloves in a vanilla dungeon that I didn't replace until WoD. Progression is fun, and the stat squish shat all over that.
I'd really rather there not be a stat squish, especially considering all the problems that came with the last one.
Got an 850 titanforged trinket today as well from a simple world quest. Item level growth just seems to speed up exponentially once you go past the 810 heroic threshold. My characters were stuck below 810 for several days, but once I passed that they got to 830+ in short order.
Aside from introducing more heirlooms though (which, tbh, they've pretty much got covered at this point), I dunno what can be done without a severe revamp of the scaling process, rather than a flat 'smoosh' of items/mobs at level range 'x to y.'
im doing normals to try and get a friend geared up, I just got outdamaged on my 844 hunter by a... 101 Arms Warrior
...lolwhut?he was doing like 280k on bosses
When we casually do hits over a million, it's time to do a stat squish.
HIs damage scales to yours don't worry if you are a geared lvl 100 you do more dmg than a lvl 110.
still... are Arms Warriors quite strong atm or something? at one point on trash he had like 900k dps lol
still... are Arms Warriors quite strong atm or something? at one point on trash he had like 900k dps lol
You're only going to get like 900k from Bladestorm/Avatar/Artifact weapon combo though...I think Arms does really good single target damage.
You're only going to get like 900k from Bladestorm/Avatar/Artifact weapon combo though...
It's whatever. Average AoE, but a little underrated when people say Arms has bad AoE. Nobody has the artifact talents to make it seem okay.The cleave/ buffed WW combo does a decent bit if you have a large enough group
still... are Arms Warriors quite strong atm or something? at one point on trash he had like 900k dps lol
What excites me is that they've all but confirmed that they'll be applying the scaling tech to older zones in the future, hopefully during the life cycle of Legion.
This opens the door to rejigging the entire leveling experience and would be the opportune time to introduce other changes, too.
I wonder if they could cut the XP required to level 1-100 in half (or more!), and package that experience in a series of 'stories' (like, each expansion basically), which you could select from at the outset, Mega-Man-style (or I guess, in the same vein as Artifacts or choosing Legion zone order). This could even be framed as you being a new adventurer hearing about the stories in the Caverns of Time before setting out into the new Legion world at 100, which is why you could also do them out of order with the game scaling to the order you pick.
Here's what I'm thinking this could look like:
Level 1-10 (or 1-15 or 1-20): Relatively the same. The intro to your class in Azeroth/Pandaria, and for a brand new player, to the game. Then, you get the option to do the rest of the levelling (from 11-100) by selecting from the 'stories' below.
Level 11-100: Expansion stories, selectable in any order you wish with scaling tech implemented:
- 5-7 zones from the 1-60 experience in Cata, maybe the most Deathwing-focused ones?
- Burning Crusade
- Wrath of the Lich King-
- Cataclysm (the newer 80-85 zones in Azeroth/Kalimdor)
- Pandaria
- Draenor
The idea would be that you only need to maybe, 2 of these 'stories' in their entirety, but that would take you all the way to 100. It would allow each character to have a very different experience on the way to 100, but would also allow people to quest in any zone they want basically, right through to completion. Some of the best stuff is at the end of each zone, but people never see it anymore because they out-level zones so quickly.
What do you guys think?
I know it's a sort of half-baked idea, but I hope it's a possibility with scaling tech.
Does anyone know the stat priority for Brewmaster? Or rather where I can find that kind of info?
I've been following icy-veins' but a site my friend linked me has a different priority all together. Not sure what is right.
Icy Veins is pretty poor right now for Prot Warriors.
Has anyone gotten bored already of the expansion? I played it for a week non stop got myself geared up to at least start raiding once it came out but since then I have other things I could be doing on my character they just don't feel like they are worth doing. IDK hopefully raids will help but I hate the idea I have to do a mythic dungeon for a class hall quest when I've already done that dungeon twice and can't get gear from it and people are still struggling with mythics somewhat >.> IDK I just don't have the drive I was expecting to have with the new expansion out.
Icy Veins is considered the premier source.
Noxxic is trash and has historically fucked up more than once.
"Off to Zerkhanar then to join my loved ones and friends!"
" kill them of course for harming your dragon. Bunch of mana addict degenerates the lot of them OH SHIT SON THERES MANA THERE BRB"
love this quest
edit: I just noticed they actually scratch themselves and twitch and shit, they really are crackheads
In terms of?
It hasn't been proof-read ("The other legendary items available to Protection Paladins cannot compete...). It doesn't give different stat builds for offensive/balanced/defensive (like DK does), and I'm not even sure the stat priority is right (then again, no-one is). The Legendary bracers on the BiS list are a major omission given the stats & effect. Doesn't value main-stat food.
Well look at this
Does anyone know the stat priority for Brewmaster? Or rather where I can find that kind of info?
I've been following icy-veins' but a site my friend linked me has a different priority all together. Not sure what is right.
Also, anyone know the ilevel requirement for the emerald nightmare LFR coming up? I'm 824 right now.
825 I think.