Star Falcon
Economy is ludicrous right now. Selling Fjarnskaggl for 100g EACH - only way im funding all the flasks, pots and food for ED.
Economy is ludicrous right now. Selling Fjarnskaggl for 100g EACH - only way im funding all the flasks, pots and food for ED.
The RNG gods smile upon me this day!
No chance of raid ones dropping now : (
Been tanking since BC and just tired of it honestly. I hit 110 and got into mythic quick and got geared, but I am not feeling tanking as much anymore. Wanna try healing.
Kinda want to try disc priest. Hows the class and spec these days?
From what I've read it's the weakest healing spec to bruteforce mechanics that are supposed to be avoided. But if everyone knows the fights, it goes quite swimmingly.
They need to bring volley back the way it actually was
let me unstable my gorilla for nostalgia's sake of it too
also why the fuck is lust still tied to a core hound when all the hunter pet buffs are gone and the brez is gone? just make it a BM hunter ability. That HAD to be an oversight.
And remove exotic pets.
Pets are largely cosmetic now, and Marks doesn't even use one.
No reason to just randomly snub Survival.
I thought they brought back pets for Marks, and they have a Lone Wolf talent option again?
Thats how it works but who would take the pet over increased damage?
I know I'm not a healer (), but I'd like to get in on it. Bizazedo - Arms Warrior.
Super late to this but I've been thinking the same thing. Usually just need DPS to fill out Mythic (and coming up Mythic+) things for our normal group and I don't generally like pugging out. That's myself as tank (DH/DK), a resto Druid, and Hunter, Monk, maybe DH for other people at least to this list.
I'm in for this as well. My main is Sain, an Alliance Rogue (Assassination, but I've played Outlaw a bit as well) on Lothar. I'm generally available after 8:00pm Eastern M-Th and the weekends are typically free with the exception of Friday/Saturday evening depending on personal plans.
I had this happen with the Azure Drake from Malygos. Next week, I got the Blue Drake. I also got the Black and Twilight Drakes within 2 or 3 runs of Obsidium Sanctum. Also got the Drake of the South (?) Wind from Throne of Four Winds in like my third attempt, and all of this was within 2 weeks, I believe. I had a good streak going there!
Done a bunch of Firelands runs though and neither mount there has dropped yet, nor has Sulfuras.
I'm going to start leveling my druid but can't decide between guardian or feral. I want to go guardian for the increased survivability but with the damage nerf coming to tanks I worried things will take too long to kill. With what little I've ran around the Isles as guardian it already takes a bit longer than I'd like but not ever having my health go down is really nice.
I'm going to start leveling my druid but can't decide between guardian or feral. I want to go guardian for the increased survivability but with the damage nerf coming to tanks I worried things will take too long to kill. With what little I've ran around the Isles as guardian it already takes a bit longer than I'd like but not ever having my health go down is really nice.
So far:
- Ashodin -- Ramos-Dalaran (Ret Paladin)
- Sarcasm -- ?? (Guardian Druid)
- Bizazedo -- Bizazedo-Thunderhorn (Arms Warrior)
- Scy -- DHDKTank/RestoDruidHealer/HunterMonkDPS
- Metroidvania - if schedule permits -- Ret or Prot Paladin
- Sain Drevia -- Sain-Lothar (Sin Rogue)
Thanks guys!
My character is Priphea-Proudmoore.
You can level as Feral but just put all your AP items into your Guardian Artifact if you want.
Make up for your slower single target kill rate by killing 5+ mobs at once.
Ah, sorry, Metroidvania-Arthas.
Thus far schedule looks fine for Sat (or Sun) nights.
Just to be clear, would we be full clearing all of them/as many as possible, or just 1/a couple of them per night?
Objectives are almost always easier with more people around now though, with the new system for tagging.
NEs are the bast race in the game strictly for shadowmeld. It's a get out of jail free card. I use it constantly. Hell, I use it to break combat when something is aggroing me under the world or otherwise jacked up in the game too.
If there are a dozen mobs between me and a quest/herb/whatever, just sprint through them all and shadowmeld to drop all the aggro. Rinse and repeat. 25 million HPs on that named? Pull and fight. If it looks like I can't win, shadowmeld and reset the fight. Some asshole trained all their mobs on you? Shadowmeld and watch them die. I have use this tactic all the time on people that try and pick an herb while I engage the 2 mobs right in front of it trying to clear so I can get the herb. Fuck you buddy. I shadowmeld, mobs attack the dude trying to get the berb, and I pick the herb right in front of him. I also use it in BGs during big brawls so it drops targetting on me. Just run into a pack of allies and shadowmeld.
I miss it so much on every non NE character I have!
Currently looking at Saturdays at 9 or 10 PM EASTERN. Is that good for any involved? Later? Earlier?
Please give Name-Server so players can be whispered on the servers/added to friends to make setup easier. Ideally we'll exchange members as needed who can play at that time - or we can swap out members for various runs. I don't mind sitting out on various runs so others can get in for the week - however I will ask that we prioritize mythics toward alternate Artifact skins. I'd like to see GAF each get their third skin!
Blizzard in their infinite wisdom decided that Marks of Honor should only drop in one out of every 8 or so BG win boxes. Good luck farming PvP gear, hope you enjoy those unbroken claws and swiftness potions.Do Marks of Honor still drop or was that a WOD thing?
Is this for mythic groups? I'm available as a holy paladin NA horde. Rehark-Tichondrius
Welp, I might have been interested in farming BGs for old PvP xmog gear but... yikes. Nope.Blizzard in their infinite wisdom decided that Marks of Honor should only drop in one out of every 8 or so BG win boxes. Good luck farming PvP gear, hope you enjoy those unbroken claws and swiftness potions.
That frost relic is refusing to drop from DHT. If I can get it then can reach 840 and get invited in mythic pugs.
Is there a recommended item level for Normal EN? My friends and I are going to try and get a group going, and they said they aren't sure if I should go as an Offtank on my DK (~820) or as DPS on my Rogue (~845). I would rather go on my Rogue but I'm just wondering what the recommended item level for Normal EN is.
EDIT: The loot is 850 so I guess 830-840 is ideal?
Yeah but you're killing 5 of them at a time. The question isn't 'can I kill these 5 mobs faster than a DPS can kill 2' it's 'can I kill these 5 mobs faster than a DPS can kill 5'That's what I've been doing but I'm worried that the damage nerf tomorrow will make killing mobs even slower.