I do think it's a bit premature to worry about rerolling or considering switching to a FOTM spec, before the first post-raid balance pass. They're going to have to be pretty huge buffs if the underperforming classes are reaching between 1/2 and 2/3rds the damage of the highest performing, and I'm assuming that NT-Quickening is going to be removed. I actually think that having quickening stack to 25 and each giving 8% haste would be a completely reasonable buff given how absurd the playstyle is to reach 80+ stacks is.
'Just reroll a good spec', as a bunch of people have pointed out, isn't really a good piece of advice when you've invested time and AP in an Artifact for a 'bad' spec.
Oh, I agree. I like my Warlock.
I'm just curious as to what Blizzard's bullshit response is going to be now that the numbers have confirmed what people have been saying for months.
Maybe we start with 4 shards next week. Can you do 100,000 more damage per second with an extra starting shard? I know I can't.