This dropped for my horde mm alt out of TEN at Ursoc.
It does proc, even though it says melee.
It does proc, even though it says melee.
Huh, just found this while WQing
Requires level 101, too.
It takes place in the Rift of Aln which is Old God related I think so it's supposed to look like that and evoke a feeling of infinite nothingness.
Also got an 890 titanforged Holy relic off the world boss. Huzzah for luck.
Just tell your Guardian that Growl not only taunts but increases the threat generated for 3 seconds, so he can spam it on CD a few times after the initial taunt to help until blizzard fixes bear's pitiful ST DPS and threat... Aside from the ST issue though I am really liking Guardian, lots of CDs to use as needed, a really nice heal that gets better the harder I just got bursted, and very smooth damage intake. Plus, having the choice between physical/magic active mitigation is nice, since it at least adds some level of skill to tanking. But it is annoying having to use my +armor AM against something like Dargul's 2 nature damage attacks in a row because for whatever reason the game doesn't count my spell damage reduction as AM for the binary checks.
Also, everyone says bear DPS is low, and ST is absolutely terrible, but my god if I can't hit over 1 million DPS on certain trash pulls even after the nerf with specific talent setups. Rage of the Sleeper too stronk.
Awesome, GM told me I should probably switch to Arms because of strong it is and if Fury doesn't get fixed that they can't really bring me for heroics. He used a lot of soft language and tried to be nice but the message is clear: go Arms or we can't carry Fury's DPS.
Spec balance has been fucking horrendous this xpack.
This dropped for my horde mm alt out of TEN at Ursoc.
It does proc, even though it says melee.
It's technically the least in demand spec. Guilds only need 2 of them for raiding after all.
Holy fuck.
- Receive Order Resources for World Quests (with combat follower)
I don't know if it's my PC or the servers but WoW seems to have two "modes"- normal and shitty.
In normal mode everything loads at a regular, normal clip and there is moderate pop-in when I port to Dalaran or whatever other crowded area.
In shitty mode everything takes forever to load and does so sporadically (ie; character is invisible for like 2+ minutes after logging in), the game doesn't alt-tab properly, and it just generally acts really weird and unpolished.
Not seeing unusual latency in either case. Anyone else have this?
Yeah, I have the same options as a DH so the bonus coin is easily better. Plus it saves me 4K a week to help me save up for that spider.I'm getting the free Seal, with mages the other option is "complete a world quest instantly every 3 days" which is absolutely rubbish.
that's the black rook hold boss. You get a damage buff for it.
Looks like the hidden Elemental Shaman artifact appearance was found
Is it an appearance of better DPS?
TBC is an absolute slog. The "stories" were already a step down from Vanilla, and triple so from Cata. Wrath has a lot of great stories, but the experience gain still feels a bit slow. Once you get back to cata its a breeze from there onSo now that my main (Guardian Druid) is quite stable, and I just log in on the weekends for some Mythic+ runs with friends and every 3 days to knock out my emissary quests, I decided to finally do something I have been meaning to do for years. Been playing since 2004, rushing through so much of the content, I wanted to finally level a character through all of the questing content in the game very slowly, taking time to experience the stories in each zone and see how things feel. No heirlooms or XP buffs or anything. Plan to do all of the quests (that I can find at least) in each zone, and possibly each dungeon as well, likely over the course of the next few months. Got my character to ~30s already and some things I've noticed:
- I god damn LOVE the cata revamped old world, it is really a shame there is almost no reason to do this content anymore. Some of these quests are masterpieces, from Westfall to Redridge, even a zone as boring as Loch Modan is funny with the "axis of evil" (consisting of troggs enslaved by kobolds being controlled by gnolls working for murlocs). Not to mention classics like "Welcome to the Machine" and "The Day Deathwing Came"
- Really starting to appreciate minor conveniences of today's world. Having mobs that run at low HP isn't something I miss.
- Low level abilities are all kinds of wrong. I know they mentioned fixing this, but why does my Druid get the ability to remove curses and poisons at 22, while I don't get my first heal until 26?
- Even without heirlooms the XP scaling is all off. I've far outlevelled each zone just working through quests to get to the breadcrumb for the next zone without any XP boosts active.
- Don't know if this will continue, but I kind of like how the time spent in zones goes down as you level up. Like Loch Modan had ~50 quests, westfall has ~30 and Arathi has ~25. This has worked well enough to keep my ADD in check.
Anyway, been having a lot of fun. Been playing for so long, so I kind of know the stories and lore of a lot of these areas, but going and actually taking my time to experience the story has been a lot of fun. We will see how things change when I get to BC though, since that will technically be a step back from the cata modified old world.
Got an 840 fire relic from a world quest.
Guess it's back to fire so I can stop going oom mid fight. :x
TBC is an absolute slog. The "stories" were already a step down from Vanilla, and triple so from Cata. Wrath has a lot of great stories, but the experience gain still feels a bit slow. Once you get back to cata its a breeze from there on
Go back to Haustvald and run into the portal.So I had to hearth out of Helheim and I'm not sure now where to go to get back to it. Any reminders?
. Nomi will now also check your bank to see if you have any Silver Mackerel for him to burn.
Go back to Haustvald and run into the portal.
just realized if they add a new race in the future what their /dance would be
are you ready for dabbing ogres?
Ogres already have the Chippendales shuffle
Mythic+ is amazing. I'm loving this expansion.
Any Holy Pallies here? What are your impressions of the spec so far? I don't heal often, but HPal is probably going to be the only healing spec available to me among my first batch of alts.
I wonder if regular raiders (who didn't stick around in WoD earning gold) are priced out of raiding for the first two weeks. An enchant or gem can go into high 5 figures.
Me and friend just did Darkheart Thicket Mythic +. Got my lvl 2 towards Halls of Valor and he got Arcway +5. We were wondering how this works now. He wants me to help him through Arcway, but I'm like really really sure we will not get below time limit because that dungeon is exhausting as fuck. Does my keystone deplete too? Can he choose to get no loot but get another keystone?
No, only the keystone that is used to start the mythic+ run will be depleted. Even if you dont make the timer youll still get a loot chest at the end if you can clear it.