Six-Feather Fan ouch.
but just imagine how the dude who bought it for 30k felt
Six-Feather Fan ouch.
Besides Ley Race (which was bugged for me today so I couldn't see the mana beams), all the Kirin Tor WQs are shite anyway. Sometimes I seriously wonder if I can even be arsed doing them all just for the fun, fun reward of 800 gold/some order resources and an 810 blue when I'm in full epics.Aaand the Kirin Tor enigma quest in Val'sharah is bugged and can't be completed. There aren't enough other Kirin Tor quests in the rotation to complete the emissary quest either. Great job, Blizz!
So I'm gonna post this here since me and a buddy tank have been looking for people to do mythic+ higher end ones.
So we are looking for 3 DPS who would like to do mythic+ stuffs over the weekend and sometimes weekdays at primetimeish (lets say 7 or 8pm EST). WE would love to farm any +2/+3 keys with anyone as well. We also are looking for people who are willing to go with us beyond mythic+5 (cause its fun to get hit by tyrannical and sanguine mobs right??) and learn through the dungeon and eventually clearing it.
We are in Horde NA. Feel free to add my bnet: Tetron#1175
P.S. said buddy tank posts here too~
Withered Jim messing groups UP. Haha, I love world boss madness.
Long live the king!
but just imagine how the dude who bought it for 30k felt
I sold the same 855 Fan for 250k, definitely wasn't worth 800k on my server cluster.
Are AHs shared among multiple realms now?
Up to 841 now, but damn is it tough to get into mythic groups. And a side effect of being a little slow in gearing up is that there are less regular mythic groups now and a lot more keystone groups. Feelsbadman.
Up to 841 now, but damn is it tough to get into mythic groups. And a side effect of being a little slow in gearing up is that there are less regular mythic groups now and a lot more keystone groups. Feelsbadman.
I have a for a few, it's just funny. With all the handwringing I was expecting something intense, but they're pretty easy.A suggestion to you, make your own groups. Most people don't make their own groups because they cba.
Would be great. Put a minimum item level on there and you're good to go.They honestly need to just make regular mythics queueable. They're as easy as heroics.
Aforementioned tank, 862 Vengeance DH, 852 Blood DK (though more-or-less converting the DK into my DPS alt probably?). scy#1745 for mine.
They honestly need to just make regular mythics queueable. They're as easy as heroics.
Would be great. Put a minimum item level on there and you're good to go.
Sölf;219026696 said:Got boosted with my Court of Stars+4 stone. Seriously, this group. No idea if my group will ever be able to do stuff like that, probably not with our classes and speccs. Got 860 Hands and 850 Boots out of it, they had better secondaries, even though I now lost the 6 piece bonus of the order hall set.
Blessed are my crops and the fruits of my labors
Blessed are my crops and the fruits of my labors
Man, all GAF posters who want people for Mythic+ groups etc. are all horde. Are there ANY alliance players on here? lol
But I already added you....!.
How did you get a +4 stone so quickly? Or is it possible to get something other than a +2 out of your weekly chest on Tues?
Same battle groups, I think.
I can see my Horde's auctions (Warsong) on my Alliance characters (Gorgonnash).
what are this week's mythic+ affixes? Are they different in NA/EU?
You get locked to heroics, can't walk into the instance.Yes. Mythic is the only one that uses traditional instance lockout, the others are all loot based lockout, so you can join as many group as you want and kill the bosses over and over but youre only eligible for loot on the first kill per difficulty.
my data on that game is, like, 2013-2014 heh. It wasn't exactly tab target sunder armor levels but I definitely remember needing to do some tab targeting gymnastics with my 3 hit combo to be absolutely sure that BLMs abusing Flare wouldn't pull off me during dungeon speedruns. But yeah it makes sense to me that they'd follow WoW in that respect over time.
I saw a Ghostcrawler post on mmo-champ yesterday where he talked about having to gear for threat and finding that interesting, I totally get where he was coming from even if not everyone agrees. In vanilla WoW I was that crazy tanking bear druid and I was able to out-aggro warriors several times over due to silly scaling on Maul. I did similar things in BC and loved my max agility-gear offtank role.
Teeming, Skittish, Fortified for NA; EU won't be known until tomorrow.
looks like those prayers from earlier were heard.
there are 6 withered jims right now
How did you get a +4 stone so quickly? Or is it possible to get something other than a +2 out of your weekly chest on Tues?
Had the WQ bugged as well, just repeated patterns until they worked. Too like ~3 or 4 attempts per successful one. Thanks, Jim!
And yeah, the rewards scale a lot slower than I expected for WQs. I thought they were supposed to try to keep up a bit better than just plateauing at the 840s. Unless it's some breakthrough they'll hit when I get to 870+.
Aforementioned tank, 862 Vengeance DH, 852 Blood DK (though more-or-less converting the DK into my DPS alt probably?). scy#1745 for mine.
So question regarding dungeons. On my Arms Warrior I've been thinking of picking up prot on the side, could I queue as prot and tank the dungeon, but switch to Arms before looting bosses and then switch back?
Right click your character pane and you can set your loot spec separate from your actual spec.So question regarding dungeons. On my Arms Warrior I've been thinking of picking up prot on the side, could I queue as prot and tank the dungeon, but switch to Arms before looting bosses and then switch back?
If it's just loot you're after, just switch your loot specialization in the unit frame menu.
Right click your character pane and you can set your loot spec separate from your actual spec.
So you can be in Prot but get loot for Arms.
Well hey look at that, learn something new everyday lol
Aforementioned tank, 862 Vengeance DH, 852 Blood DK (though more-or-less converting the DK into my DPS alt probably?). scy#1745 for mine.
Six-Feather Fan ouch.
accidently sent a guy 10k and 5 obliterium and didn't click the COD option
Hopefully he pays it back >_<