Hitler Stole My Potato said:one of them I had a relationship with for over a year while I was dating someone else.

You, and the married chick, and this new girl, in a big pot of love stew.
Hitler Stole My Potato said:one of them I had a relationship with for over a year while I was dating someone else.
jooey said:so you're saying you could beat up her husband pretty easily?
Cold-Steel said:I guess the logical question would be to ask yourselves this:
What would you do if it was your wife?
Could you videotape it and pm it to me plz?Alyssa DeJour said:Yes, I would sleep with a married woman.
Pimpwerx said:Read another thread on another board just now, and it got me thinking. How bad are my scrupples? I've done this while in Miami, and never had a second thought about it. She was a coworker of mine, and we went out together a lot. The first night I went to go pick her up, I knocked on the door, and she had me stand out there for like 10 minutes (even called me on the phone while she was in there), and then pops out and doesn't introduce me to her husband, who must have been inside. After that, I never went to the door, just called her up from the car. She's actually supposed to come up here to visit me sometime next month. :?
Now there's this other chick who I'm taking classes with, and we hang out all the time. She calls me every night, and she's always got something negative to say about her husband. She's always complaining about her body, just waiting for me to point out that big old booty and round titties are just fine...and I tell her that all the time. We pinch and play around and we're fairly close. But I haven't done anything to her, but again...I have no qualms about bending her over. I clearly have no moral compass, but would anyone else get involved with a married woman?
BTW, it's not like I actively pursue married women. My pimphand's mad strong these days, so I'm pretty much spreading it around. I'm impulsive, so I just go after anything I like. But if I know a woman is married, I don't necessarily back off. I'm not looking for justification, I know it's wrong...I just don't care. But I'm wondering if anyone else is in the same boat. I know others have mentioned doing something similar, but always under the guise of feigned regret. PEACE.
WWJD?olimario said:No way.
If a married woman wants to get with a single guy, she needs to get a divorce first. That will pretty much prevent conflict.
Alyssa DeJour's Tag said:Not Greekboy. Really. Shut the fuck up.
Alyssa DeJour said:This is my take on the whole thing if you are married, it is your responsibility to remain faithful, no one elses. you made the vow, you made the commitment, you need to keep it. Anyone elses intentions and actions are completely irrelevant, it all comes down to you.
If you do single, then you have no commitments to anyone, you are free to live and enjoy the single life, and fuck anyone who is willing to fuck you. That is the beauty of being single, the freedom. You have made no vow, so why should you accept any responsibility for a promise someone else made to some other guy? You shouldnt.
Here is a scenario for you that highlights what I mean. You are a single guy in a bar, and you see this hot chick. You go up to her and start a conversation, and offer to buy her a drink. She smiles, accepts and starts flirting with you. Things are looking pretty good, and you think youre a definite shoe-in. Next thing you know this big guy comes up and thumps you one for hitting on his wife. Whats wrong with this scenario?? You did nothing wrong! You didnt know she was married (and even if you did so what) you are single and you are free to hit on anyone you choose. It is her responsibility to set the boundaries and do the right thing, she is the married one, SHE is the one doing the wrong thing, not you. What should happen in this scenario is the guy gets his wife and deals with the issue with her, not your responsibility.
This goes for flirting, kissing, having sex, whatever... it's the married person's responsibility and they should take all the blame. It is not the responsibility of the single guy, it is not his commitment.
Cold-Steel said:I guess the logical question would be to ask yourselves this:
What would you do if it was your wife?
Gorgie said:Most rational post in this thread. Thread over.
If the woman in question is not satisfied in that marriage, then by all means, FUCK HER.
Loki said:No, it wasn't, because she ignored the title of the thread, which was whether one would knowingly sleep with a married woman. She sidestepped the pertinent issue entirely. And as far as that question goes, I'd just like to say that there is a metric fuckload of morally vacant people here on GAF; the responsibility in such a scenario does indeed lie with both people. Just because one person (the married partner) "doesn't know any better" (i.e., is acting unscrupulously) doesn't mean that, if we do know better (and make no mistake-- everyone here condoning this realizes on some level that it's wrong), we should indulge them or allow them to continue down that path with us as willing accomplices. Only idiots would do such a thing, and only even bigger idiots would try to rationalize it.
I must say, quite honestly, that the level of moral turpitude displayed on this board is frequently quite shocking. Nobody's perfect, yes, but many here wallow in their imperfection, and it's repulsive. Many of you should be ashamed of yourselves, but I doubt you will be. Just keep doing whatever makes you feel good. Peace, love...
Oh yeah, and I hope the profligate putzes will keep their snappy comebacks to themselves. There is nothing to discuss here; you believe as you do, I believe as I do. One of us is wrong, one of us is right-- I am content in leaving the question of who is what to the people.
DopeyFish said:of course... that is if she's married with me
The idea that being single absolves you of any moral responsibility is pretty retarded. I can see sleeping with someone that's married if it's the kinda thing that "just happens", but the idea that you are allowed to actively seek out and destroy other people's marriages is a bit much to bear. You might be singing a different tune if your husband were cheating on you, but I imagine you'll claim otherwise.This goes for flirting, kissing, having sex, whatever... it's the married person's responsibility and they should take all the blame.
Quellex said:If her husband was abusing her physically or emotionally or both and she hated his guts but couldnt get away due to various complications then yeah, I would sleep with her.
Loki said:No, it wasn't, because she ignored the title of the thread, which was whether one would knowingly sleep with a married woman. She sidestepped the pertinent issue entirely. And as far as that question goes, I'd just like to say that there is a metric fuckload of morally vacant people here on GAF; the responsibility in such a scenario does indeed lie with both people. Just because one person (the married partner) "doesn't know any better" (i.e., is acting unscrupulously) doesn't mean that, if we do know better (and make no mistake-- everyone here condoning this realizes on some level that it's wrong), we should indulge them or allow them to continue down that path with us as willing accomplices. Only idiots would do such a thing, and only even bigger idiots would try to rationalize it.
I must say, quite honestly, that the level of moral turpitude displayed on this board is frequently quite shocking. Nobody's perfect, yes, but many here wallow in their imperfection, and it's repulsive. Many of you should be ashamed of yourselves, but I doubt you will be. Just keep doing whatever makes you feel good. Peace, love...
Oh yeah, and I hope the profligate putzes will keep their snappy comebacks to themselves. There is nothing to discuss here; you believe as you do, I believe as I do. One of us is wrong, one of us is right-- I am content in leaving the question of who is what to the people.
No, that's not rational it's just a totally shitty analogy. You really think adultery is the same as some mild cheating on a diet?aoi tsuki said:Did i feel bad about it? No. It would be like working at a bakery and giving a slice a chocolate cake to someone i know is on a diet. They're the one breaking the commitment. If they really want the cake and i don't sell it to them, they'll just go elsewhere or find someone who will sell it to them. Yes, it's rationalizing, but it's also true.
i'm not saying that cheating on your diet carries the same weight as cheating on your spouse, but in both examples you're breaking a commitment. i think i'll just leave it at that, because arguments in morality go in circles.border said:No, that's not rational it's just a totally shitty analogy. You really think adultery is the same as some mild cheating on a diet?
You missed the point of the question.i'm not saying that cheating on your diet carries the same weight as cheating on your spouse, but in both examples you're breaking a commitment.
border said:You missed the point of the question.
A diet and a marriage are both commitments, but a diet is a commitment only to yourself. When you enable someone to cheat on a diet, you are not fucking over some 3rd party as in the case of adultery. The analogy is not flawed because of the weight of the act, but because of the people you affect through your actions.
The whole "they'll just get it somewhere else" bit also reeks. To take it a step further....would you sell liquor to an current/former alcoholic? Even further....would you sell heroin to a junkie (assuming no legal repurcussions)? Just like the horny wife they'd probably go somewhere else for their fix, though I don't see why that necessarily means you should profit from their problems.
Whoa there. Instead of calling it the most fundamental compact in human society, let's label it appropriately. It's western society. My grandparents weren't married. Not on my mother or father's side. It's not a given by any means in the islands. In many different cultures, marriage just isn't very important. A family unit is comprised differently. Marriage is a human construct. It's artificial. There are monogamous relationships in nature, but they are the exception, not the rule. I don't see a particular need to obey something that's as tied to dogma as anything else.Loki said:You don't even have to take it that far, with all these analogies (though I agree with you). Just look at contract law. Marriage is a contract; breach of such is, at the very least, unethical, if not illegal (not in the case of adultery, obviously- at least not in the US). A man who would willingly breach the most fundamental compact in human society is something less than a man. There's no use arguing with people like aoi tsuki-- recalcitrant immorality is the worst kind.
Loki said:You don't even have to take it that far, with all these analogies (though I agree with you). Just look at contract law. Marriage is a contract; breach of such is, at the very least, unethical, if not illegal (not in the case of adultery, obviously- at least not in the US). A man who would willingly breach the most fundamental compact in human society is something less than a man. There's no use arguing with people like aoi tsuki-- recalcitrant immorality is the worst kind.
Pimpwerx said:Whoa there. Instead of calling it the most fundamental compact in human society, let's label it appropriately. It's western society. My grandparents weren't married. Not on my mother or father's side. It's not a given by any means in the islands. In many different cultures, marriage just isn't very important. A family unit is comprised differently. Marriage is a human construct. It's artificial. There are monogamous relationships in nature, but they are the exception, not the rule. I don't see a particular need to obey something that's as tied to dogma as anything else.
The reality is that relationships go sour. So a lifetime contract is just about the dumbest thing I can imagine. It's why so many marriages end in divorce now. So, I take issue with that "less than a man" comment, thank you very much. The man who loses his woman to another either married a whore, or isn't man enough to handle his own at home. Survival of the fittest. PEACE.
I don't see a particular need to obey something that's as tied to dogma as anything else.
So a lifetime contract is just about the dumbest thing I can imagine. It's why so many marriages end in divorce now
Survival of the fittest.
Loki said:Using the natural world (i.e., the wild) as your arbiter of proper human conduct is evidence only of the fact that you might as well be an animal. Last I checked, you lived in <gasp> western society. Further, western society has achieved an unprecedented level of sophistication and affluence. To assume that marriage-- one of the most fundamental features of that civilization, historically-- played no role in the advancement of said civilization, is to expose yourself as an intellectual dwarf. Besides which, it's not "only" western culture which featured a prominent role for marriage, and recognized its sanctity and value-- it's a large part of Oriental and Indian culture as well. This just illustrates how intellectually (not to mention morally) bankrupt many of your assertions are.
Human civilization is tied to dogma, huh? Was this before or after men came together to create religion? What came first, the chicken or the egg? Marriage as a contract is tied to religion. If this is historically inaccurate, I'll rescind it. But afaik, monogamous relationships existed before marriage. As evidenced by the rest of the animal kingdom. But as you say, marriage doesn't need to be tied to religion to be of benefit. Likewise, you don't need marriage at all. Polygamic societies function just fine without the strict concept of monogamy. Are you gonna consider those marriages too? If you recognize polygamy, maybe there's no problem with just hitting and quitting too, since a woman can keep devotion to a single man even in his absence.The existence and perpetuation of human civilization is tied to dogma. Asserting that valuing marriage is any more "dogmatic" than, say, valuing the rule of law, or of contracts, is an exercise in idiocy. Particularly in ight of the fact that marriage needn't be tied to religious ideals to be of benefit (and indeed, this has been the case in many societies throughout history in which marriage's import was recognized).
Crudeness again != intellectual crudeness. Even you can differentiate the two, Loki. That said, I meant the souring of relationships prior to the expiration of the lifetime contract is the reason for the upswing in divorces. And with a free society, with less judgement of morality, people are more willing to get that divorce instead of toughing out a loveless marriage. The 1st and 3rd sentence in the second paragraph are meant to go together.You again show your intellectual crudeness. There are various sociological factors which have caused the upswing in the number of divorces. The "lifetime contract" part has been around for millenia, so you can't attribute the rise in divorce to it. If you care to be at all intellectually honest, that is, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for you.
Darwin would be proud. How about you do us a favor and go fool around with some underaged Down Syndrome chick again. Go on, Duane, show us how "fit" you are. <snicker>
You're welcome to. You can risk going to jail for it. Fortunately, adultery carries no such legal repurcussions. Note: I make no bones about right or wrong here. I just don't give a fuck. But the fact is, my dick won't land me in jail. Killing someone will. You push the envelope in the direction you're most comfortable. If you want to kill someone, you're welcome to. You just need to be ready to handle the consequences dictated by this darn western society.Should I kill you because I'm stronger than you? Survival of the fittest, no? Oh, what a tangled we we weave...
LOL! I think I struck a nerve with this thread. Some people overlook it, but some people get their moral panties in a twist over adultery. I suppose some people have stronger emotional reactions to issues of love and commitment. Me? No such thing. Player for life. I've discovered that I keep more money, keep more time and still enjoy the one thing that a relationship gave me, sexual satisfaction. It's shallow, it's petty, but it's honest. You know I don't mince words. It is what it is. I bet I feel different if I get fat and ugly and old, but even ugly people get ass. It's more about game than actual appearances. Lemme put you on the game, Loki. PEACE.For your own sake, do some thinking. Quit while you're ahead. I'm not stopping you from being all the man you can be-- get to screwing those handicapped kids and married women.
Beyond that, you have the concept of property, murder, and social class. All far more fundamental to society (and mostly predating) the concept of a nuptial contract
We are not monogamous animals by nature
and in fact monogamy is not a natural state for humans, it's a conscious and morally-motivated choice.
Monogamy is, from a basic genetic standpoint, bad for a species, and in the animal kingdom offspring are routinely found to have a different father than the male social companion of the mother. This is not universal, but it's certainly more common than the reverse.
I would not and have not cheated on a spouse or anyone with whom I was in an exclusive relationship. However, that marriage compact is between myself and her. I don't expect anyone else, certainly not outside my social circle (there's that "other" problem again) to respect that agreement.
The job of rejecting the extramarital advance is that of the married party.
Would it be preferable if the guy in question respected the existing marital bond? Sure, but I don't expect him to, nor do I think he necessarily should. In such a situation, I would not lay any blame on him, although I certainly wouldn't buy him a beer if I ever met him. To believe or expect anything else is at the very least overly idealistic, if not strikingly naive.
Pimpwerx said:You can't lose me in a lake of text, Loki.
Pimpwerx said:Gimme a fucking break. Because I don't subscribe to your view of the world or your warped sense of morality says nothing about my intelligence.
Intelligence and morality (a totally subjective topic, mind you) aren't at all related.
Morality differs from person to person. Do you think it's wrong for a woman to talk back to her husband? Should women expose their legs? Is eye contact with your elders a sign ot disrespect? Right...and my argument is intellectually bankrupt.
Western society is not the world.
As pointed out, in my home country (and many others like it), marriage isn't a necessity. My parents have been married for 30+ years despite that. But their parents weren't. A family unit is something different from culture to culture. Are you gonna look down your nose at the way things are done in my home country? You gotta be kidding me.
Human civilization is tied to dogma, huh? Was this before or after men came together to create religion? What came first, the chicken or the egg? Marriage as a contract is tied to religion. If this is historically inaccurate, I'll rescind it.
But afaik, monogamous relationships existed before marriage.
As evidenced by the rest of the animal kingdom. But as you say, marriage doesn't need to be tied to religion to be of benefit. Likewise, you don't need marriage at all. Polygamic societies function just fine without the strict concept of monogamy. Are you gonna consider those marriages too? If you recognize polygamy, maybe there's no problem with just hitting and quitting too, since a woman can keep devotion to a single man even in his absence.
Crudeness again != intellectual crudeness.
And with a free society, with less judgement of morality, people are more willing to get that divorce instead of toughing out a loveless marriage. The 1st and 3rd sentence in the second paragraph are meant to go together.
The fact is, if I can hit a married chick, what do I have that her husband doesn't?
Clearly there's a reason she'd come get some here instead of going home, right? Maybe I'm more man than he is.
You are the one questioning the manhood, claiming that a known adulterer would be "less of a man". I'm telling you otherwise. That the strong survive
Maybe I need to put you on my program. Show you how one can have a perfectly enjoyable, yet completely loveless sex life
Some see it as this emotionally charged what not. I see it as a skeet shoot. You get in, bust a nut, get out.
Me? No such thing. Player for life.
Teknopathetic said:Whee, gotta love people flaunting their "holier than thou" morals and what not. If being moral also means I'll have to be a douche, then I'll bang every married chick in a 10 mile radius.